Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Trusting God-C. Hopson

Dear Lord, sometimes it's difficult
To follow where You lead.
It seems that my plans differ so
And I know what I need.
But that is selfish arrogance
Since I belong to You.
O help me, Lord, to see things from
Your heavenly point of view.
And help me keep an open mind
For what Your love can do.
And as I trust Your perfect plan
I know You'll see me through.
-Carol Hopson

1. What hinders you from finding joy in your trials?
2. Look at a recent trial or difficult time, and write out
how you could have grown in your faith if you had trusted
God with it. (If you did "rejoice" in your trial, explain
what God brought into your life to mature you.)
3. Read 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12, and write down why
we need to be obedient in this area of rejoicing in the difficult
times God allows.
4. Feast on James chapter 5, and write out all the
promises you find in this chapter; then spend time
thanking God for them.

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Trusting God-Mrs. Carol Hopson

Now it's time to explain the word perfect, because our
verse says that when we endure trials, they will have their
"perfect result" in us. The word perfect here means that we
will mature, we will grow, and we will be more like Christ
through each trial. We can rejoice in trials because the end
result is our growth! If our priorities are ease, comfort, and
self-will, we will see our trials as stumbling blocks rather
than stepping-stones to maturity.
This dear wife decided to try to open her eyes and heart
to what God might be doing in moving them to this new
place. I met with her several times, and after a few months,
she could hardly believe that she had been so unhappy. God
had provided great friends, a wonderful church family,
great weather, new excursions to the beach and elsewhere
with her family, and much more. But it wasn't until she
was willing to let go of her selfish agenda that she could see
what God wanted to give her.
I have to admit that I have had a closed fist at times too,
especially when I didn't like the direction God was leading.
But as I've opened my heart to do His will, not mine, He has
poured out His blessings in ways I never expected. No,
things didn't always go as I would choose or plan, but God
always brought peace, joy, and a closer walk with Him
through it all.
In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a
little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by
various trials, that the proof of your faith, being
more precious than gold which is perishable, even
though tested by fire, may be found to result in
praise and glory and honor at the revelation of
Jesus Christ.
-1 Peter 1:6-7.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trusting God-C. Hopson

A woman came to me who was furious with her husband
for moving her to California and away from her family in
another state. She was so miserable and so mad at her husband
that she couldn't see beyond her loneliness and anger.
She had heard me speak on accepting what God brings into
our lives and using it for His glory, but she was unable to
see how it applied to her situation. She was totally blinded
by her own perspective…wondering how God could use her
when she was lonely, miserable, away from her family, and
upset with God. I asked her if she had given her life to the
Lord, and she responded that she had. "So when did you
take it back?" I asked. She was stunned for a moment and
then asked what I meant. "Well, when you give something
away, it doesn't belong to you anymore; you have no rights
over it. So, since you are claiming all the rights over your
life, I'm assuming that you took it back and really didn't
mean it when you gave it to the Lord."
"But I don't like what He's doing!" she cried to me.
I then went on to ask her if she had given Him a chance
to show her what He could do in her, for her, and through
her if she let go of her selfishness, confessed her sin, and
allowed God to work. I asked her to close her fist and picture
me trying to give her a lot of money…would she be able
to receive it with a closed fist? No, it would fall to the floor.
But if she opened her hand, she could receive the gift I was
giving to her. I used this to explain to her that her mind was
like that closed fist and she couldn't see or receive any of
God's blessings until she opened her mind and heart to
receive them. God did open her eyes and revealed to her
that this misery she was relishing wasn't any fun, and she
finally admitted her sin and repented.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trusting God in Times of Trouble-Carol Hopson

Preparing the
Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter
various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith
produces endurance. And let endurance have its
perfect result, that you may be perfect and complete,
lacking in nothing.
-James 1:2-4
This is always a difficult passage to read, to believe, and
to teach. I have been asked over and over how we can consider
it "all joy" when terrible things happen in our lives. I
know that I can't understand the mind of God, so at times,
it's hard to give adequate answers. However, in looking at
the meaning of joy and perfect, it has helped me grasp the
meaning of this passage a little more clearly.
First of all, the meaning of joy is "a state of well-being
that comes from trusting God completely." It has nothing
to do with our circumstances and everything to do
with our relationship with and trust in God. It seems
that trials and adversity are God's tools for spiritual
growth. If we aren't interested in maturing in Christ, we'll
struggle greatly with our trials and circumstances.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trusting God-Mrs. C. Hopson

1. What or who most often robs you of your peace?
2. Write out what your expectations were and what led
you to turn away from having a peaceful heart.
3. Read all of Psalm 56, and write what David understood
about God and the choices he made to trust God.
4. Feast on Psalm 103, and write down all the ways
God showers us with His benefits. (I find it absolutely

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Mrs. C. Hopson-Trusting God

1. Quickly recognize when you are focusing on problems
or people.
2. Confess it and change your thoughts to ones that
honor the Lord.
3. Focus on all you have in Christ, and choose one new
thing to praise God for all day long.
4. Choose, with God's help, to focus on pleasing the
Lord with your words, thoughts, and actions rather
than letting your emotions control you.
Remember that peace comes when our heart comes into
agreement with God's heart…not the opposite!
What happened to my peace today? I had it yesterday.
Did someone come and steal it and then just run away?
How did I give it up so fast, why did I not hang on?
It seems that oh, so suddenly, I lost my joy and song.
Let's see, what was I thinking, when my peace disappeared?
Oh yes, I now remember, I focused on some fears.
And then I listened to some words that hurt down deep
inside, and suddenly my joy was gone,
oh, what a downward slide!
What must I do to get it back? I so much want to rest
in what my Lord has promised, but I think I failed the test.
Oh yes, that's music to my ears, I know Your Word is true!
You say, "Just turn your heart to Me, for I've forgiven you.
Then focus not on what you hear or think or feel or see.
But on the truths of My own words, for they will set you free."
-Carol Hopson

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Hopson Carol-Trusting God in Times of Trouble

Oh, how I love his attitude and what he chose to focus on.
I read this over twenty years ago, and I have truly never forgotten
it. In fact, in difficult times, I try to think of four
things, like Matthew Henry, that I can be thankful for, and
it always brings my heart to praise. I'm choosing to "rejoice
by choice!"
3. We focus on people and allow them to rob us of our
I am so guilty of this one! I have let so many people rob
me of my peace. Sometimes it was my husband or one of my
children. Other times it was a friend or co-worker or someone
in ministry that didn't treat my husband or me in a fair way.
But it was always my choice to give up my joy, be
angry, and lose my peace! David learned this so well when
he said, "This I know, that God is for me. In God, whose word
I praise, in the LORD, whose word I praise, in God I have put
my trust, I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?"
(Psalm 56:9-11). It's interesting and important to note that
he reminds himself in four different ways to put his trust in
God…then he concludes with, "I shall not be afraid. What
can man do to me?" The key is to put your hope and expectations
in God alone!

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

C Hopson-Trusting God

2. We focus on what we don't have rather than on all we
do have.
I once counseled a woman who had a lovely home and lots
of "things," but she wasn't satisfied. She always wanted
more-a bigger house, fancier car, and more expensive vacations.
She was now brokenhearted because her husband had
left her for another woman. This new woman was thrilled
with the house, car, and lifestyle he provided for her. It was
heart-wrenching to see her pain and know that her attitude
and response to God's Word could have changed everything
and probably would have saved her marriage. God so clearly
says, "Let your character be free from the love of money, being
content with what you have, for He Himself has said, 'I will
never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you'" (Hebrews 13:5).
The famous Bible scholar, Matthew Henry, was once
attacked and robbed by thieves. That night, he wrote these
words in his diary: "Let me be thankful first, because I was
never robbed before; second, although they took my money,
they did not take my life; third, because although they took
my all, it was not very much and fourth, because it was I who
was robbed, not I who robbed."

