Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dr David Adkins "Attack of the Royal Bllodline"

Attack on the Royal Bloodline is a book designed to reveal the awesome conflict that has been waged against good and evil, right and wrong, night and day, darkness and light, and finally the battle with the satanic order and God.
Since the beginning of Creation there has developed a struggle in the heavens, which has in our day and time manifested in the earth realm, in hopes of preventing God from receiving true worship and praise in which He is rightly deserving of without dispute.
Furthermore, this book will assume the responsibility of showing believers their worth and positional blessing that are due them, while at the same time revealing our relationship in the family of God.
There is a strong wind weeping throughout the Church society called identification. Everyone is trying to search out their true purpose and reason of exsisting in order to determine their future. Furthermore, many feel that their parents decided to have a child and you came into form, after a night of passion.
The Word of God declares that children are a gift from God. The Word of God also speaks of God knowing us and our destiny, before we know ourselves. Therefore the Lord has already determined our footsteps, but there are few that tap into their true purpose for life.

Are you a Christian author looking for a quality Christian publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality Christian publishing services including: editing , cover design, printing, and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS: A Special Blend, written by Christian author Debbie Snyder

Excerpt taken from Chapter One: The Beginning


The teen years feel like they will last a lifetime and then
one day that comes all too soon you are at their graduation
and letting go of your baby as they embark on a journey
beyond your reach. It is a very scary feeling. You hope and
pray that you have prepared them for the big world they
are going into and you think of all the things you could have
and should have done differently.

I love the scripture that says:
Train up a child in the way he should go, And
when he is old, he will not depart from it.
(Proverbs 22:6)

I have stood on that particular promise many, many

It was very hard for me when the last one left. I used to
call her many times a day and at night I would sit in my
bath and pray and cry. My heart missed her so much. We
moms can be so strong yet so incredibly sensitive!
Now when my children come home to visit and leave
again I take precious memories of them and store them in
my heart, and once again I cry and pray.

An anonymous writer says it this way:
“As we change diapers and wash sticky little fingers,
give driving lessons and coach Little League, watch our
children marry and hold our first grandchild, we are
reminded in countless ways that motherhood is a journey
that never ends.”

I truly believe that is correct. It reminds me of a card I
received for Mother’s Day a few years back from Sarah. It
speaks of me guiding her life from finger-paint school days
to womanhood, and of teaching her God’s examples of love.
Those are the kinds of affirmations that make the journey
of motherhood all worthwhile.

This book is meant for every woman, whether or not you are a mother. It is a devotional that expresses not only our love for our daughters, mothers, and other loved ones in our lives, but also God's love for us as daughters in His Kingdom. If you are enjoying the excerpts from this book and want to read more, you can purchase a copy of the book by visiting .

We appreciate comments and feedback!
Feel free to post your comments!


Are you a Christian author looking for a quality Christian publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality Christian publishing services including: editing , cover design, printing, and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE eBook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Lisa Carter "At The Master's Feet"

There is a Way Out!

"At the Master's Feet" is a vivid powerful story, a compelling account of my life married to an abusive drug addict. You will experience both the highest and lowest points in my marriage. And yet, embedded in brokenness, my faith in the Lord remained...even in the darkest hours of my life. As I watched the drug dealers take possession of my home, I became unjustly incarcerated (like a criminal

Are you a Christian author looking for a quality Christian publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality Christian publishing services including: editing , cover design, printing, and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

LETTING GO, an excerpt from the book MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS: A Special Blend, written by Christian author Debbie Snyder

Excerpt taken from Chapter One: The Beginning


As a parent I hope you allow your children to have their
own dreams. God has a plan for each of their lives just like
He does ours. Sometimes I know we think we know best but
only God sees the big picture. I just pray every day that God
will have His way not only in my life but the lives of my

There is so much more to mothers or grandmothers
than nice-smelling perfumes, softness and baked cookies.
Now that I have both of those roles I know it takes nerves
of steel to get through the rough times, tears of anguish and
a lot of bended knee in prayer.

This book is meant for every woman, whether or not you are a mother. It is a devotional that expresses not only our love for our daughters, mothers, and other loved ones in our lives, but also God's love for us as daughters in His Kingdom. If you are enjoying the excerpts from this book and want to read more, you can purchase a copy of the book by visiting .

We appreciate comments and feedback!
Feel free to post your comments!


