Monday, October 6, 2008

Newest book coming by Dr. Peter Colman

A Riveting Saga of Redemption and Reconciliation

Father of the Man portrays a young boy, standing near the threshold of a remote window in time, his eyes trained on his father’s heroic ascent toward an unforeseeable anonymity. This creative autobiography reveals a reluctant, prodigal father and his estranged New England son, who, after decades of separation, returns to offer comfort, reconciliation and redemption in a father’s final hour. At the heroic moment of descent, both father and son find uncommon strength and enduring hope in the intimacy and joyous agony of restored love. Father of the Man belongs to every son and daughter yearning to rediscover and reaffirm their own humanity.

“This is the book to own, to treasure, to read and re-read, if you (as I) have become convinced that literacy has become uncommon among today’s writers….he (Peter) bestows to us the privilege of sharing his experience as he skillfully interweaves classic quotations into contemporary lifestyles.”
Herschell Gordon Lewis

“I have witnessed and ministered to hundreds of wounded and hurting people… I believe the deepest and most frequent wound is the father's wound. Read this book! It is an intimate roadmap to healing the father's wound.”
Dr. Raleigh Washington,
President, Promise Keepers and
President/CEO, The Road To Jerusalem
About the Author
Dr. Peter L. Colman, born in Goffstown, NH, was the only son of Robert and Doris Colman. He graduated from Nyack College (70’ B.A. English), Gordon-Cromwell Theological Seminary (73’ M. Div.), and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (99’ Ph. D.). Peter and his wife, Judith, served as missionary educators in West Africa (1978-92). Dr. Colman has taught at many colleges and universities; his specialty is intercultural communication. He is a lecturer, conference speaker, free-lance writer and poet. Peter and Judith have four children and seven grandchildren, and currently reside in Round Lake Beach, Illinois.

Remember CSN Books for all your writing, editing, cover design, printing and publishing needs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:) That's my english teacher! Yay Doc!