Monday, January 21, 2008

As a writer, I have become to find it more and more difficult to find good resources for publishing. I tend to be a more expressive and biographical writer, so my Christian faith is pertinent and resounding in most of my pieces. This poses to be even more of an issue; most legitimate publishers are seldom interested in helping someone who is so vocal about faith- they just don’t want their name or ISBN associated with such strong convictions, it could hurt their image or possibly offend other religious (or non religious) groups. My aim in publishing my pieces is never to offend someone, but simply an expression.
It came as a relief when I found a full service publishing company that helped me all of my publishing needs and holds fast to my own Christian convictions- although they do not publish strictly Christian material; just nothing offensive to the faith. CSN Books (or Christian Services Network) was able to help me with ghostwriting, editing, proofing, copyright, cover design, ISBN, printing, marketing and even subsidy printing if I so desired. They were extremely helpful and patient with me as I went through the laborious pains that oft come with getting something to print (although, I must say, working with them was perhaps the easiest time I’ve had yet because I honestly was able to hand them my work and they worked with me step by step to order, manage and complete my work). For any writers like myself, I would highly recommend this company. They truly do stand true to their slogan, “from vision to completion”. That is what they helped me to do- finally complete my work so I could get the message out.

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