Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Trusting God-C. Hopson

A woman came to me who was furious with her husband
for moving her to California and away from her family in
another state. She was so miserable and so mad at her husband
that she couldn't see beyond her loneliness and anger.
She had heard me speak on accepting what God brings into
our lives and using it for His glory, but she was unable to
see how it applied to her situation. She was totally blinded
by her own perspective…wondering how God could use her
when she was lonely, miserable, away from her family, and
upset with God. I asked her if she had given her life to the
Lord, and she responded that she had. "So when did you
take it back?" I asked. She was stunned for a moment and
then asked what I meant. "Well, when you give something
away, it doesn't belong to you anymore; you have no rights
over it. So, since you are claiming all the rights over your
life, I'm assuming that you took it back and really didn't
mean it when you gave it to the Lord."
"But I don't like what He's doing!" she cried to me.
I then went on to ask her if she had given Him a chance
to show her what He could do in her, for her, and through
her if she let go of her selfishness, confessed her sin, and
allowed God to work. I asked her to close her fist and picture
me trying to give her a lot of money…would she be able
to receive it with a closed fist? No, it would fall to the floor.
But if she opened her hand, she could receive the gift I was
giving to her. I used this to explain to her that her mind was
like that closed fist and she couldn't see or receive any of
God's blessings until she opened her mind and heart to
receive them. God did open her eyes and revealed to her
that this misery she was relishing wasn't any fun, and she
finally admitted her sin and repented.

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