Wednesday, November 30, 2011

God:The Revealer of Secrets-Nancy Dufresne

Simeon and Anna were sustained by their purpose, and
when they had seen the fulfillment of that purpose they
were free to depart the earth.
What’s your purpose? What’s the plan of God for your
life? What are the paths He has prepared for you to walk?
He wants you to know them. He seeks to reveal them
to you. He invites you to ask, so that you may run with
His plan for your life has peace, joy, provision, health,
and long life tied to it. It’s a world-changing plan that can
only be unfolded to you in the Father’s presence.
Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of
him that sent me, and to finish his work.
(John 4:34)

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N. Dufresne-God: Revealer of Secrets

And she was a widow of about fourscore and four
years, which departed not from the temple, but
served God with fastings and prayers night and
And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise
unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them
that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.
(Luke 2:36-38)

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. Nancy Dufresne-God:The Revealer of Secrets

And she was a widow of about fourscore and four
years, which departed not from the temple, but
served God with fastings and prayers night and
And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise
unto the Lord, and spake of him to all them
that looked for redemption in Jerusalem.
(Luke 2:36-38)

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mr. D.J. Wourms, D.D.S

What Is a Diplomate?
Endodontists like myself, who are extremely motivated,
and want to provide their patients with the highest level of
service possible, go on to become board certified. It took me
about five years after completing my residency to pass the
written test, complete my patient case portfolio, and then
pass a series of oral exams to become board certified. Only
board certified endodontists can use the phrase “Diplomate
of the American Board of Endodontics.”
While any dentist can perform a root canal procedure
for their patient, many patients prefer to have their root
canals completed by a specialist.
If you ask your dentist to send you to a specialist and
they argue with you, you may wonder if your dentist is
afraid of having his/her work seen by another dentist. If
you want your root canal completed by a specialist, insist
on it and then find a new dentist who is concerned about
the desires, needs and the best interests of his/her patients.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Dennis J. Wourms, D.D.S

Symptoms that may indicate the need for root canal
treatment may include:
1 Swelling
2 Pain when biting
3 Pain to hot and cold temperatures
4 Pain when flying or driving up in higher altitudes

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

D.D.S Dennis J. Wourms

What Is an
An endodontist is a root canal specialist.
Endodontists are required to first complete their
training as a dentist and then they are required to complete
a two-year residency program approved by the American
Dental Association.
Every tooth in the mouth has a nerve (dental pulp)
which, when injured or infected, can be horribly painful.
Endodontists remove the nerve and, through root canal
treatment, can usually eliminate the pain and preserve the
tooth for many years.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Fear of the Lord-Pastor David Hoffman

Fearing God by Reading His Word
All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for
teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in
righteousness; so that the man of God maybe adequate,
equipped for every good work. [2 Timothy 3:16-17]
You have seen that fearing the Lord is essential if you desire to
obey Him and enjoy an abundant life. Fearing the Lord enables
you to live victoriously, enjoy a good marriage, raise godly
children, and have a life marked by the fruits of the Holy Spirit:
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, and self-control.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor David Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

I have prayed over the message in this chapter. I asked
the Holy Spirit to inspire, motivate, encourage, or even
rebuke you through my words because my desire is for you
to receive God’s blessing. I want you to experience the
financial miracles God performs on behalf of those who
honor His economy, trust His ability to provide, and obey
His Word.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor D. Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

My Heart for Your Finances
I would like to share my heart with you on one point. My
purpose for including this chapter on tithing is not for personal
gain. If you are a member of our church I am not trying to access
your money through tithes—my provider is the Lord. I include
it for the same reason I preach that God’s people may be
blessed. It is my job as a pastor to communicate God’s heart to
His people. His heart is to bless you financially and He simply
cannot do that if you will not fear Him with your finances.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

God:The Revealer of Secrets-Nancy Dufresne

But Simeon wasn’t alone in this, for the Bible tells us of
another who was, most likely, a prayer partner to Simeon,
And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter
of Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a
great age, and had lived with an husband seven
years from her virginity;
And she was a widow of about fourscore and four
years, which departed not from the temple, but
served God with fastings and prayers night and

