Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Americas Favorite Sermons 50% OFF

These messages were compiled from Christian leaders across America who share one core belief -- that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. Our editors made no attempt to account for political standing, gender or religious affiliation, but simply selected sermons that share God's Word to bless our collective Christian community. We pray these powerful messages help to unite Christians in America -- potentially, the most powerful, influential community in this great nation!

"Our destiny is before us! We have all been crafted by God to be leaders in evangelism and missions, in confronting our culture with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. God has positioned us to call this nation to prayer and awakening. We must not hide in the stuff of our own destiny." --Dr. James T. Draper, Jr., President Emeritus of LifeWay Christian Resources

"When you start touching the wounds in the body of Christ, it's not just enough to watch it from afar off. When you get up there and you touch HIm, it's a part of you. It's not something you're just reading about, but you're out there. You're putting your arm around a little kid who doesn't have anyone, you put your arm around a teenager in trouble." -- Bill Wilson, President and Founder of Metro Ministries International

"Without love, the phrase, "I love you" is but a means to gain an advantage. If love is not your true purpose, then wait until it is. That truth is applicable to every realm of life from courting to marriage. Make love the root of your words and your words will bear fruit." --Dr. Tony Foglio, Founding Pastor, Sonrise Community Church

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

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