Are you a Christian author looking for a quality Christian publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality Christian publishing services including: editing , cover design, printing, and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE eBook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

More Ghostwriting Information

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to
At CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, your book is proofed at least twice, once after the edit and once after typesetting. These proofs are performed by two separate proofers.
Here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we can take compiled material and assign a ghostwriter to the project to bring that message into bookstore quality writing. We all cannot be great preachers or singers or writers or builders. If we were, we would not need others in our lives. ghostwriting is simply a tool to bring your message to market.
Ghostwriting is the most expensive method of writing a book, and it provides the highest quality of writing needed to be successful in this competitive market. Authors who use ghostwriters usually do not have the time needed to properly write a book, so for them, the extra money is well spent.
Michael Wourms, Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Are you a Christian author looking for a quality Christian publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality Christian publishing services including: editing , cover design, printing, and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript.

Who Should Use a Ghostwriter?

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to
At CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, your book is proofed at least twice, once after the edit and once after typesetting. These proofs are performed by two separate proofers.
A good deal of the ghostwriting we do is for pastors and national leaders who have the talent to research an inspired message, but not the time to write it as a book. That pastor or leader clearly has an awesome, powerful message, but if he/she does not have the gift of writing, does that mean the book idea should perish?
Absolutely not!
That is why we offer writers who have a gift of writing to take the well-researched, spoken message and convert it into a powerful, written message.
Ghostwriting is considered the highest level of editing. The material provided to a ghostwriter is usually in raw form, such as notes or an outline. Some ghostwriters may even require interview sessions with the author so they may incorporate the information correctly, and make sure the personality of the author is in the book.
Michael Wourms, Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Are you a Christian author looking for a quality Christian publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality Christian publishing services including: editing , cover design, printing, and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript.

What is Ghostwriting?

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to
At CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, your book is proofed at least twice, once after the edit and once after typesetting. These proofs are performed by two separate proofers.
Types of Editing
1) Ghostwriting
“Ghostwriting” is a term used in the publishing industry to describe when an author needs the professional help of a skilled writer to assimilate the information they have researched and developed, and help put that information into a book. If you think that hiring a ghostwriter to help write your book is “cheating”, please know that simply is not true.
Ghostwriting is considered the highest level of editing. The material provided to a ghostwriter is usually in raw form, such as notes or an outline. Some ghostwriters may even require interview sessions with the author so they may incorporate the information correctly, and make sure the personality of the author is in the book.
Michael Wourms, Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Are you a Christian author looking for a quality Christian publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality Christian publishing services including: editing , cover design, printing, and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript.

John Booko

Reverend John Booko, an Assyrian American, has studied the Scriptures related to the Assyrian people in great depth, with its promise in Isaiah 19:23-25 which states:
"In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria...inthat day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. The Lord Almighty will bless them saying...Assyria my handiwork..."(NIV).
God used Assyria in the past when it was a powerful nation and He used Assyrians to spread the Gospel to faraway lands. So, He plans to use the restored Assyria in His future.
Over 150 times, the Bible refers to Assyria and the Assyrians. Jesus grew up among the the Assyrians in Galilee and spoke the Assyrian language which is Aramaic. Jesus and the apostles preached in the Assyrian language and the New Testament was first written in the Assyrian language.
While persecution drove many Assyrian Christians from the areas of present-day Iraq, Turkey and Iran, they are being stirred by the Holy Spirit to again seel their destiny according to the Scriptures.
Might they be a missing piece in the Middle East puzzle?

Are you a Christian author looking for a quality Christian publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality Christian publishing services including: editing , cover design, printing, and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript.

CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE, an excerpt from the book MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS: A Special Blend, written by Christian author Debbie Snyder

Excerpt taken from Chapter One: The Beginning


My husband used to be the mediator between my girls
and myself in the middle of big arguments. We were just too
angry to talk or even look at each other; we needed some
space. Rex could sit down with the girls and usually have a
very rational discussion with them and we could all get it
worked out. I was so thankful for his intervention at that
time, someone who did not think like a “woman” and could
put a different perspective on things.

Author Louis Wyse says it this way: “I thought about all
of us women and how we spend half of our lives rebelling
against our mothers and the next half rebelling against our

Do not despair, Ladies. I believe there are many of us
who struggle to paint the “perfect mom” picture. It is ok to
get overwhelmed and frustrated, to be lonely at times, to be
overzealous and then to be completely happy and satisfied.
It cannot always be smooth sailing on this job of being a
mom. Where would the patience factor come in?