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

N. Dufresne-God: Revealer of Secrets

Simeon was a partner with God in getting the Messiah
in the earth. He prayed and believed God to see the salvation
of God. His partnership with God’s plan sustained
him in his old age till he saw the Messiah’s entrance into
the earth. Simeon recognized Jesus as the Savior when He
was an infant, yet the Pharisees couldn’t recognize Him as
the Messiah even when they saw the miracles He performed.
Why is that? Praying people easily recognize
what non-praying people will never see.
Simeon, this man of prayer, not only cooperated with
God in believing for His plan for the Messiah coming to
pass, but as an elderly man, Simeon got to hold God the
Son in his hands and bless Him. Praying men get to hold
things that non-praying people won’t ever get to touch.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. Nancy Dufresne-God:The Revealer of Secrets

And he came by the Spirit into the temple: and
when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do
for him after the custom of the law,
Then took he him up in his arms, and blessed God,
and said,

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mr. D.J. Wourms, D.D.S

Dental Specialties
There are several specialties in dentistry. If your
particular dental problem can be handled by a specialist,
and one is available in your area, take advantage of the
specialist’s expertise.
The eight main specialties in dentistry are:
1 Endodontics
2 Orthodontics
3 Prosthodontics
4 Periodontics
5 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
6 Public Health Dentistry
7 Oral Pathology
8 Pediatric Dentistry

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Dennis J. Wourms, D.D.S

How to Recognize a Specialist
In my opinion, a general dentist should never advertise
themselves as a specialist if they have not completed the
American Dental Association approved residency program.
Some phone companies will allow general dentists to place
ads in their phone books in whatever category they want.
If you need a specialist, look for things like “Board
Certified”, or check to see where they completed their
residency training

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

D.D.S Dennis J. Wourms

The most important thing for you is to find a dentist
that you look forward to seeing when you need dental
treatment. If you do not feel comfortable, then try a new
dentist. You want to feel comfortable with your dentist’s
personality. Make sure that they can relate to you, and are
friendly and kind to their staff.
If you have just moved to a new area, ask your previous
dentist if they know of anyone they can recommend in your
new area.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Fear of the Lord-Pastor David Hoffman

This wonderful lady and husband provided God with the
opportunity to work a miracle on their behalf. She supported
God’s work and He gave her money to buy Christmas gifts.
Another family sent me this letter:
Dear Dave,
We’ve been Christians for about five years. I’ve heard quite a
few sermons on tithing. Tithing has been a constant sore spot in
our marriage. My husband has had much more faith than I have
in this area. He always told me that if we gave ten percent to God
He would bless us. So, we came up to the altar on a Sunday
morning and I confessed to my husband that I needed him to pray
that I would learn to trust God in this area. He did and a real
peace came over me. We started tithing. We no longer argue over
what we’re going to give each week. Together, we calculate how
much we made for the week and then write a check for ten percent.
Just to let you know how faithful the Lord is, within a month of
making this commitment, my husband who is self-employed,
received a very large job. This particular job took him only two
weeks to complete and it paid him half of what he had made for
the whole of last year. I don’t know why the Lord chose to
instantly bless us but all I know is that we will always tithe ten
percent no matter what happens.
This woman learned that tithing is not about money, it is
about what you really believe in your heart. Tithing reveals who
rules your life and how much you trust God as provider. Martin
Luther said, “First there is the conversion of the heart, then the

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor David Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

