Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Trusting God-C. Hopson

Dear Lord, sometimes it's difficult
To follow where You lead.
It seems that my plans differ so
And I know what I need.
But that is selfish arrogance
Since I belong to You.
O help me, Lord, to see things from
Your heavenly point of view.
And help me keep an open mind
For what Your love can do.
And as I trust Your perfect plan
I know You'll see me through.
-Carol Hopson

1. What hinders you from finding joy in your trials?
2. Look at a recent trial or difficult time, and write out
how you could have grown in your faith if you had trusted
God with it. (If you did "rejoice" in your trial, explain
what God brought into your life to mature you.)
3. Read 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12, and write down why
we need to be obedient in this area of rejoicing in the difficult
times God allows.
4. Feast on James chapter 5, and write out all the
promises you find in this chapter; then spend time
thanking God for them.

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