Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dennis Reanier Takes us on a Journey to Spiritual Revelation

Just like Dr. Meyer, we must choose everyday to surrender every interest in our hearts and lives to embrace a life giving relationship with Christ. The motives of our hearts are laid bare as all of heaven and earth wait in eager anticipation to see what we will choose. Will we choose to have a genuine relationship with Jesus, the tree of life, resting in His accomplishments enabling us to live the abundant life, or will we choose to strive in our own strength and abilities, holding on to our own interests, embracing the tree of knowledge of good and evil devoid of a life-giving relationship with Jesus robbing us from the promises of God?

In the beginning of creation, “…the Lord God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden (delight)…”45 It contained everything needed for Adam and Eve to enjoy the abundant life, “every tree that is pleasant to sight or to be desired-good (suitable, pleasant) for food…”46 They were living in an unobstructed relationship with God while they were resting in the goodness of His provision. The garden included, “the tree of life also in the center of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of the (difference between) good and evil and blessing and calamity.”47

Check back for more from Dennis Reanier’s book, Shaking Heaven and Earth.

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