Tithing Testimonies
I have shared some examples from my own life about God’s
faithfulness to those who tithe, now I would like to share some
testimonies from people I know who have feared God with their
During a time when our church needed to raise a large
amount of money in a short time I called on some of our most
faithful givers for help. This letter is the response I received
from one woman:
Dear Dave,
When you told me you were calling us to ask us to give to the
church’s special project, I was actually excited that my husband
and I were given a chance to give to God. We still live paycheck
to paycheck, but decided to forego our Christmas present to each
other [to give to the cause]. Since the day we started tithing ten
percent we have seen such miracles in our lives financially. We
built our dream house two years ago, something we never thought
would happen. Six months after we started to tithe, things just
started to fall into place [no one knows except God how we
managed to do it]. We couldn’t sell our old house so we figured
that God wanted us to keep it and somehow that also worked out.
Now we have $80,000 equity in a house that we wouldn’t have if
we would have sold it and done it ‘our way.’ We had to go to court
last year and when our attorney received our financial statements
and tax returns she called me and said, “You know it’s going to be
very difficult to explain how your family makes it on your income
with your expenses. What I’m really going to have a hard time
explaining is how you can afford to give so much to your church.
On paper this looks impossible!” I laughed and laughed because
anyone without faith in God would think that it’s impossible.
I told the attorney to tell the judge that no matter what money
we give, first and foremost it goes to God. My point in all this is
that we are so honored to give anything for God’s causes. We tell
our friends who think they are so broke that the best way to make
it financially is just to give to God first. Dave, I have total faith
in God but I’m still amazed when He sends little miracles. Just
after I wrote out a check [for the church] a client from my business
stopped by with an envelope for me. It had [the money to cover the
check] along with a thank you note. In my five years of business,
no one has ever done that before.”

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor D. Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

Paving the Way for Prosperity
One of my favorite scriptures is Joshua 1:8,
This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth,
but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you
may be careful to do according to all that is written in it;
for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you
will have success. [Joshua 1:8]
When you commit to knowing and obeying the Word of God
you pave the way for prosperity and success. Obey God’s
principles on marriage and enjoy a good marriage. Apply biblical
truths about child rearing and your children will become godly
people. They may stray for a season but they will come back to
the Lord. When you apply the truth of God’s Word to your
finances, you tap in to His economy and He will bless you.
Please understand that I am not saying you will be rich.
Some preachers will tell you that if you give one thousand dollars
you will receive ten thousand and that God wants you to have a
Cadillac. I certainly am not making those claims. I do not know
if it would be good for you to have a Cadillac or great wealth. But
I do know from scripture and my personal experience that if you
faithfully tithe, save, and use godly principles in your spending
you will be financially better off in five or ten years than if you
do not.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Monday, November 28, 2011

God:The Revealer of Secrets-Nancy Dufresne

In Luke 2:25-30 we see another man whose life was
sustained by his obedience.
And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose
name was Simeon; and the same man was just and
devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and
the Holy Ghost was upon him.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

N. Dufresne-God: Revealer of Secrets

While all of Joshua and Caleb’s generation died in the
wilderness, obedience to God’s plan sustained them, and
held their strength in place.
Every part of Caleb’s being was turned toward God,
wholly following his plan; no other plan could sustain him.
As Caleb took hold of God’s plan for his life, God’s plan
took hold of him, and kept him alive in the face of a dying
generation. The power of obedience was stronger in him
than the power of death that surrounded him.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. Nancy Dufresne-God:The Revealer of Secrets

Yet I am as strong today as I was the day Moses
sent me; as my strength was then, so is my strength
now for war and to go out and to come in.
So now give me this hill country of which the Lord
spoke that day. For you heard then how the [giantlike]
Anakim were there and that the cities were
great and fortified; if the Lord will be with me, I
shall drive them out just as the Lord said.
Then Joshua blessed him and gave Hebron to
Caleb son of Jephunneh for an inheritance.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mr. D.J. Wourms, D.D.S

Your Initial Visit
On your first visit to a new office, look around and ask
these three questions:
1 Is the office clean?
2 Is the staff friendly?
3 Does the dentist take time to listen to you and
address your medical history and dental needs?
If things seem hectic, or they immediately want to put
crowns on every tooth in your mouth, then get another
dental opinion right away.
Get two opinions.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Dennis J. Wourms, D.D.S

Another source to check with is one of your local dental
specialists. We see the work of many local dentists, so we
can at least give you the names of dentists who are not
afraid of having their work seen by others. Also, sometimes
we see a flood of patients from one particular office having
problems, and many of those patients are determined to
never return to that particular office. Your local specialist
can help you avoid offices that have trouble keeping their
patients happy.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

