Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Killer Whales

We have the book Killer Whales for distribution to anyone that would like to request this book, we will be happy to accommodate you in aquiring this book so you may learn more of the deceiving power of Satan and his Church. We know that Christ has his Church but, why haven't
people thought about the Church of Satan he will take all he can if we don't get ready to fight for the Lost. We have an obligation to God to stand and say we want America to stand for Jesus Christ and let Satan become as dust beneath our feet, the world is in trouble and we have to take a stand and say enough is enough.
Please if you would like to purchase this powerfull book, Please contact CSN Books in El Cajon, California, 1-866-484-6184, they can in turn contact us or you get a copy from: Heavenly Dove Book Store in Cumming, Ga. the price of this book is $19.95 and we hope that it can help you, help us to put an end to Abortion, rites and rituals and deceit. Thank you for caring : Mrs Jonah

1 comment:

Michael5 said...

This book is well worth reading, especially if you have been in the Catholic Church and want to know the biblical truths concerning many of their teachings.
Also, as over 1.5 million abortions are being perpetrated in the U.S. each year, we need to stand up and declare that it has to STOP - and stop now. This book declares that simple message.
