Sunday, October 26, 2008

Two Moe Publishing Myths

MYTH # 6: “Once I publish, my book will automatically be in the bookstores in my hometown.”
TRUTH: Unless you are very well known, there is no guarantee that your book will make it to even one bookstore. A publisher can make your book available to the major distributors that sell to bookstores, but they cannot force the bookstore to buy the book. Some publishers will work out a clever marketing package where they charge you $15,000 and guarantee your book in bookstores, then they turn around and pay $5000 to a small group of bookstores for shelf space: this allows them to honor their promise to place you in bookstores.
In fact, all they did was pocket $10,000 from the $15,000, paying only $5,000 to buy shelving space for you. This technique is often used, and we believe it is unethical. In this program, you still might not sell a single book, yet the publisher will pocket $10,000 profit on just that one plan.
Here at CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, we will be honest with you on how the system works: not all marketing plans fit all authors. Selling a book takes work; although we can make your book available to the biggest distributors in the country, we cannot make them buy the book. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing will do everything we can to market your book and provide marketing plans that are extremely reasonable and valuable.
MYTH # 7: “Bookstores are the best way to sell my book.”
TRUTH: Bookstores are frequently one of the last options for an author who wants to be a good steward of his/her money. Once a book is discounted through the distributor, and sold to the bookstore, your profit on the book is extremely low. If the book does not sell in the bookstore, the bookstore reserves the right to return the books to you at a full refund, plus shipping...and, these books are frequently returned as damaged and are no longer sellable.
At CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we have many avenues to assist our authors in direct sales. For example, if you are booked on a radio or TV show, your listeners and viewers can order the book directly from CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing through our websites, through our 800 numbers, or even by mail. The CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing office staff will process all your orders and send you a check the following month (bookstores and distributors can take up to a full year to pay).
Our program is similar to having your own personal office staff! The best part about the direct sale through CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing is that you receive a net profit of up to 80% of your list price, compared to the 5% of net sales you receive in a royalty program from a “traditional” publisher.
Marketing a book is difficult!
At CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we partner with you to help you learn the nature of the publishing industry. There are no guarantees with any book, so we encourage you to work within a system you can trust.

Dr. Mike Wourms

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

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