Thursday, September 4, 2008

Killer Whales @ Jonah Factor

Here Ye! to one and all, Please consider the Book "Killer Whales" as it is ready for distribution to anyone, anywhere all you have to do is call CSN Books at 1-866-484-6184 and request this book. CSN will have a new catalog coming out soon and we hope to have the book in that Catalog. We pray that people will catch on and see what "KILLER WHALES" has to say. We hope to open the door of what Rites and Rituals and false teachings can do to a family if they don't let God be their teacher and trust in him to lead and guide where only he can. We are a simple people that believe that only one nation under God can see what any teaching other than that of "Ye Must Be Born again through Jesus Christ" is the only way to Heaven. Don't be decieved and close your eyes against the things that is taking our country down a path to distruction and desolation, believe you me I have seen what desolation can look like and The Dream he gave me was too vivid for me to put it out of my mind. So stand with us to put an end to lies and coverups and all things concerning Abortion and let our Hearts be full of Love for our fellow men and women. We need to take America back and put God back in control where he has been all along whether you believe it or not.

Thank you The Jonah Factor

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