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Carol Hopson-Trusting God in times of trouble

Preparing the
Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as
the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be
troubled, nor let it be fearful.
-John 14:27
For He Himself is our peace…
-Ephesians 2:14
When God called Jesus our "Prince of Peace" in Isaiah 9:6,
it meant that He would be the ruler or administrator of
peace, both now and in the future. It further means that He
wants to rule in our emotions, thoughts, and actions and
bring peace to our minds at all times. If He is our peace and
if He left His peace with us, why don't we have it? Let me
suggest three reasons why we might lose our peace.
1. We are focusing on our problems rather than on the
power and presence of God in our lives.
When I do this, I'm plagued with sadness, bitterness,
anger, or anxiety. I met someone on a flight who was really
struggling, so I tried to encourage her and gave her some
scriptures to help her. She claimed to be a Christian and was
grateful. About six months later, God brought her to mind,
and I e-mailed her and asked how she was doing. She
answered that she was really going under because of the
political situation, finances, and her work. God was so good
to allow me to send her what I had just been studying from
His Word and how it was continually helping me to stay
focused on God's Word rather than on what was going on
around me (1 Corinthians 2:5; Psalm 112:6-7; 119:165). She
was so thankful to God for seeing her need and sending an email
from many states away that would bring her back to the
truth and to spiritual health. She wrote, "The verses you sent
are now my lifeline to peace! I've stopped focusing on the
problems and keep these words always before me."

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Monday, November 29, 2010

C Hopson-Trusting God

At age ninety-five, my dad was still focused on "this one
thing" that God had called him to do! Don't "miss the mark"
because you're focused on all the distractions, or on desiring
an easier life, rather than on fulfilling God's purpose for
you. Krispy Krème doughnuts can never compete with a
new birth into God's family!
Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as
though God were entreating through us; we beg you
on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
-2 Corinthians 5:20
1. What things tend to distract you from staying
focused on "the goal" God has called you to run toward?
2. Why do you think you are easily led astray by those
things? Are they more enticing than walking with the
The Bible contains the vitamins of soul health.
3. Read 1 Peter 1:23-2:3, and write down how Peter
illustrates the importance of God's Word in our daily
lives. (When we are not consistently in God's Word, we
forget what's truly important and get sidetracked more
4. Feast on Romans 8:1-25, and write out all the "meat"
God teaches us in this passage.

Trusting God in Times of Trouble-Hopson Carol

Today I received the following e-mail from my dad:
Dear Carol and Jim,
We have some big news to share with you. Our all
night lady, who started with us several days ago when I
needed some extra help, came to us a little religious but
not saved. She is married to a man who wants nothing
to do with God. She had some very keen problems in the
past with a broken home, etc., but her grandfather was
a preacher. We have been working with her and sharing
with her each evening. One evening she said that she
knew the Lord brought her to us, but she was not ready
to make a decision. I told her we would not push her, but
I tried your approach, Carol. I told her that God loved
her so much that He wanted her to be in heaven with
Him, and we wanted her to be there. I gave her a New
Testament and marked some verses for her to read.
Each evening she sat and watched a Gaither video with
us and seemed to enjoy it, and then we would pray.
Last night was her last night with us, and when we
prayed, I asked dear mother if I could pray for her in any
way. Then I asked our helper if I could pray for anything
for her, and she said, "YES!" I asked her what it was,
and she said, "I have made the decision to accept Jesus
as my Savior." Praise the Lord! Our living room became
a delivery room immediately, and we saw and heard a
new "delivery" while she was "born again." I just had to
shed a few tears of joy, and I gave her a big hug. She
mentioned again and again how she knew that God had
brought her to us for these ten days just for this very
reason. It was so wonderful!
by his own lust.
-James 1:13-14

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trusting God-C. Hopson

It is our own lusts, which are part of our old nature, that
draw us into temptation. That's why Paul said "this one
thing I do." He was always focused on moving forward in
love and obedience to the Lord. Then when distractions
came, he knew it wasn't part of "the one thing" God had
called him to do. You see, Philippians 3:14 says that Paul
was always pressing toward "the goal" or "the mark." This
was a picture of someone running a race and always focusing
on the goal line, or the picture of someone shooting an
arrow at a target in archery; they always had to keep their
eye on "the mark" or the target, because that was their
whole purpose-to hit the mark.
My dear parents are now ninety-three and ninety-five
years of age. They have spent their lives serving the Lord
in various churches and mission organizations. By God's
grace, they still live in their own home, on my brother's
property, so they have family right there if needed. Both of
my parents have had serious health issues: heart attacks,
strokes, perforated colon, multiple cancers. And life is not
easy for them. Just getting through each day is hard work,
and yet they choose to be together in their own home, with
daily helpers who come for a few hours. Last week, while
sitting in his chair, my dad had something happen, and he
was sure God was taking him home, so he lovingly prepared
my mother and told her that he was going to glory. They
then called my brother and sister-in-law who came right
over and lovingly took charge from there. My dad didn't go
to glory that night, and God is again strengthening him for
a few more days on this earth, but he and my mother are so
ready to be with Jesus! His comment to me on the phone
was, "I'm so ready for God to take me home, but if He has
some purpose for leaving me here, I'll try to be faithful."
by his own lust.
-James 1:13-14

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trusting God-Mrs. C. Hopson

As I left that morning, I thought of all the distractions
that can cloud our lives…distractions that are so satisfying
for the moment, but the lasting effects are detrimental to
our physical or spiritual health and keep us from the important
things God has planned for us. What are some of those
 The desire for financial gain leading to fear, anxiety,
or overwork
 The desire to cheat, just a little bit, to get ahead
 The desire to lower my convictions to gain popularity
 The desire for recognition or the need to feel important
 The desire for an easier life, to always get my way
 The desire to fill the void in our lives with eating,
shopping, busyness, etc.
 The desire to have more things-bigger home, better
 The desire to be so busy that we don't have to face
God's truths
Where do all these distractions come from, and why are
they so enticing?
Let no one say when he is tempted, 'I am being
tempted by God'; for God cannot be tempted by evil,
and He Himself does not tempt anyone. But each
one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed
by his own lust.
-James 1:13-14

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trusting God in Times of Trouble-Carol Hopson

Preparing the
Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold
of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies
behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I
press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward
call of God in Christ Jesus.
-Philippians 3:13-14
Distractions are like Krispy Krème doughnuts! They're
so enticing and seem so harmless when you're indulging. As
I sat in Starbucks this morning, I observed a mother feeding
her five- or six-year-old child Krispy Krème doughnuts
and hot chocolate for breakfast. Now believe me, it looked
delicious to me, and the child was certainly enjoying all of
it. But I began to think about what that breakfast would
produce later, and I began to pity the teacher who would
have this child in her classroom. After being in education
for over forty years, my husband and I have seen the consequences
of all that sugar in a little body, and it isn't good
at all. What that precious child needs is a good, healthy,
nourishing breakfast that helps the brain function properly
and gives the body the vitamins and proteins it needs to
grow strong.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trustin God-Mrs. C. Hopson

1. Have you been offended or slighted by someone
recently? Is it still bothering you? Be honest.
2. Do you want to follow your Shepherd and obey His
words and walk in His way? If you do, write out what
you will do about it. Read 2 Corinthians 4:7-18 and
Ephesians 4:29-32.
3. Read Proverbs 15:1-7 and write out what God says
about our speech.
4. Feast on 1 Peter 2; write out what God speaks to you
about in this great chapter. Did you learn something
new? Were you convicted about anything?

