Thursday, December 9, 2010

Trusting God in Times of Trouble- Carol Hopson

Well, what should we do? We closed the door quickly,
got out Clorox and Pine-Sol and all our cleaning supplies,
and scrubbed the outside of that freezer until it was spotless…
wow, it looked like new! But the smell was still there
and getting more pungent. Why was that? Because we hadn't
emptied the cause of the stench, the rotten contents!
There have been times in my life when I've tried to
scrub the outside of me to make me look good to others, but
the sin was still inside-and it wasn't pretty. There is
absolutely no victory without emptying the rotten contents
of sin. What might some of those rotten contents look like?
I just can't forgive this person!
I want to nurse this injustice a little longer and get
My life is so unfair, and I'm so angry about my circumstances.
I just can't tolerate people who have a different, "sinful"
point of view.
I'm so angry. I don't know why this has happened; I
deserve better.
I don't like my marriage and I want out, no matter
what God says.
I think my plan is better than God's plan, so I'm
going to try mine.

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