Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Above the Storm-Carol Hopson

It’s time to look at the eagle again. While living in the
beautiful Northwest, my husband and I were out on a boating
trip to the San Juan Islands. Being a student of eagles,
I’m always looking for them in places like that and when I
spotted one very near the shoreline, we pulled the boat as
close as we could get. As I gazed up into the treetop, the
magnificent bald eagle sat so proudly on the top branch of
the barren tree. Suddenly, several black crows appeared
out of nowhere and started crowing loudly at the eagle.
When he didn’t respond, they began darting at him, over
and over, getting within inches of him each time. They
continued to screech and taunt him for 10-15 minutes. I’ve
learned that crows are notorious for this tactic and it
almost always works for them. They are able to gang up
on and intimidate most other birds and get their way. As
I watched this, I kept waiting for the eagle to snap at them
or try to get away from them but he did neither. He just
ignored them and held his position...at the top of the tree.
They finally gave up and flew away, probably in search of
someone more vulnerable to their attacks. I was struck by
how regal the eagle remained through all the taunting. He
never gave up his position, never glanced their way, or
withdrew from their continual, irritating attacks. He didn’t
change who he was because of who they were.

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