Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Kingdom Living

Inheriting the Kingdom
From atop a high hill, Joshua shielded his eyes from the early morning sun. Stretching before him, just across the Jordan River, was the Promised Land. Straining his eyes to see as far as possible, he surveyed the lush richness of the Jordan River Valley stretching out before him.
It was just as he remembered it. A rich land, a land flowing with milk and honey.
It had all seemed so simple on that day forty years ago when he returned with the twelve other spies to report to Moses of their reconnaissance of the land. If God had promised them the land, then He would certainly give it to them. That is what he believed and that is the report he stuck with, despite the arguments of ten of the other spies and the fear
of the people.
Of course, Moses was his leader then. It was easy to be brave and full of faith around Moses. Moses had been their rock. Had any person ever known God as he had? He was always so strong and certain. Raised in the very palace of Pharaoh, educated in all the knowledge of the world, and called by the very Presence of God in a burning bush, he had spoken to God face to face and received the tablets of the Law, written by the
very finger of God. Moses had called the ten plagues down upon the Egyptians, parted the Red Sea, and caused water to flow from a rock.
It was easy to believe anything when you were around Moses.  But Moses was dead.  After forty years, he would no longer be the voice to lead the people. Now it would be Joshua’s voice.

Mike Wourms,
Christian Services Network,
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