Monday, November 29, 2010

Trusting God-C. Hopson

It is our own lusts, which are part of our old nature, that
draw us into temptation. That's why Paul said "this one
thing I do." He was always focused on moving forward in
love and obedience to the Lord. Then when distractions
came, he knew it wasn't part of "the one thing" God had
called him to do. You see, Philippians 3:14 says that Paul
was always pressing toward "the goal" or "the mark." This
was a picture of someone running a race and always focusing
on the goal line, or the picture of someone shooting an
arrow at a target in archery; they always had to keep their
eye on "the mark" or the target, because that was their
whole purpose-to hit the mark.
My dear parents are now ninety-three and ninety-five
years of age. They have spent their lives serving the Lord
in various churches and mission organizations. By God's
grace, they still live in their own home, on my brother's
property, so they have family right there if needed. Both of
my parents have had serious health issues: heart attacks,
strokes, perforated colon, multiple cancers. And life is not
easy for them. Just getting through each day is hard work,
and yet they choose to be together in their own home, with
daily helpers who come for a few hours. Last week, while
sitting in his chair, my dad had something happen, and he
was sure God was taking him home, so he lovingly prepared
my mother and told her that he was going to glory. They
then called my brother and sister-in-law who came right
over and lovingly took charge from there. My dad didn't go
to glory that night, and God is again strengthening him for
a few more days on this earth, but he and my mother are so
ready to be with Jesus! His comment to me on the phone
was, "I'm so ready for God to take me home, but if He has
some purpose for leaving me here, I'll try to be faithful."
by his own lust.
-James 1:13-14

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