D.D.S Dennis J. Wourms

Selecting a Dentist
and a Specialist
In my opinion, the best way to find a dentist is to ask
your friends, “What dentist do you like?” When the name
of one dentist pops up several times, that is a good place to
If you have found a dentist that you are interested in
visiting for treatment, check with your local or state dental
society to make sure that there are no pending disciplinary
actions against that dentist.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Fear of the Lord-Pastor David Hoffman

Over time our church grew, my salary increased, and so did
my savings. Financial success comes from simply establishing a
godly plan and sticking to it!
When I examine my financial situation today I see an
absolute miracle of God. As I write this chapter I am building my
dream house on a hill with a breathtaking view. Recently I was
standing near the pool we are building and I thought, “How did
this happen?” How can I possibly afford to build a house like this
when my average salary over the past 15 years is not much over
30,000 a year? It is the result of God blessing my obedience...for
fifteen years I tithed ten percent, saved ten percent and tried to
be a good steward with the rest.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor David Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

The 10-10-80 Plan
The secret to financial success is what some people call the
10-10-80 plan...tithe ten percent, save ten percent and be a good
steward with the remaining eighty percent. Utilizing this plan
produces prosperity and financial success.
When I first learned that good stewardship included paying
myself I did not see how I could implement it on my income.
There was almost nothing left after I paid my tithe and bills
because our church was new and I made only $750.00 a month.
I did not have my own home, a wife, or family so I lived with
members of our church.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor D. Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

Pay Yourself
The second requirement of a trustworthy steward is pay
yourself. You may find this surprising, but it is scriptural. Luke
10:7 says, “the laborer is worthy of his wages.”
Paying yourself is not setting aside a certain sum each pay
period to spend frivolously. It is saving a percentage of your
income to provide for your future needs, your children and the
Kingdom of God.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

God:The Revealer of Secrets-Nancy Dufresne

And Moses swore on that day, Surely the land on
which your feet have walked shall be an inheritance
to you and your children always, because you
have wholly followed the Lord my God.
ALIVE, as He said, these forty-five years since the
Lord spoke this word to Moses, while the Israelites
wandered in the wilderness; and now, behold, I am
this day eighty-five years old..

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

N. Dufresne-God: Revealer of Secrets

Then the people of Judah came to Joshua in Gilgal,
and Caleb son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite said to
him, You know what the Lord said to Moses the
man of God concerning me and you in Kadeshbarnea.
Forty years old was I when Moses the servant of the
Lord sent me from Kadesh-barnea to scout out the
land. And I brought him a report as it was in my
But my brethren who went up with me made the
hearts of the people melt; yet I WHOLLY FOLLOWED

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. Nancy Dufresne-God:The Revealer of Secrets

Jesus is letting us know that what He tells us to do
must be more important to us than what our closest loved
ones would want us to do.
If loved ones stand on the opposite side of what God has
said for us to do, they will have to stand there alone, for we
will stay on God’s side. Long life is connected to God’s

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mr. D.J. Wourms, D.D.S

If you try the drugstore bleaching systems, use them
only once in awhile because excessive use can make your
teeth very sensitive. Some of the bleaching chemicals are
very strong. If you are not happy with the results, then pay
your dentist to make custom bleaching trays and use the
systems your dentist dispenses. You can obtain more
powerful bleaching agents from your dentist that will give
you the results you want.
When I first started bleaching my own teeth, I was only
able to obtain a slight improvement from using drugstore
bleaching systems. But, I was able to achieve the results I
wanted by using custom bleaching trays and prescribed
bleaching kits from my dentist. Now, to maintain the light
color I like, I only need to wear my trays for about two
hours once a month.

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Dennis J. Wourms, D.D.S

Excessive Bleaching of Your Teeth
Many people today want their teeth to be as white as
possible. When I was in dental school, many of my
instructors went to great lengths to teach us how to make
crowns that replicated the natural color of the surrounding
teeth. Now, many patients just want all white teeth.
When teeth have turned yellow from smoking, drinking
teas and colas, and from eating certain foods, bleaching can
make your teeth look much nicer. My suggestion to any
patient is to check with your dentist prior to bleaching your
teeth. You may have a crown or some composite
restorations in your front teeth that were placed to match
your natural teeth. If you now bleach your natural teeth,
your crowns and front tooth restorations may need to be
replaced because they will no longer match.