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

C. Hopson-Trusting God

Are you getting a feeling for what was going on inside of
my very human heart? "My sheep hear My voice and they
know Me and they follow Me…" "OK, Lord, I am Your
sheep, a very weary, frustrated sheep, but I will follow and
leave all my anger and frustration in Your hands." At that
moment, God began healing me and gave me a renewed
desire to serve Him at any cost. The battle came and went
over and over during the weekend, but each time I had to
say, "I'll follow Jesus!" The last morning of the retreat, we
had more than fifty decisions for Christ…both new believers
and recommitments. Praise God for His work in all of
us…especially me! Do you want to know the rest of the
story? They invited me back the next year…and I went!
And yes, I was picked up immediately this time!
God's way was to do a work in me…to teach me that life
and ministry are not about me! He was reminding me that
I'm not in this for comfort or to receive special attention, but
I'm doing this work because He called me to it…for His
glory, not mine! As I put my injured pride aside, God drew
me closer to Himself, and I could again thank Him for
another lesson in humility and trust.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Mrs. C. Hopson-Trusting God in Times of Trouble

When I finally made contact with someone, after borrowing
a phone and calling my husband for the retreat
leader's number, I was told that they were already at the
retreat conference center, which was three hours away. The
only problem was that they had forgotten to pick up the
speaker! Now I had to wait another hour while someone
from the church came and got me and drove me the three
hours to the retreat. I arrived after having no lunch, no dinner,
and no apology when I arrived. They seemed to think
it was quite funny that no one was assigned to pick me up.
So, what does this have to do with "my way" versus "God's
way"? Let me tell you.
My way was to be angry, very angry, at their lack of sensitivity
and planning. My way was to feel very sorry for
myself and decide to never come back to this church again,
if asked. My way was to just get through the retreat with
my focus on getting out of there and getting home! But was
that God's way? "Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted,
forgiving one another…" (Ephesians 4:32, KJV) came to
mind. Would my wounded ego forgive these people? Then I
remembered, "Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…"
(Colossians 3:17). That meant that even in this situation,
my priority was to represent Jesus, to act as He would. The
battle raged in me while the worship music played on. You
see, I had yet another war going on inside as the fifteenminute
praise and worship part of the service went on for
forty minutes. It was now 9:00 p.m. and I hadn't even been
introduced yet. I had a one-hour message, which they had
notes for, and we were already an hour behind schedule.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Carol Hopson-Trusting God

Preparing the
There is a way which seems right to a man, but its
end is the way of death.
-Proverbs 14:12; see also Proverbs 16:25
This is one of the few times when God repeats a verse
twice…with exactly the same words! Do you suppose it's
because we are sheep who are not so smart and need to
hear it twice? I think so! Oh, how often we think "our way"
is the best way, and we fight against the way God is taking
us or leading us.
All the ways of a man are clean in his own sight, but
the LORD weighs the motives. Commit your works
to the LORD, and your plans will be established.
-Proverbs 16:2-3
As I stood outside the airport in another state, in the
rain, and waited for an unknown person to pick me up for
yet another retreat, I was discouraged…and even a little
angry. I had waited almost three hours so far, and no one
had come to pick me up. Of course, my cell phone was dead,
and I couldn't locate any number to call anyway, so there I
stood…cold, wet, and disgruntled with God's way! You may
be thinking that this surely wasn't God's plan, and yet, I
had given myself and my day to the Lord to do with as He
chose. So, it had to be His way…but I didn't like it! How
could these people be so rude and thoughtless! Self-pity had
really set in, and I felt like a martyr standing there…suffering
for Jesus. But it was all wasted because my heart
attitude was not one that pleased the Lord.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Trusting God in Times of Trouble-C. Hopson

1. Do you need to spend more time getting to know
your heavenly "Papa"? What might you need to do about
2. Read the Twenty-third Psalm from this lesson again,
and write out four or five things that you are most grateful
for about your Shepherd's care.
3. Think of ways you can be more familiar with your
Shepherd's voice on a daily basis and write them down.
Proverbs 3:5-6 would be helpful in your answer.
4. Feast on John 10. Write out all you learn about our
Shepherd in this passage, and then write a prayer of

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trusting God-Carol Hopson

I've read so often the Twenty-third Psalm
And know that it's meant to make my heart calm.
But sometimes I feel like I'm out there alone
With no one to turn to and no one to phone.
So what does this chapter in God's Book relay?
Just how does it help me get through every day?
It tells me that Jesus is my Shepherd dear,
And He will provide and remove all my fears.
He'll nourish and feed me and tenderly care
For all of my longings and times of despair.
But I must stay close and hear only His voice,
Then obeying Him will become my first choice.
-Carol Hopson

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trusting God in Times of Trouble-Hopson Carol

Don't you just want to stand up and shout hallelujah at
this point? I do! But what does God want from His sheep?
He wants us to listen to Him, to spend time meditating on
His words, praying to Him, and seeking His counsel. Four
times in Scripture we are commanded to "hear His voice"
and not "harden our hearts" (Psalm 95:7-8; Hebrews 3:7-8,
15; 4:7).
Years ago, I read that the United States government
didn't use fake money to teach Treasury agents to detect
counterfeit bills. They only showed them real money over
and over until they had every detail memorized. Then,
when they saw a counterfeit, it looked so different to them
that they were able to instantly recognize it. We spend too
much time focusing on the counterfeits in this world and
not enough time focusing on the "real thing"! If we focus on
God's Word and, by doing so, listen to His voice over and
over, we will be able to recognize the "counterfeit" voices
much easier. Personally, the counterfeit voices tell me that
I need to worry about my future, about the U.S. economy,
and what I hear in the news every day. They also say that
I need to be overly concerned about my physical appearance
and standing up for my rights.
Listening to my Shepherd's voice changes everything!
His desire is that I would find my security and hope in Him
alone. He wants me to love Him above all else…for who He
is…for all He's done…for all He continues to do each day as
He leads, guides, and cares for me. You see, getting back to
little Lucy, as she began spending time with her Papa, feeling
his love, care, and protection, she began to respond with
open arms and great affection. She had gotten to know her
Papa again! Getting reacquainted with your heavenly Papa
will give you peace, comfort, and security in these uncertain

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Trusting God-Mrs. C. Hopson

Let's get reacquainted with our Shepherd by looking closely
at what He tells us through the Twenty-third Psalm. I've
picked this up from various places, with some parts received
in an e-mail, and it has blessed me immensely.
The Lord is my Shepherd…that's a relationship!
I shall not want…that's supplying my needs!
He maketh me lie down in green pastures…that's giving
me rest!
He leadeth me beside still waters…that's providing
He restoreth my soul…that's the healing I need!
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness…that's Godly
For His name's sake…that's my purpose!
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of
death…that's testing times!
I will fear no evil…that's His protection!
For Thou art with me…that's His faithfulness!
Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me…that's discipline
and comfort!
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine
enemies…that's hope!
Thou anointest my head with oil…that's consecration!
My cup runneth over…that's abundance!
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of
my life…that's His blessing!
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord…that's future
Forever…that's for eternity!

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Trusting God-Mrs. Carol Hopson

Preparing the
You do not believe because you are not of My sheep.
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they
follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they
shall never perish; and no one shall snatch them out
of My hand.
-John 10:26-28
When my youngest granddaughter, Lucy, came for a visit
at seven months of age, she turned away from my husband
and started to cry when he reached for her. And yet, she came
willingly into my arms as her mother gave her over to me.
What had happened? Why was she afraid of her beloved
Papa? We realized then that she hadn't seen him in a long
time and therefore didn't remember him. I had recently visited
her in their home, so she remembered me. My dear husband
was so heartbroken at her response, and it reminded me
of how our precious Savior must feel when we don't recognize
Him because we've been away for too long.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Hopson, Carol-Trusting God in Times of Trouble

On one side stands the crowd.
On the other stands a peasant.
Swollen lips.
Lumpy eye.
Lofty promise.
One promises acceptance,
the other a cross.
One offers flesh and flash,
the other offers faith.
The crowd challenges, "Follow us and fit in."
Jesus promises, "Follow me and stand out."
They promise to please.
God promises to save.
A basin of water?
Or the blood of the Savior?
God looks at you and asks…
Which will be your choice?
(From A Gentle Thunder)

