Friday, August 10, 2012

Pastor Dave Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

Your goal is to build a relationship so your children will embrace your godly value system. The time with our kids is best utilized when we try to build and deepen relationship with them. As I have observed fathers, it frequently seemed that the kids who were on fire for Jesus had dads who were extremely busy, so I knew they couldn’t spend enormous amounts of time with their kids. Yet, their kids were embracing their value system. As I spoke with them, I learned that these dads took out special time out on a regular basis for each one of their children. They sometimes took them on ministry trips, or out for a one-on-one meal. Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

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