Monday, October 13, 2008

Proof and Edit of Your Book

The proof and edit of your manuscript is very important. You will want somebody who truly knows what the standards are in the publishing industry to prepare your book.
There is a basic difference between a proof and an edit. A “proof” means that the manuscript is prepared to be correct in punctuation and grammar. editing can be used in a broader sense, and includes proofing under its umbrella, but for publishing reasons we will explain each as a separate function.
When we ask our proofers to proof a manuscript, it comes with very specific instructions to our proofers; it means “check for spelling errors and simple grammatical mistakes.” The reason for this is simple: a proofer must have a different set of eyes than an editor. When proofing is combined with editing, the editor then must look at the manuscript with two sets of eyes, and that degrades the quality of both processes.
At CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, your book is proofed at least twice, once after the edit and once after typesetting. These proofs are performed by two separate proofers.
If an edit is recommended for your project, this would be the first step of the process. Although our editors are also accomplished proofers, when they edit they concentrate on one thing: the readability and flow of the book. This focus allows our editors to make the necessary changes to the document so it becomes easier to read, and reads with a sensible, logical flow. This kind of editing takes experienced writers, and here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we have some of the best in the country, including our own, award-winning Head Editor, Dr. Michael Wourms, who has ghostwritten over 80 books, and has edited hundreds of others (many became best-sellers).
At CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we take pride in the fact that when an edit is finished, it still sounds like the author. Our editors understand the importance of maintaining the personality of the author, so they make sure that the author’s voice remains clearly in the writing style.

Dr. Mike

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

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