1. Do your attitudes and daily choices show that you
have set your mind on pleasing God with your children,
your time, your plans, and your possessions?
2. What is the most difficult thing or person for you to
totally surrender to the Lord? Can you explain why that
is and what you are fearful of? Does your answer show
that you have given all to your Savior?
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Trusting God in Troubled Times
3. Read Isaiah 41:10, 13 and write out how believing
this verse can help you with your fears. Then ask God to
help you believe it and claim it.
4. Feast on Philippians 4 and then write down the following:
God's instructions
God's promises

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Mrs. C. Hopson-Trusting God in Times of Trouble

What do we give to God on a daily basis? A few minutes
of prayer and maybe a little time for Bible study…sometimes
we think of Him in our day…but do we give Him our
very best, what we love the most? God wants our total devotion
and the things we love the most…our children, our
treasured desires, our surrendered will, our money, and our
complete trust. That day in church made such an impact on
me, that my daddy would think that giving me to the Lord
was the greatest gift He could give. He didn't ask God to not
take me faraway to serve in a foreign country. He didn't ask
God to make my life comfortable and remove all obstacles.
He asked that God would use me for His glory, however He
God's Word so clearly tells us that this should be our
attitude in everything.
If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep
seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at
the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things
above, not on the things that are on earth.
-Colossians 3:1-2
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the
Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from
God, and that you are not your own? For you have
been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in
your body.
-1 Corinthians 6:19-20

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Mrs. Carol Hopson-Trusting God in Times of Trouble

You probably want to know how he was going to use me,
don't you? You see, we always had a huge missionary barrel
in the entry of our church, and people were supposed to
bring nice clothes, blankets, shoes, etc. to send to the missionaries.
We would fill several barrels and then send them
off to the missionaries we supported. One day, after seeing
that people had donated their "very used underwear" and
some "used teabags" for the missionaries, my dad got an
idea. He wanted his "flock" to see what we should be giving
to God and to His work, and he was extremely saddened at
what people were giving. So he had put a huge missionary
barrel up on the platform that morning; no one knew why
it was there. Then he called me up to the front. As I walked
up those big steps, he picked me up and hugged me. With
tears in his eyes, my daddy set me down in that big missionary
barrel and said, "This is what we should be willing
to give to God!" I will never forget it, and neither will the
people who witnessed it.
Several years ago, while speaking at a retreat in the
Pacific Northwest, I was approached by an elderly woman.
She told me her name, which was vaguely familiar but I
didn't know why. She asked if she could share something
with me, and of course I sat down to hear her story. She told
me that she had come to know the Lord in my dad's church
over fifty years ago and was just rejoicing in what God had
done in her life over the years. Then she said, "Do you
remember when you were just a wee thing, and your daddy
called you up to the front and put you in that big missionary
barrel?" I responded that of course I did. She went on to
explain what a turning point that was for her. She had been
holding on to her children as her possessions and never
thought she needed to release them to God to do with as He
chose. She had always feared that God might take them far
away. That very night, she surrendered her children to the
Lord, and peace flooded her soul. Now, she said, all of her
children were faithfully serving the Lord in various parts of
the world, and her joy was abundantly above all she could
ever ask or think! "I have no greater joy than this, to hear of
my children walking in the truth" (3 John 4).

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

C Hopson-Trusting God

Preparing the
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only
begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should
not perish, but have eternal life.
-John 3:16
I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing
value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I
have suffered the loss of all things, and count them
but rubbish in order that I may gain Christ.
-Philippians 3:8
One of the things I have always loved about my dad is
that I have always felt so safe in his care. As a child, I would
follow him anywhere he lead me because I knew of his
unfailing, self-sacrificing love for me. He was the pastor of
a large church, and I remember a time when he asked me
to walk to the front of our church in the middle of a Sunday
morning service because he wanted to use me as an illustration.
There were about a thousand people in our church
at that time, and I was only about four years old, but I got
right up out of the pew and walked to the front because my
daddy had called me and I loved and trusted him.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hopson Carol-Trusting God in Times of Trouble

1. Are you feeling like a failure in a certain area right
now? If so, have you been obedient to God's Word in
handling that situation? If not, ask for forgiveness right
now and begin your day with a clean heart. Write out
Psalm 51:10-12 as your prayer.
2. Ask God to help you act on the truths of His Word
and then leave the results with Him.
3. Read 2 Corinthians 3:4-5 and 4:7 and write down
how this is all possible.
4. Feast on 2 Peter 1:1-10 and answer the following:
How much power do you have for everything you face?
Look up each of the following in a dictionary or concordance
and write out what they mean:
hopson 8-6-09 standard.qxp 8/18/2009 10:08 AM Page 47
Trusting God in Troubled Times
Moral excellence
Brotherly kindness
What promise do we have if we practice these qualities?
(Notice that it doesn't say we have to be perfect,
only truly desire to practice these things.)

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

C. Hopson-Trustin God in Times of Trouble

"He's whatever you want him to be. He's good
thoughts…good karma."
"So you're telling me that you are really God because
you can make him whatever you want in your mind." She
didn't agree with that but couldn't come up with a good
I took this opportunity and began to tell her about my
God who sent Jesus to die on the cross for me, but she shut
me up and said, "Your God isn't comfortable for me. I hate
Him. Mine makes me feel good. I don't have to do anything
I don't want…just be quiet and meditate!" With that she
headed out the door. I told her to have a good day and
smiled my biggest smile as she walked away.
What a failure…that didn't go well at all…I really didn't
get through to her…what happened? Here's where the
truth of God's Word was so freeing for me that day. "But
thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in
Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the
knowledge of Him in every place" (2 Corinthians 2:14). So,
what happened? Exactly what God knew would happen! I
prayed, I was available, she heard about Jesus, and His
sweet aroma of salvation was offered. God knew it, and that
was all I was responsible for. Praise God! The darkness that
had made me feel like a failure was lifted by the truth of
God's Word. You see, the triumph was in my obedience, not
the results! That was so freeing to me!
What's important to God is our obedience and availability,
not our own ability to do great things! That keeps me
focused on loving Him and obeying His Word and leaving
all the outcomes of life in His all-powerful hands!

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Mrs. C. Hopson-Trusting God

Let me give you just a simple, everyday illustration of
what it means to know the truth. Just this morning I got up
early and decided to go to Starbucks and do some work
there for an hour. The change of scenery is good sometimes,
as my office is in my home. It also gets me out into the world
where I desire to be God's sweet aroma to those around me,
and God has truly given me a "Starbucks ministry." I
prayed as I drove there that God would use me and open a
door of witness. As I ordered my drink, I was talking with
the manager and inviting her to church; I had already invited
her to the "Practicing His Presence" series I had taught,
and she seemed interested but couldn't come. As I was
walking away, this young lady stopped me and asked if I
taught a series on self-awareness (she had overheard the
"presence" part of my conversation). I told her that what I
taught was about practicing God's presence and told her
briefly what that meant to me and how it affected my life.
I was excited…how quickly God had answered my
prayer to witness! But she was not interested in my God;
she belonged to the Self-Realization Center and said they
talked about a different God that she felt comfortable with.
I smiled at her and tried to ask her a few questions that
would open the conversation further. "What or who is this
God, and what do you do with him?" I asked.
She replied, "Well, we contemplate him or her, do yoga
and meditate…"
"But who is he, and what is he like?" I asked again.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Mrs. Carol Hopson-Trustin God in Times of Trouble

Preparing the
You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make
you free.
-John 8:32
The world tends to think that Christians live in
bondage. But we really live in the truth, and that is total
freedom. In John 18:37, Jesus told why He came to earth
when Pilate had asked Him, "What have You done?" Jesus
answers, "You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have
been born, and for this I have come into the world, to bear
witness to the truth."
All truth is found in God and in His Word, and it is so
freeing and life-giving. I don't have to worry about new
philosophies, deceitful words of men, the power of evil,
what's happening in politics or in our nation…I know the
truth about my past, present, and future, and that puts my
heart at peace. It doesn't mean I don't pray for others or our
leaders or seek to be God's ambassador wherever I go. It
does mean that I don't live as a slave to worry, fear, and
confusion because I don't know the truth.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trusting God - Mrs. Carol Hopson

