Wednesday, May 20, 2009

CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE, an excerpt from the book MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS: A Special Blend, written by Christian author Debbie Snyder

Excerpt taken from Chapter One: The Beginning


My husband used to be the mediator between my girls
and myself in the middle of big arguments. We were just too
angry to talk or even look at each other; we needed some
space. Rex could sit down with the girls and usually have a
very rational discussion with them and we could all get it
worked out. I was so thankful for his intervention at that
time, someone who did not think like a “woman” and could
put a different perspective on things.

Author Louis Wyse says it this way: “I thought about all
of us women and how we spend half of our lives rebelling
against our mothers and the next half rebelling against our

Do not despair, Ladies. I believe there are many of us
who struggle to paint the “perfect mom” picture. It is ok to
get overwhelmed and frustrated, to be lonely at times, to be
overzealous and then to be completely happy and satisfied.
It cannot always be smooth sailing on this job of being a
mom. Where would the patience factor come in?

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You…
(Isaiah 26:3)

This book is meant for every woman, whether or not you are a mother. It is a devotional that expresses not only our love for our daughters, mothers, and other loved ones in our lives, but also God's love for us as daughters in His Kingdom. If you are enjoying the excerpts from this book and want to read more, you can purchase a copy of the book by visiting .

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