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D.D.S Dennis J. Wourms

Tongue and Lip Piercing
Many people seem to enjoy tongue and lip jewelry that
is held in place by tissue piercings. However, I have seen
many patients who have chipped and fractured their teeth
when accidentally chewing down on a metal tongue or lip
If you have these types of jewelry, try to remove them
when you sleep.
Clean your jewelry routinely to remove the bacteria
that may cause inflammation at the piercing site.

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Fear of the Lord-Pastor David Hoffman

Jesus brought new revelation to Old Testament Law—
extravagant giving produces abundant blessing. It is the
principle of sowing and reaping. When you sow into God’s
economy you reap a harvest of blessings!
With all my heart I want God to bless you financially. Do you
believe God is capable of passing the only test He invites you to
give Him? Your actions will certainly speak louder than your
words. If you are still not convinced that tithing is possible for
you, ask God to increase your faith, not your income. He is
anxious to prove to you that His economy works!

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Pastor David Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

In both these examples you see that the New Testament
model for obedience challenges believers to exceed the minimum
interpretation of the Law. The same is true for giving! Jesus
makes it clear that tithing is just the beginning.
“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap
a good measure—pressed down, shaken together and running
over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you
in return.” [Luke 6:38]

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Pastor D. Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

The Heart of the Law
Jesus introduced some new ideas to God’s people when He
began His ministry. He revealed that God’s Law contained much
higher standards than people had inferred. Man looks at the
outward appearance, but God looks at the heart [1 Samuel 16:7].
Murder and adultery offer good examples of this.
According to Old Testament Law murder was forbidden.
Jesus raised the bar when He revealed God’s true intent...hate
and contempt are essentially murder in a person’s heart! The
Old Testament forbids the act of adultery but Jesus revealed
that the sin is not only in commission of the act—it is in yielding
to an adulterous heart. God’s people had equated obedience to
the Law with a person’s actions but Jesus tied it to the desires of
the heart.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

God:The Revealer of Secrets-Nancy Dufresne

To give up peace with God so that you can have peace
with man is a false peace. True peace is only found in
being obedient to God’s will.
If loved ones force us to choose between God and them,
Jesus made it clear what our choice is to be.
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and
mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and
sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my
(Luke 14:26)

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. Nancy Dufresne-God:The Revealer of Secrets

To give up peace with God so that you can have peace
with man is a false peace. True peace is only found in
being obedient to God’s will.
If loved ones force us to choose between God and them,
Jesus made it clear what our choice is to be.
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and
mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and
sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my
(Luke 14:26)

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. Nancy Dufresne-God:The Revealer of Secrets

We studied in a previous chapter how Moses almost
died on his return trip back into Egypt. Although God had
a plan for his life in leading His people out of slavery, he
almost missed it by stepping out of God’s will when he
failed to circumcise his son because his wife was opposed
to it (Exodus 4).
Loved ones can pull you out of God’s plan, if you’re not
No doubt, Moses thought he was keeping peace with
his wife by not circumcising his son since she was opposed
to it, but it was a false peace.

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Mr. D.J. Wourms, D.D.S

Intentional Regurgitation after Eating for Weight
Immediately after eating, a very strong acid is released
from the stomach to dissolve the food. Regurgitating soon
after eating can cause severe tissue damage and acid
erosion on your teeth. This can then cause loss of the
protective enamel which will lead to rapid decay formation,
tooth hypersensitivity, and the possible need for intentional
root canal treatment and rebuilding of the clinical crown of
the tooth.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Dennis J. Wourms, D.D.S

Sucking on Lemons or Fruits High in Citric Acid
This is simply a case of doing everything in moderation.
The occasional sucking of a lemon or an orange will not
hurt you. However, if you do this several times a day, every
day, you can dissolve away the enamel on your teeth
through the constant acid exposure.
Please use a juicer to squeeze the juice out of your fruit
of choice, and drink it over a short period of time.

