Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Take Control of Your Destiny!

In the last 20 years I have personally written over 80 books. In that time, I've learned that my fate does not depend upon a publisher promoting my book, but it rests primarily in my ability to get out and do conventions, seminars and conferences. As I promote the excitement to others, my books sell and I make money. If an author believes he can publish his book and sit back and wait for sales, he/she is being unrealistic, and is doomed to failure.

Dr. Mike Wourms, President, CSN Books


Kickin' Karen said...

Couldn't agree with you more. I've only written one book, but in the last two years my major sales have been through seminars and speaking to women's groups about godly and ungodly self-talk. Don't forget radio shows, and locally, getting profiled in newspapers and even on local television shows!

drvums said...

I would love to hear from more authors and what they find important in there lives.