Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Trusting God in Times of Trouble-Hopson Carol

Don't you just want to stand up and shout hallelujah at
this point? I do! But what does God want from His sheep?
He wants us to listen to Him, to spend time meditating on
His words, praying to Him, and seeking His counsel. Four
times in Scripture we are commanded to "hear His voice"
and not "harden our hearts" (Psalm 95:7-8; Hebrews 3:7-8,
15; 4:7).
Years ago, I read that the United States government
didn't use fake money to teach Treasury agents to detect
counterfeit bills. They only showed them real money over
and over until they had every detail memorized. Then,
when they saw a counterfeit, it looked so different to them
that they were able to instantly recognize it. We spend too
much time focusing on the counterfeits in this world and
not enough time focusing on the "real thing"! If we focus on
God's Word and, by doing so, listen to His voice over and
over, we will be able to recognize the "counterfeit" voices
much easier. Personally, the counterfeit voices tell me that
I need to worry about my future, about the U.S. economy,
and what I hear in the news every day. They also say that
I need to be overly concerned about my physical appearance
and standing up for my rights.
Listening to my Shepherd's voice changes everything!
His desire is that I would find my security and hope in Him
alone. He wants me to love Him above all else…for who He
is…for all He's done…for all He continues to do each day as
He leads, guides, and cares for me. You see, getting back to
little Lucy, as she began spending time with her Papa, feeling
his love, care, and protection, she began to respond with
open arms and great affection. She had gotten to know her
Papa again! Getting reacquainted with your heavenly Papa
will give you peace, comfort, and security in these uncertain

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