Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Carol Hopson-Trusting God in times of trouble

Preparing the
Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as
the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be
troubled, nor let it be fearful.
-John 14:27
For He Himself is our peace…
-Ephesians 2:14
When God called Jesus our "Prince of Peace" in Isaiah 9:6,
it meant that He would be the ruler or administrator of
peace, both now and in the future. It further means that He
wants to rule in our emotions, thoughts, and actions and
bring peace to our minds at all times. If He is our peace and
if He left His peace with us, why don't we have it? Let me
suggest three reasons why we might lose our peace.
1. We are focusing on our problems rather than on the
power and presence of God in our lives.
When I do this, I'm plagued with sadness, bitterness,
anger, or anxiety. I met someone on a flight who was really
struggling, so I tried to encourage her and gave her some
scriptures to help her. She claimed to be a Christian and was
grateful. About six months later, God brought her to mind,
and I e-mailed her and asked how she was doing. She
answered that she was really going under because of the
political situation, finances, and her work. God was so good
to allow me to send her what I had just been studying from
His Word and how it was continually helping me to stay
focused on God's Word rather than on what was going on
around me (1 Corinthians 2:5; Psalm 112:6-7; 119:165). She
was so thankful to God for seeing her need and sending an email
from many states away that would bring her back to the
truth and to spiritual health. She wrote, "The verses you sent
are now my lifeline to peace! I've stopped focusing on the
problems and keep these words always before me."

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