I was SO convicted of my self-centered sin that morning!
Why did I think that the twenty to thirty minutes of worship
music on Sunday morning had to be exactly what I
wanted? Why could I not rejoice in the fact that it was ministering
to many others? Because I selfishly wanted my
way…period! I confessed my sin to the Lord that morning,
and God has done a miraculous work in my heart. I asked
Him to make this a permanent attitude when the music
wasn't my preference, which is most of the time, and He has
answered my prayer. He always takes my focus to preferring
others in obedience to Him, and now I'm free to truly
worship my Lord again. Praise God for the miracles He performs
when we confess and then do what His Word says.
Sometimes I think it would be great
To always get my way,
To have things go as I had planned
And never feel dismay.
But that is foolishness to God
Who knows what's best for me,
For He knows what is needed and
He does it lovingly.
It doesn't feel like love when He
Allows such hurtful things.
But I must know Him well enough
And not keep pulling strings.
And so, as I grow more in love
My own desires grow dim.
I learn to trust my Father's plan
And leave all things to Him.
-Carol Hopson

Breakfast 6: Are You Taking God’s Counsel?
1. Can you think of areas in your life where you are
using God's Word to guide your thoughts and actions on
a daily basis?
2. Is there a situation where things are not going well
and you haven't even considered going to God's Word for
wisdom and guidance? Look up Psalm 32:8; write out
what God has promised and what you are missing.
hopson 8-6-09 standard.qxp 8/18/2009 10:08 AM Page 41
Trusting God in Troubled Times
3. Spend some time in prayer, making sure that you
truly desire to go through whatever it takes to be "conformed
to God's image." Read Philippians 2:3-8, and
write out what following after God requires.
4. Feast on Psalm 42 and write down what God has
spoken to you about in this wonderful psalm.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Monday, November 22, 2010

C. Hopson- Trustin God in Times of Trouble

As I was sitting there listening, I kept thinking, "What's
wrong with this woman? Can't she see that her husband is
trying his best and she is making it so much harder for him
by her bitterness and resentment? Doesn't she know she is
disobeying the Lord?" Good questions! But then I realized
that I have had times when I disagreed with God's plans for
me and couldn't see that He was doing what was best for me.
We often quote Romans 8:28 in situations like this: "And we
know that God causes all things to work together for good to
those who love God, to those who are called according to His
purpose." But we often stop there and don't read on…"For
whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed
to the image of His Son…" (Romans 8:29).
Do you see the "Aha!" moment? It's all about being "conformed
to His image" and not about getting our own way! I
had the joy of explaining this truth to this unhappy woman.
God wanted her to grow in His image, "make the most of
this opportunity" (Ephesians 5:15-17), and be an encouragement
and support to her husband and a shining example
to her children. God wanted to teach her to submit out
of love for Him, and she was battling it all the way. When
the Holy Spirit convicted her of her sin, she was saddened
at how far Satan had taken her down the road of bitterness
and ugliness. She confessed her self-centeredness to the
Lord, and together we prayed for a renewed strength and a
desire to go with God's plan for her life. Several weeks later,
I received a beautiful note from her husband, telling me of
the change in his wife and the difference it made in their
whole family.
It's easy to recognize these sinful, selfish attitudes in
others, but it's not always so easy to recognize in our-
selves…especially when we think we're right! I was sitting
in church after listening to some very loud worship music
and was trying to prepare my heart for the message. But all
I could think was, "Why can't they play quieter songs, ones
that I know, maybe even an old familiar hymn or two? This
loud music couldn't possibly honor the Lord because I don't
like it and it doesn't prepare me to worship." Do I hear any
"Amens!" out there? Well, God had quite the lesson for me
that morning. The pastor was speaking on Philippians 2:3-
4, "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with
humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more
important than himself; do not merely look out for your own
personal interests, but also for the interests of others." He
went on to say that this meant we were to "prefer one
another." In other words, wouldn't it be wonderful if we
could be happy that the worship music would minister to
the young people of the church and not think of our needs
first? And if we were a young person, wouldn't it please the
Lord if we desired music that ministered to the more
mature people in the church? In such instances, we would
prefer that others' needs be met before our own.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trusting God-Mrs Carol Hopson

Preparing the
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto
my path.
-Psalm 119:105, KJV
Thy testimonies are wonderful; therefore my soul
observes them. The unfolding of Thy words gives
light.…Establish my footsteps in Thy word.
-Psalm 119:129-130, 133
A woman came to me for counsel, and she was miserable…
more than miserable…she was bitter, angry, and
resentful. I can assure you that it wasn't a pretty sight.
Things had not gone the way she had planned in her marriage,
and she had to give up her dreams and plans. As I listened
and asked questions, I found out that she had a good
Christian husband who was just trying to provide for his family,
but this required moves and unexpected changes. They
had to downsize their home, take fewer vacations, and shop in
less exclusive stores for a time, and she did not like it.

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Mrs. Carol Hopson-Trusting God


I'm tired and can't go on.
I've tried to keep on going, but
I've lost my joy and song.
You see, I tried to do it all
So You'd be proud of me.
But all I did was burn right out
As others 'round me see.
"O precious child, my heart is filled
With joy because you asked
For Me to carry you today
That is my rightful task!
"I've longed to hold you in My arms
And give you peace and rest.
But first, you had to see your need
And willingly confess.
"So now I'm thrilled beyond compare,
These times are far too few,
For now you've given up your pride
And let Me carry you."
-Carol Hopson

1. Identify two or three things that you feel are the
weaknesses that continue to make you feel insecure or
2. Are you willing to give them over to God and let Him
use them for His glory? Write out a prayer of surrender
right now.
3. Read 2 Corinthians 12:7-10, and then write down
how Paul came to the point of boasting about his weaknesses.
Why did he choose to do that?
4. Feast on Galatians 6 and answer the following:
What commands are given?

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trusting God in Times of Trouble-Carol Hopson

God so lovingly brought to my mind that I was having a
problem with pride. I wanted these kids to think I was a
"cool" grandma and that I could inspire them and hold their
attention by my words. God rebuked me and said, "Apart
from Me, you can do nothing" (John 15:5).
As I humbly bowed my head in prayer, I gave up my
prideful thoughts and said, "I'm yours, Lord. Use me as You
choose today. I'm going to rejoice in my weakness that Your
power may be seen in me." I left with a renewed, refreshed,
ready heart for whatever God had in store.
As I started my message, I decided to be very transparent
with those kids. I told them I was having a bad hair day,
bad wardrobe day and even my shoes weren't cute…which
any woman knows ruins the whole outfit. But I told them
that I was there only to speak in the power of God, to be His
waitress. I told them that when you go to a restaurant, the
important thing isn't the server or waitress; he or she is just
there to serve the meal. The chef is the important one, the
one who prepares the meal so that you can get nourishment
from it and enjoy it. So I asked that they not focus on the
waitress but on the meal that the Master Chef had prepared
for them.
When God says His power is perfected in our weakness,
I'm here to tell you that you can't hold back His power when
you are a willing, weak, surrendered waitress. God's meal
for those young people was accepted with so much enthusiasm,
and their response to His message was overwhelming.
It led to life changes and recommitments, and I am still in
contact with a few of them, counseling them in their life
issues. This is only because the Master Chef's power was
allowed to flow through the weakness of His waitress.
Here are some important things to remember about recognizing
our weaknesses:
 By recognizing our weaknesses, we rely on God's
amazing grace and power alone to enable us to do His
 By recognizing our weaknesses, we give others the
grace to fail or not be "perfect."
 By recognizing our weaknesses, we live humbly
rather than with pride.
 By recognizing our weaknesses, God gets all the
This is why Paul could say he would gladly boast about
his weaknesses! Can you do the same today?

