Monday, May 4, 2009

Bette Hammang

Blaming God for the premature death of her mother, at the age of 16, Bette Hammang turned her back on Him as ran as far as she could run. Nursing resentment led her into a life of desperation for a yearning she could not name. She became pregnant, experimented with drugs and at the young age of 21 was a full-blown heroin addict. She spent the next 30 years convinced that it was only a matter of time until the drugs did what she never had the guts to do—kill her.
In 1976, she attended a church service that introduced her to the Savior, but it would take her 20 more years to understand that He was unable to be her Savior until she made Him the Lord of her life. She stumbled through another marriage, losing custody of her child and frequently cheating death. In 1999, she turned herself into the court after a lengthy run from the law, and Jesus had her right where He wanted her—in jail as His captive audience.
The book and Bunk 51 is the story of Bette and her love letter to the unbeliever. To those who think they have no hope and are beyond redemption, this book is for you. God does exist, He has a plan for your life and He is still in the business of doing miracles—Bette knows…she is one. With God, all things are possible!

This book is available at website.

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