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D.D.S Dennis J. Wourms

The result of opening even one bottle with your teeth
may result in the need for one or two root canals and one or
two crowns which could cost upwards of three thousand
Need I say more?

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Fear of the Lord-Pastor David Hoffman

Circumcision is another requirement of the Law that was
fulfilled in Christ. It was the mark of the covenant between God
and His people that all males be circumcised. Yet in the New
Testament Paul explains that circumcision of the flesh is
replaced with circumcision of the heart for those in Christ –
which was God’s intention all along [Deuteronomy 30:6]. Instead
of God’s covenant being performed in the flesh by human hands,
it is performed in the heart by the Holy Spirit and is symbolized
by baptism [Colossians 2:11-12]. Though some people prefer to
circumcise newborn males for health reasons the New Testament
is clear that God no longer requires circumcision of the flesh as a
sign of covenant relationship with Him.
The New Testament specifically states that God’s people are
released from circumcision, dietary restrictions, and animal
sacrifices because Jesus fulfilled the Law. If tithing was no
longer required the New Testament would certainly detail how
Christ had fulfilled that too—but it does not! Therefore we must
conclude from Jesus’ own words, and the rest of the New
Testament, that tithing has not been done away with.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor David Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

In the Old Testament God’s people received forgiveness of sin
by making a yearly animal sacrifice, usually a lamb. The priest
would kill the animal and God would accept its blood as payment
for sin and grant forgiveness. We now have a more complete
understanding of the sacrificial system and we know that the
blood of Jesus was the ultimate payment for sin, providing
forgiveness to all people who accept Him. The law that required
the punishment of death for sin was not abolished, it was
fulfilled by Jesus. Those who do not accept His payment for sin
must pay the penalty themselves!
Dietary restrictions are another example of how Jesus
fulfilled the Law. Certain foods were unclean and God’s people
were never to eat them. Other foods had to be prepared and
eaten according to specific guidelines. Failure to observe these
restrictions made a person unclean. The New Testament,
however, is clear that in Christ all foods have been made clean
and are acceptable for God’s people to eat [Romans 14:20]. God
did not rescind His laws regarding cleanliness—Jesus’ blood
provided cleansing [Hebrews 9:22].

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor D. Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

Jesus Fulfilled the Law!
Jesus made it clear that He did not intend to bring an end to
the observance of God’s Law...He intended to fulfill it!
Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the
Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill.
[Matthew 5:17]
He fulfilled the Law by living His entire life in perfect
obedience to it. He then paid the price for sin and that changed
the covenant between God and man [Hebrews 8:6-10:18]—God’s
people were released from certain requirements, like offering
atoning sacrifices.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

God:The Revealer of Secrets-Nancy Dufresne

Some people may think we shouldn’t refer to Brother
Hagin’s visions as much as we do throughout our preaching,
but those things belong to us; they are for our benefit,
and we must take advantage of them.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

N. Dufresne-God: Revealer of Secrets

We can see from this that his health was affected when
he got out of the will of God.
Ed quickly repented, and every symptom soon left.
Long life is connected to God’s plan.
The visions that Ed has had over the years are not just
for him; they belong to the whole Body of Christ. The
visions that Kenneth Hagin, who was our spiritual father,
had throughout his life weren’t just for him; they were for
the whole Body of Christ. They were for you and me. It’s
our responsibility to get hold of them and study them.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. Nancy Dufresne-God:The Revealer of Secrets

God spoke back to him and said, “When you told the
people about that vision tonight, you stated, ‘That’s how
God taught me about healing.’ I didn’t give you that vision
just to teach you. I gave it to you so you could teach it to
the Body of Christ. If you think that vision was just for
your benefit, then you won’t tell it like you should.”
When Ed made that statement, he got out of the will of
God, and then the devil was able to attack him with sickness.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mr. D.J. Wourms, D.D.S

Using Your Teeth as a Bottle Opener
Yes, some people actually use their teeth to open
A bottle opener costs a dollar or two and can open
hundreds of bottles without any problems. However, if you
try to use your teeth even one time to remove a bottle cap
froma beverage bottle, your chances of cracking or splitting
the teeth involved are excellent.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Dennis J. Wourms, D.D.S