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trusting God-Carol Hopson

Preparing the
And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you,
for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly,
therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses,
that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore
I am well content with weaknesses, with insults,
with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties,
for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am
-2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Are you boasting about your weaknesses today? How
about rejoicing over insults and difficulties you are facing?
Well, I haven't done it very often either, but God is teaching
me new things about my weaknesses and struggles. I'm
learning that they are a very important part of learning
humility and strength…my humility and God's strength!
While preparing to speak to a group of young people, I
felt extremely weak and inadequate, and as I approached
the day of the message, I felt even worse. I was having a
bad hair day, bad clothes day, and even my shoes weren't
right. Here I was, a grandma, going to speak to bright,
intelligent, very with-it Christian university students, and
I looked like their grandmother-and I felt even older. What
could I say that would interest them? How could I keep
their attention and know what they needed to hear? It was
at this point, about an hour before my message, that God
brought the above passage of Scripture to my mind. In the
past, I always seemed to focus on "My grace is sufficient for
you…," which was great, and I loved it. But I didn't usually
dwell on the part about being "content with weaknesses"
because that was how God would be glorified in my life.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Carol Hopson-Trusting

I always thought the word commit showed such maturity,
And as I gave my life to Christ, I thought this was the key.
But then I heard a story about a foreign land
Where Christians didn't just commit but left
all in God's hands.
They seemed to truly understand why Jesus came to die,
And in their poverty and pain, on Him they would rely.
You see, the word surrender is what God really asks,
He wants to know that I am His, a decision that will last.
Commitment still gives me the choice, to follow as I please.

Surrender gives all choice to Him,
and I just bow my knees.
So now my heart is lighter, my cares have eased away,
To Christ I've given everything, and it's a brand-new day!
-Carol Hopson
1. Are you having a difficult time surrendering all you
are and have to the Lord? If yes, write out what you are
fearful of.
2. Define what you think it means to be a Christian
without giving all to Jesus. Is that possible? What does
that kind of thinking produce?
3. Read Hebrews 13:15 and write down in your own
words what we need to do to surrender in difficult times.
4. Feast on 2 Timothy 2 and write out the following:
What stood out to you the most that you will apply
to your life right now?

There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who
say to God, "Thy will be done," and those to whom God
says, in the end, "Thy will be done."
-C. S. Lewis

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Mrs. Carol Hopson-Trusting God in Troubled Times

You see, commitment still gives control to the person,
and they can decide if and when they want to be committed…
maybe on Sunday…maybe when life is going
well…maybe after they've been to Bible study…maybe in
certain areas of their life but not all areas…and so on. But
when you surrender, you have no control, no ownership, no
choices…you belong to the one you surrendered to! Being a
Christian means we surrender to the One who died for us.
Think of war times, when a person or army surrenders, do
they have control over what happens to them? Of course
not…they are totally under the control and command of
those they surrendered to. The difference is that we surrender
to the One who loves us and gave His life for us, not
to some terrible, frightening dictator.
This true account is from the book Extreme Devotion,
published by the Voice of the Martyrs.
The pastor [from China] had been questioned and beaten
often, but today the guard took him to a room to talk.
He said, "I'm curious about your beliefs and ask you to
tell me the Ten Commandments."
Shocked, the pastor began to share the commandments.
When he got to "Honor your father and mother," the officer
interrupted him. "Stop there. You Christians believe that
God chose 'Honor your father and mother' as a very important commandment. Please look in the corner." The pastor
turned to see an elderly woman chained and bruised
beneath a pile of rags. She was the pastor's own mother.
The guard inquired. "Look how much your mother has
suffered. If you tell the secrets of the underground
church, you and your mother can go free. If she dies from
our torture, you will have failed to keep the commandment
to honor her, and her blood shall be on your head."
The pastor turned to his mother who was starting to
regain consciousness. "Dear Mother, what shall I do?"
Lovingly she replied, "Since you were a small boy, I have
taught you to love Christ and his church. Do not betray
God. I am ready to die for the holy name."
The pastor looked back at the guard and said with
renewed courage, "You were very right, Captain. First of
all, a man must obey his mother."
That was a picture of true surrender! I can't even imagine
being in a situation like that. However, God gives us
opportunities every day to make the choice to surrender to
Him. So what does surrender look like in our daily lives?
 When we hear news that hurts or disturbs us, we
choose to surrender the fear and pain to the Lord and
ask Him to help us handle it in a way that honors Him.
 When we have a hard, frustrating day at work or at
home with the kids, we surrender our selfish thoughts
that tell us "you deserve better" and focus on God's love
for us and our commitment to honor Him with our
thoughts, words, and actions.
 When we hear that there might be an unwanted job
change or move, we surrender the future into God's
hands and open our hearts to let Him work in us however
He chooses.
 When we have repeated interruptions in our day and
can't accomplish what we had planned or thought we
needed to do, we surrender our plans and accept the
changes as part of God's plan to mature us or His desire
to give us new opportunities to show love and grace to
"I delight to do Thy will, O my God; Thy Law is within
my heart" (Psalm 40:8). Surrender is really delighting to do
God's will above my will…always and in all situations. He
paid the price to have ALL of me, and I have no right to hold
anything back.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trusting in God-Mrs. Carol Hopson

You see, commitment still gives control to the person,
and they can decide if and when they want to be committed…
maybe on Sunday…maybe when life is going
well…maybe after they've been to Bible study…maybe in
certain areas of their life but not all areas…and so on. But
when you surrender, you have no control, no ownership, no
choices…you belong to the one you surrendered to! Being a
Christian means we surrender to the One who died for us.
Think of war times, when a person or army surrenders, do
they have control over what happens to them? Of course
not…they are totally under the control and command of
those they surrendered to. The difference is that we surrender
to the One who loves us and gave His life for us, not
to some terrible, frightening dictator.
This true account is from the book Extreme Devotion,
published by the Voice of the Martyrs.
The pastor [from China] had been questioned and beaten
often, but today the guard took him to a room to talk.
He said, "I'm curious about your beliefs and ask you to
tell me the Ten Commandments."
Shocked, the pastor began to share the commandments.
When he got to "Honor your father and mother," the officer
interrupted him. "Stop there. You Christians believe that
God chose 'Honor your father and mother' as a very important commandment. Please look in the corner." The pastor
turned to see an elderly woman chained and bruised
beneath a pile of rags. She was the pastor's own mother.
The guard inquired. "Look how much your mother has
suffered. If you tell the secrets of the underground
church, you and your mother can go free. If she dies from
our torture, you will have failed to keep the commandment
to honor her, and her blood shall be on your head."
The pastor turned to his mother who was starting to
regain consciousness. "Dear Mother, what shall I do?"
Lovingly she replied, "Since you were a small boy, I have
taught you to love Christ and his church. Do not betray
God. I am ready to die for the holy name."
The pastor looked back at the guard and said with
renewed courage, "You were very right, Captain. First of
all, a man must obey his mother."
That was a picture of true surrender! I can't even imagine
being in a situation like that. However, God gives us
opportunities every day to make the choice to surrender to
Him. So what does surrender look like in our daily lives?
 When we hear news that hurts or disturbs us, we
choose to surrender the fear and pain to the Lord and
ask Him to help us handle it in a way that honors Him.
 When we have a hard, frustrating day at work or at
home with the kids, we surrender our selfish thoughts
that tell us "you deserve better" and focus on God's love
for us and our commitment to honor Him with our
thoughts, words, and actions.
 When we hear that there might be an unwanted job
change or move, we surrender the future into God's
hands and open our hearts to let Him work in us however
He chooses.
 When we have repeated interruptions in our day and
can't accomplish what we had planned or thought we
needed to do, we surrender our plans and accept the
changes as part of God's plan to mature us or His desire
to give us new opportunities to show love and grace to
"I delight to do Thy will, O my God; Thy Law is within
my heart" (Psalm 40:8). Surrender is really delighting to do
God's will above my will…always and in all situations. He
paid the price to have ALL of me, and I have no right to hold
anything back.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trusting God-Mrs. Carol Hopson

1. Have you experienced God as the One who tenderly
cares for you? If not, read Psalm 23 and ask God to
reveal Himself to you anew.
2. Are you waiting for God to answer a specific prayer
right now? Write out the answer that you'd like to have,
and then write out a prayer seeking God's answer to
your need, rather than expecting your answer.

