Monday, March 30, 2009

Another Wonderful Excerpt from Shaking Heaven and Earth

Today we have been given the same opportunity to experience the abundant life that the Israelites had to possess the promise land – if we will appropriate the promise of God by resting in a trust relationship with Christ based on His accomplishments. It says here that the promise of a "rest remains over for some to enter that rest."44 Who are the “some” in this passage of scripture? They are those who will stop trusting in their own strength and abilities and rest in the revelation of His abilities over their own abilities!

All we have to do is keep our hearts soft through an intimate relationship with God so that we will trust His report before we will trust the report of our circumstances. Then we can stop working so hard in our own strength and begin resting in His accomplishments.

Check back for more from Dennis Reanier’s book, Shaking Heaven and Earth.

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1 comment:

Michael5 said...

Building an intimate relationship with God should also include the daily reading of His Word. Without that daily practice, we start to forget how much God desires relationship with us.