Monday, November 22, 2010

Carol Hopson-Trusting

I always thought the word commit showed such maturity,
And as I gave my life to Christ, I thought this was the key.
But then I heard a story about a foreign land
Where Christians didn't just commit but left
all in God's hands.
They seemed to truly understand why Jesus came to die,
And in their poverty and pain, on Him they would rely.
You see, the word surrender is what God really asks,
He wants to know that I am His, a decision that will last.
Commitment still gives me the choice, to follow as I please.

Surrender gives all choice to Him,
and I just bow my knees.
So now my heart is lighter, my cares have eased away,
To Christ I've given everything, and it's a brand-new day!
-Carol Hopson
1. Are you having a difficult time surrendering all you
are and have to the Lord? If yes, write out what you are
fearful of.
2. Define what you think it means to be a Christian
without giving all to Jesus. Is that possible? What does
that kind of thinking produce?
3. Read Hebrews 13:15 and write down in your own
words what we need to do to surrender in difficult times.
4. Feast on 2 Timothy 2 and write out the following:
What stood out to you the most that you will apply
to your life right now?

There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who
say to God, "Thy will be done," and those to whom God
says, in the end, "Thy will be done."
-C. S. Lewis

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