My desire:
Willing for God's desire:
3. Feast on Isaiah 55, and then answer the following:
Write down three things you learned about God in
this passage.
What truths did you learn about God's Word?
What instructions were given for those who want to
follow God?

The time I live in is a time of turmoil.
My hope is in God.
Frederick the Great, King of Prussia

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trusting God-Mrs.Carol Hopson

So they sat down together and began reading But God,
This Wasn't My Plan! He said they wept so many tears and
that God spoke so clearly to them about how they had gotten
off track spiritually. As they finished the second book,
they both confessed their anger, fear, and doubt to the Lord
and then recommitted this new ministry to the Lord and
promised to walk on with faith in His plan, not theirs. His
call was one of victorious thanks and praise to our God for
caring so deeply for them that He somehow put these two
books in their hands.
That's exactly who El Shaddai is! Do you need El
Shaddai today? He doesn't promise to remove our mountains
or valleys, but He promises to give us His strength
and power to endure whatever He allows. He promises to
walk beside us and tenderly care for us along the way. "For
I am the LORD your God, who upholds your right hand,
who says to you, 'Do not fear, I will help you'" (Isaiah 41:13).
And He promises to use us for His glory if we allow Him to
(Psalms 40:1-3). In his book called My Father's Names,
Elmer L. Towns gives us some guidelines to help us overcome
our problems as we understand more about El
1. Separate yourself from sin. "Many of our problems
come because of sin in our lives. It is the nature of
sin to defeat, destroy, disrupt, dilute and damage the
child of God." If we harbor sin in our lives, He must
judge and cannot be merely tender and kind (2
Corinthians 6:17-18). When you're feeling distraught or
fearful, pray the prayer of David in Psalm 139:23-24:
"Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and
know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful
way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way."
2. Rest in the presence of El Shaddai. Sheep only
truly rest from conflict and fear when their shepherd is
present because they know that he loves them, cares for
them, and will lay down his life for them if necessary.
Adrian Rogers in his book entitled The Lord Is My
Shepherd writes, "Every good shepherd knows how
important it is to lead his sheep to places of rest because
without his guidance, his sheep wouldn't choose to rest,
and they probably wouldn't choose the greenest of pastures
either. The Good Shepherd will make you lie down
in green pastures, and He will lead you beside still
waters if you trust Him with all your heart. The One
who loves you and is compassionate, caring, and courageous"
says, "But when he saw the multitudes, he was
moved with compassion on them, because they fainted,
and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd."
Matthew 9:36 (KJV)
I think I can hear some of you asking, "But how does He
make me lie down and rest?" That's a good question! In my
experience, He uses various ways, such as an illness where
I have to be still and listen, a prolonged trial or maybe a
Scripture verse that stirs my heart to rest. Recently, the
thing that has brought me to rest the most is realizing how
stressed I can get thinking about problems with people,
finances, or the daily news. And so, I am convicted by the
Holy Spirit to find rest and comfort in focusing on El
Shaddai, His love and care, the truths of His Word, and His

Breakfast 3: Do You Need Someone to Care?
constant presence with me. It always produces a restful
3. Carefully follow the directions of El Shaddai. A
child who is continually disobeying his parents is not in
good standing with his parents. Likewise, we cannot be
in fellowship with El Shaddai or feel His presence and
tender care when we are not following His counsel. I
think we so quickly forget warnings like this one: "Be
anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be
made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses
all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and
your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7). To
know God's presence and peace in the valleys of life, we
must willingly follow His directions.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors , typesetters , cover design and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Mrs. Carol Hopson-Trusting God

Preparing the
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the
ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was,
and which is to come, the Almighty [El Shaddai].
-Revelation 1:8, KJV
Have there been times in your life when you asked,
"Does anyone care what I'm going through?" I've certainly
felt that way, especially when I didn't understand what God
was doing or allowing in my life. I knew God was mighty
and powerful, but did He care about my concerns? When
Abraham was ninety-nine years old, he needed reassurance
from God as to what He had promised him when he was
seventy-five years old. God had promised that he would
have a son and that his descendants would be as the stars
(Genesis 15:4-5). Abraham had waited twenty-four years
for this promise to be fulfilled, yet nothing had changed.
Now he and Sarah were past the child-bearing age.
God cared about Abraham's concern, and so He
appeared to him and spoke these words: "I am the Almighty
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Trusting God in Troubled Times
God [El Shaddai]; walk before me, and be thou perfect"
(Genesis 17:1, KJV). This was the first time God revealed
this part of His character, and it meant that He was strong
enough to help Abraham, yet sensitive enough to care about
him. This name also implied that God could supply all his
needs while being both strong and tender. Just a week ago
I was talking with a young woman who had rejected God
because she was raised in a church where she only heard
about God's condemnation and judgment; she never heard
about His love and genuine concern for His children. I tried
to explain to her the "Shepherd's heart" of our God, and she
had a very difficult time believing that because she only
knew of God's wrath.
I heard a wonderful illustration of this aspect of El
Shaddai when I received a phone call one day from another
state. The pleasant male voice asked if I was the Carol
Hopson who had written But God, This Wasn't My Plan!
and But God, I'm Tired of Waiting. I responded that I was,
and then he told me an amazing story of God's tender care.
He said that God had moved him and his wife to another
state to serve as pastor in a church there. They had prayed
much and had left a church they dearly loved in obedience
to the Lord. (I could identify with this man already!) He
then went on to explain all the pain, loneliness, and defeat
they had both experienced in the past nine months. He also
said that his wife was in a deep depression and he didn't
know where to turn or what to do. He was just asking God
to help him as his wife walked upstairs to lie down on their
bed. In a few minutes, she returned and asked, "Do you
know where these two books came from?" He looked at
them and replied, "No." She then told him that they were
lying in plain sight. She had never seen them before and
couldn't remember if someone had given them to her or
what. He looked at the titles in total amazement and told
his wife that maybe God had heard their cry.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors, typesetters, graphic designers and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Carol Hopson

About one hour before they were to arrive, I received a
very upsetting phone call, and there was nothing I could do
about the situation. As I hung up the phone, I asked the
Lord why He would have me receive that very difficult
news right before I was trying to encourage so many people…
and just when I was so busy and had so much still to
do before they arrived. God's timing seemed to be all off in
my opinion. But I knew that was wrong thinking, and it
didn't go along with what I knew from God's Word, so I had
to quickly call on God to help me change my thinking.
I sat down and began asking God for calmness, peace,
and direction from His Word. And as I sat there, God
revealed some very important, wonderful things to me.
First of all, He whispered to me that He knew all about this
situation…it wasn't a surprise to Him. That was so comforting
to me to realize that! God hadn't lost control; He
knew about this situation before the call came to me.
Secondly, He knew I would hear that news just before the
dinner, and therefore it must have been for my good.
We know that God causes all things to work
together for good to those who love God.
Romans 8:28
Thirdly, He knew that it would be a great concern to me,
and yet it had passed through His will. All of these gave me
instant comfort, but then He showed me what He wanted
me to do with what He had just revealed to me. Here are the
four things He poured into my heart that day…while dinner
was waiting…while guests were on their way…while much
still needed to be done…but while my heart was seeking His