Dry Mouth
One of the main causes of rampant tooth decay is the
dry mouth that results from drug use and other situations.
The dry mouth condition allows sugary foods to adhere to
the teeth longer so that the bacteria count increases
because there is not the constant flow of saliva to wash
away the bacteria.
Some circumstances you should be aware of that can
cause dry mouth include radiation treatment around the
head and neck area, and the use of multiple medications at
the same time for various medical conditions.
If you do have a dry mouth condition, then you should
work closely with your physician and dentist to take steps
to improve saliva flow…with the objective of keeping the
mouth moist.
One great habit to counteract drymouth is to keep fresh
water by you at all times, and drink frequently.

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D.D.S Dennis J. Wourms

Drug Abuse
Reports are showing up in the medical literature about
patients who have used methamphetamines; they are
developing a condition called “meth mouth.”
These patients have rampant tooth decay, and many of
their teeth can be destroyed in a very short period of time.
One of the side effects of methamphetamines is to dry up
the saliva flow. A dry mouth can lead to rapid tooth decay.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Fear of the Lord-Pastor David Hoffman

What are “the things that are God’s?” Your tithe! Jesus was
talking about money in this passage! His message today would
be something like this, “You must pay the IRS what is theirs and
you must give God what He has called holy to Himself.”

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor David Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

Then the Pharisees went and plotted together how they
might trap Him in what He said. And they sent their
disciples to Him, along with the Herodians, saying,
‘Teacher, we know that You are truthful and teach the
way of God in truth, and defer to no one; for You are not
partial to any. Tell us then, what do You think? Is it
lawful to give a poll-tax to Caesar, or not?’ But Jesus
perceived their malice, and said, ‘Why are you testing Me,
you hypocrites? Show Me the coin used for the poll-tax.’
And they brought Him a denarius. And He said to them,
‘Whose likeness and inscription is this?’ They said to
Him, ‘Caesar’s.’ Then He said to them, ‘Then render to
Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God the things
that are God’s.’ And hearing this, they were amazed, and
leaving Him, they went away. [Matthew 22:15-22]

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor D. Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

Jesus essentially said, “You guys are so careful to measure
out every speck of dill you can shake from a spice bottle to see
that God receives exactly ten percent. But you do not love your
neighbor nor value honesty and integrity.”
The Pharisees were obsessing over minutia and neglecting
weightier things like justice, mercy and faithfulness. Jesus did
not tell them to abandon tithing. He called them to continue in
their tithing but to also practice justice, mercy, and faithfulness.
I believe this is the only time Jesus gave the Pharisees a pat
on the back, essentially saying, “Good job! You are on track with
tithing, but the rest of your religious life is a mess!”

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

God:The Revealer of Secrets-Nancy Dufresne

After the service that night, Ed went home and got in
bed. But as he laid there, he began feeling sick, and continued
to get worse.
As I walked into our bedroom, he said to me, “Put your
hand on me and pray.” I prayed for him and left the room.
After I walked out, Ed said to the Lord, “Now God, I’ve
missed it somewhere. Where have I missed it that this
was able to come on me?”

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

N. Dufresne-God: Revealer of Secrets

As Ed stood there, he prayed, “Lord, I don’t understand
what communion means.” When he said that, a vision
appeared to him where he saw Jesus hanging on the cross.
As He hung there, my husband saw words of different sicknesses
and diseases fly through the air and strike His
body. Words like, cancer, tuberculosis, and arthritis sailed
through the air and struck Jesus. Ed saw all the sicknesses
and diseases of mankind laid on Jesus.
As Ed was relaying this vision in the service that night,
he stated, “That’s how God taught me about healing.”

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. Nancy Dufresne-God:The Revealer of Secrets

I remember a night in our local church when my husband
was ministering. In the service he was telling of a
vision that God gave him years ago, right after he was born
As an usher in the local church where he was saved, he
was lined up with the other ushers as they held the communion
elements; the pastor prayed before they distributed
the elements to the congregation.

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