Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Trusing God in Times of Trouble-Hopson Carol Mrs.

Preparing the
If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny
himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
-Luke 9:23
It seems that one of the most common things I hear from
women when speaking or counseling is, "If only I knew what
God wanted me to do!" Some have even said, "I wish He'd just
write me a letter and tell me!" I always reply, "Guess what;
He did write you that letter." And then I take them to this
verse in Luke 9:23. Often it's not what they want to hear, but
let me share how it helps us to know God's will in any situation.
First of all, to know God's will we must deny self! Yikes!
That's definitely not popular to say these days! This means
that we need to renounce self as the center of our life and
actions and realize that life is not about me but about how I
can reveal and reflect God to those around me. In my book
The Journey From Feelings to Faith, I've included a personal
checkup to see if you're living for self or for God. So, when difficulties,
trials, or changed plans come…

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