Breakfast 2: Remember That God Is in Control
Yes, God knew all about this problem, He knew I would
hear it at this specific time, and He knew it would greatly
concern me. However…
1. He still wanted me to cast all my worries on
Cast your burden upon the Lord, and He will
sustain you.
-Psalm 55:22
The word cast in Psalm 55:22 refers to actually "rolling
off" the heavy weight of the burden onto Jesus. I pictured
having a steamroller on my chest as the burden felt so
heavy. Then I pictured rolling it down off of my chest,
down over my body, all the way down and off my feet,
leaving it at Jesus' feet. Wow! That felt incredibly good!
2. He still wanted me to delight to do His will!
Psalm 40:8 says,
I delight to do Thy will, O my God. Thy Law is
within my heart.
For victory at this moment, I needed to delight in obeying
God, in giving my burden to Him, in letting Him
take control of my thoughts, and in continuing to reach
out to encourage others. In delighting to do His will, it
took my thoughts off of myself and my problems and put
my focus back on serving the Lord.
3. He still wanted me to trust Him completely!
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do
not lean on your own understanding. In all your
ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your
paths straight.
-Proverbs 3:5-6

To obey these verses meant that I wouldn't fret about
what I heard, doubt that He was able to work out His
plan, or feel heavy-hearted with the burden. If I truly
trusted Him with ALL my heart, I could leave it all with
Him and walk on in peace.
4. He still wanted me to obey His words so my
steps would not slip! Psalm 37:31 says,
The law of his God is in his heart; his steps do not
The previous verse tells us that this is speaking of a
righteous person who is right before God. What words
from God's law could I think of to keep me from slipping
into worry or fear? Here are two verses that God immediately
brought to my mind:
No soldier in active service entangles himself in
the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please
the one who enlisted him as a soldier.
-2 Timothy 2:4
The battle is not yours but God's…stand and see
the salvation of the LORD on your behalf.
-2 Chronicles 20:15, 17
Yes, Lord! I will obey Your Word and be Your servant as
I love and serve those whom You are bringing into my home
for encouragement tonight. Thank You for calming my
heart and giving me a perfect example of Your light, power,
and love to share with these dear friends tonight! Amen.

1. Do you remember the last time you were anxious or
fearful over some news you heard or what you read in
the paper or saw on the TV? Write down how you felt.
2. Now that you've gone through this lesson, what can
you do the next time you are faced with discouraging,
troubling, or difficult news?

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors, typesetters, graphic designers and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Trusting God - Mrs. Carol Hopson

Preparing the
Cast your burden upon the LORD, and He will
sustain you; He will never allow the righteous to be
-Psalm 55:22
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty
hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper
time, casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He
cares for you.
-1 Peter 5:6-7
I was just about ready to have a large, formal Christmas
dinner at my house. I was calling it an "Encouragement
Dinner" because so many people we loved and cared about
were going through very difficult times. Some had financial
hardships, some had hurtful work-related problems, and
still others had devastating family issues. I was thrilled to
be able to invite these dear friends into our home so that we
could share some Scripture passages with them, encourage
them, and pray for them.

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors, typesetters, graphic designers and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Mrs. Carol Hopson - Trusting God in Troubled Times

The Word of God meets all my needs
And feeds my hungry soul.
It helps me know just how to live
And identifies my role.
Sometimes it seems so difficult
To see what I must do,
But with God's loving grace and help
He'll always see me through.
For all I truly need to know
About this life of mine
Is found within this tear-stained Book,
God's precious Word divine!
-Carol Hopson

1. Do you think you need to improve in how you handle
God's Word? If you've taken the privilege of having His
Word for granted, why not pray and ask God to help you
truly learn to treasure His precious Word.
2. Look again at "what if we treated our Bibles like we
treat our cell phones." Write out two or three ways that
you might try to use your Bible more for direction and
victory in your daily life.
3. Feast on Psalm 119:129-160, and write out all the
benefits of studying God's Word that you find.
4. Which ones do you need the most right now in these
troubled times, and what will you do about it?

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors, typesetters, graphic designers and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.

Carol Hopson-Trusting God

Preparing the
Thou hast ordained Thy precepts, that we should
keep them diligently.…I will meditate on Thy
precepts, and regard Thy ways. I shall delight in
Thy statutes; I shall not forget Thy word.
-Psalm 119:4, 15-16
My husband was on a mission trip to Russia and was
invited to share his Christian morals and values with public
school educators. As they gathered in a large circle in the
sparse room, he noticed there was no place to set his notes
and Bible as all of the seats were filled, and he was in a
chair also. Before he began, he set his binder and Bible on
the floor beneath his chair, and someone immediately raced
over to pick it up and hand it to him. You see, this dear person
had such respect for God's precious Word that she
couldn't let it sit on the floor, even for a moment. We don't
even know if she was a believer.

I have also heard of believers in third world countries
who didn't have a Bible, but they found a box that a Bible
came in and treasured the box because it once contained
the Holy Word of God. Oh, how far we've come from that
respect in our country. I love shopping at thrift stores, and
I often see used, discarded Bibles in all stages of neglect.
They are usually near the floor and are very dusty. I also
notice that few people take their Bibles to church any more,
and I rarely see anyone carrying one at all.

I wonder what would happen if we treated our Bibles as
we treat our cell phones?
 What if we carried it everywhere in our purses or
 What if we turned back to get it if we forgot it?
 What if we felt totally lost without checking it several
times a day?
 What if we treated it as if we couldn't live without it?
 What if we checked regularly for messages and
responded promptly to them?
 What if we gave it to kids and friends as gifts?
 What if we used it in case of an emergency?
Does that give you a little food for thought? It really gets
to my heart. How have we lost sight of the significance and
treasure that we have in God's Word? I think we have
taken our freedom to own, study, and memorize God's Word
for granted so long that it no longer even seems special to
us, and so we are fretting about these troubled times rather
than feasting on God's Word for peace. I once heard a
speaker, who was from Communist Bulgaria, at an
Association of Christian Schools International Convention.
Her family was one of the few Christian families in that
country, and she knew the Lord from an early age. Her
father was a pastor in Bulgaria and was martyred for his
faith when she was a young girl. Her mother and brother
were also killed for their Christian faith, but somehow she
Years later, after winning a European violin competition,
she was officially assigned to work in East Germany
as a concert violinist. But because of her faith, she was
forced to make a dramatic escape to the United States in
1982. In sharing her testimony, she told us that all of the
Bibles had been destroyed in Bulgaria as the government
officials went around to all of the churches and homes and
confiscated them. However, one brave lady sat on hers,
tucking her clothing around it while sitting through the
search of their church. It was the only remaining Bible in
their city that they knew of.
When it was safe enough, the congregation met at the
little church and wondered what they would do without
their precious Bibles. This one woman, with tear-filled eyes,
began tearing out page after page of her Bible. As she did
this, she handed one to every person there so that each
believer could have a page of God's Word. For twenty-five
years, this woman, who was speaking to us, had only one
page of God's Word...Genesis 16 and 17. As she held that
one well-worn, tear-stained page up for us to see, I couldn't
stop the tears from streaming down my face. How could I
take having all of God's Word so lightly? Do I really believe
that it is "a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path" (Psalm
119:105)? Or can I really say that,
Thy testimonies are wonderful; therefore my soul
observes them. The unfolding of Thy words gives
light; it gives understanding to the simple.
(Psalm 119:129)
This dear child of God said that the one thing she
prayed for all those years, and the one thing she desired
when she came to America, was to have a whole Bible.
I have never forgotten that woman or her story. Because
of hearing it, I have sought to treasure God's Word more
and spend more time studying, obeying, and memorizing
it…especially as I look at the world around me. What a difference
it has made in my life! "Thy testimonies are the joy
of my heart" (Psalm 119:111). "Establish Thy word to Thy
servant, as that which produces reverence for Thee" (Psalm
119:38). I pray that as you go through this devotional book,
you will develop more reverence and love for your Savior
and His love letter to you! This then will be the key to trusting
in troubled times!

As a "partnership publisher," we partner you with a team of professional editors, typesetters, graphic designers and printers to create a high quality product and then we work with you to help market and distribute your book in today's rapidly changing marketplace.