Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mrs. C. Hopson-Trusting God

Let me give you just a simple, everyday illustration of
what it means to know the truth. Just this morning I got up
early and decided to go to Starbucks and do some work
there for an hour. The change of scenery is good sometimes,
as my office is in my home. It also gets me out into the world
where I desire to be God's sweet aroma to those around me,
and God has truly given me a "Starbucks ministry." I
prayed as I drove there that God would use me and open a
door of witness. As I ordered my drink, I was talking with
the manager and inviting her to church; I had already invited
her to the "Practicing His Presence" series I had taught,
and she seemed interested but couldn't come. As I was
walking away, this young lady stopped me and asked if I
taught a series on self-awareness (she had overheard the
"presence" part of my conversation). I told her that what I
taught was about practicing God's presence and told her
briefly what that meant to me and how it affected my life.
I was excited…how quickly God had answered my
prayer to witness! But she was not interested in my God;
she belonged to the Self-Realization Center and said they
talked about a different God that she felt comfortable with.
I smiled at her and tried to ask her a few questions that
would open the conversation further. "What or who is this
God, and what do you do with him?" I asked.
She replied, "Well, we contemplate him or her, do yoga
and meditate…"
"But who is he, and what is he like?" I asked again.

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