Wednesday, December 19, 2007

New FREE ebook "Before You Publish"

The new ebook will soon be out on that will answer most your questions about publishing. This will include information on publishing, writing, proofing, cover design and printing. The book even help determines if a ghostwriter is what you need. Look out for the new free ebook "Before You Publish".

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Is Your Book Christian in Nature?

The area of publishing, especially Christian publishing, is one that demands careful investigation by an author when writing his/her manuscript. I have noticed that many self-publishers do not understand the Chistian terminology, so they fail to know the proper punctuation for pronouns such as "Him" or "His" when they refer to Jesus or God. Another case is how to write "the body of Christ." I've seen it all sorts of ways. If you are interested in getting it right, and want to self-publish or look into subsidy publishing, always ask the question, "Are you a Christian publisher?" if your manuscript needs that special touch.

Dr. Mike

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Before You Publish - Consider this

Publishing in the Christian marketplace is always a challenge. No matter how great the writing, editing and proofing are on on your book, it is no guarantee that your book will be published. Thank God for self-publishing and subsibdy publishing companies that give us authors another avenue over than the traditional publisher. The publishing company I recommend is CSN Books. They have been in business for over two decades, and treat their customers with dignity.


Dr. Mike

The Right Choice

It’s not everyday that God gives you an assignment and if he does like publishing a book than you better do your homework. There are so many things to consider, editing, cover design you may even need a ghost writer. I recommend CSN Books for all your needs, they can help the self-publisher with all of there needs and they have an understanding of Christian writing and proofing.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Please Be Careful!

Publishing is difficult - period.
So many publishing companies out there, even Christian ones, make blatant promises to authors concerning the marketing and distribution of their books that they know they cannot honor.
What is an author to do?
First, investigate the claims and learn if they are feesible. If a company promises to "put you in 25,000 bookstores," and you are only printing 100 copies, then something is wrong.
Second, self-publishing, or subsidy publishing through a publisher, is great, depending upon the contract. If there is a rule of thumb for self publishers, it is, "The more you invest, the more profits you are likely to receive. The more the publisher invests, the less you will receive back for your efforts."
In other words, to receive the highest profit, seriously consider subsidy publishing, where you invest to make the book happen.


Dr. Mike Wourms

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Horror Stories

Sometimes small things can mean a lot. How many times have you seen books published without an ISBN number? Or, books printed without simple headers for the chapter titles? Or, books published with no price attached? All of these things are warning signs to the bookstores that your book was not professionally prepared. It is important that in the publishing industry, or in the Christian publishing industry, that you make sure that all the little things have been taken care of. Use a good cover design artist, a capable typesetter, and make sure you have your book professionally edited and proofed. No matter how capable you might be, there is always room for improvement.


Mike Wourms

Church Sales

Went to a Church where the Pastor was selling his published book and instead of just pointing people out to a book table he had them order the book while they were still in there seats. An envelope was in the church bulletin and we took it out, filled it out and handed it to him at the end of service and he handed us his book. This method sold at least 300 copies in the service I was attending alone; I know that beats any book table. Now That's publishing folks.

Dr Vums

Friday, November 16, 2007

Who is responsible for errors?

Many authors misunderstand how the publishing industry works. They figure that just because a publisher is producing their book, that it absolves them from any responsibility for accuracy.


It is your book - take ownership of it. When you sign off on the final copy, read every work and make sure it says what you want it to say, and that everything is accurate. Just because a proofer checked your manuscript, do not give away your responsibility to double and triple check.

In the end, you will be happier with the final product if you take proper ownership of it.

Mike Wourms

Thursday, October 18, 2007

New Release Party

As an author and an unknown at that; I have learned to stay away from the publishers offering pie in the sky promises. The best means of marketing started with a well organized book release party and things sorta of dominoed from there. I beleive that if I had the vision , I could of sold even more books my creating a bigger event, my own fears were my only hinderance.I thank God for CSN and their honesty, this isn't always the case for a publisher, even a Christian one.

How Do You Promote Books?

Over the last 26 years, I've written 83 books as an author, yet am still learning new wrinkles about the publishing industry. Question: What are the best methods you have found to promote your book?



Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Anyone Else Use CSN?

Has any author had any experience with "partnership publishing" such as CSN Books does?
As a ghostwriter, I'd like to hear about your experience.


Joe's concerns

Joe is writing a book to be published by a self publishing publisher. He has many worries concerning editing, cover design and typesetting. He is also hoping to be published by a Christian company.

You Did the Work - Enjoy the Profits!

O.K., so now your "great American novel" is completed. What's next? I find many authors are selecting a new process called "Partnership Publishing" as opposed to self-publishing, or the long grind of trying to get a traditional publisher to accept their work.

Have you had any experiences with this new type of publisher?

As an author, and the owner of a partnership publishing company, I find it hard to understand why, after you know all the facts, you would select any over avenue.

Any thoughts?



Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Don't Overlook Local Newspapers and Radio

So what if you don't have a budget to promote your book? There are several things you can do, even if you self-publish, that work in the publishing industry. Two simple and free ones are: 1) contact any newspaper in your city and tell them you've got a new book. They are always looking for people to interview. 2) Do the same with radio stations - there's 24 hours of air time to kill every day. Don't you think you could get a few free minutes of it? And finally, don't give up. Keep trying!

Dr. Mike Wourms, President, CSN Books

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Take Control of Your Destiny!

In the last 20 years I have personally written over 80 books. In that time, I've learned that my fate does not depend upon a publisher promoting my book, but it rests primarily in my ability to get out and do conventions, seminars and conferences. As I promote the excitement to others, my books sell and I make money. If an author believes he can publish his book and sit back and wait for sales, he/she is being unrealistic, and is doomed to failure.

Dr. Mike Wourms, President, CSN Books