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You…
(Isaiah 26:3)

This book is meant for every woman, whether or not you are a mother. It is a devotional that expresses not only our love for our daughters, mothers, and other loved ones in our lives, but also God's love for us as daughters in His Kingdom. If you are enjoying the excerpts from this book and want to read more, you can purchase a copy of the book by visiting .

We appreciate comments and feedback!
Feel free to post your comments!


Are you a Christian author looking for a quality Christian publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality Christian publishing services including: editing , cover design, printing, and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE eBook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Victoria Simpson Linder

"Are You Ready For War?" presents a fresh, unique approach to exposing the revelations in Ephesians from both a literal and thematic point of view. This study is for mature believers who are boldly serious about receiving revelations from God's Word. It presents a broad overview of the spiritual life of a believer for equipping to endure and win spiritual battles. This book also presents a comprehensive understanding of Satan's wiles and powers. The final portion of the book shares all the resources any believer needs to win the war!


You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Proof and Edits

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to
At CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, your book is proofed at least twice, once after the edit and once after typesetting. These proofs are performed by two separate proofers.
If an edit is recommended for your project, this would be the first step of the process. Although our editors are also accomplished proofers, when they edit they concentrate on one thing: the readability and flow of the book. This focus allows our editors to make the necessary changes to the document so it becomes easier to read, and reads with a sensible, logical flow. This kind of editing takes experienced writers, and here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we have some of the best in the country, including our own, award-winning Head Editor, Dr. Michael Wourms, who has ghostwritten over 80 books, and has edited hundreds of others (many became best-sellers).
Michael Wourms, Founder, CSN Books

Are you a Christian author looking for a quality Christian publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design, printing, and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript.

More Proofing Information

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to
When we ask our proofers to proof a manuscript, it comes with very specific instructions to our proofers; it means “check for spelling errors and simple grammatical mistakes.” The reason for this is simple: a proofer must have a different set of eyes than an editor. When proofing is combined with editing, the editor then must look at the manuscript with two sets of eyes, and that degrades the quality of both processes.
Michael Wourms, Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Are you a Christian author looking for a quality Christian publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design, printing, and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript.

Proof and Edit Are Important

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to
The Proof and edit of Your Book
The proof and edit of your manuscript is very important. You will want somebody who truly knows what the standards are in the publishing industry to prepare your book.
There is a basic difference between a proof and an edit. A “proof” means that the manuscript is prepared to be correct in punctuation and grammar. editing can be used in a broader sense, and includes proofing under its umbrella, but for publishing reasons we will explain each as a separate function.
Michael Wourms, Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Are you a Christian author looking for a quality Christian publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality Christian publishing services including: editing , cover design, printing, and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript.

Friday, May 15, 2009

We Transcribe Anything!

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to
Transcribing is not limited to just messages!
We have had many secular authors who have felt more comfortable telling their stories into a tape recorder than writing it down on a piece of paper, or typing it into a computer. The transcribing service we offer is just another method that enables a person with a vision to complete a book and bring that vision into completion.
Now you know why we frequently declare, “If you’ve shared it, your work is done.” So please, do not hesitate, send us your taped message or notes – and before you know it, you will be the proud author of a bookstore quality book.
Michael Wourms, Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

How to Create Your Book by Transcripts

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to
With CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, it is simple and you have an expert typing your manuscript at an extremely reasonable price.
CSN books and Legacy Line publishing have performed this service for authors all over the country, including some who have completed multiple books through this process. The first book evolved from a series of great message on the power of prayer. Our author was frequently told that the series on prayer “needed to be a book,” so he eventually had the material transcribed and edited. Since then, he has reprinted the book many times.
Michael Wourms, Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

If You've Shared Your Message, You've Got a Book!

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to
If you have shared and message and then had someone say, “That would be a great book”, you are a candidate for this service. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing only charges $1 per taped minute for a transcript. That means, if you shared a 45 minute message, we would only charge you $45 to transcribe that message, and that money would flow directly to one of our working mothers who earn extra money from their homes to help support their families and still be “stay at home” moms.
The other benefit to having CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing do your transcriptions is that you are no longer dealing with the awkward situations that can arise when using a volunteer who takes too long to complete the task.
Michael Wourms, Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

CSN Transcribes Tapes to Create Books

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to
“If you’ve have taught the topic, your work is done!”
CSN books started out three decades ago as a writing service; we grew into a publishing company by meeting the needs of our authors, once the book was written, for cover design, publishing, distribution and marketing. One of the specialties of CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing is to take a message that has been recorded on an audio tape or CD and turn that message into a bookstore quality book.
This process begins with transcribing, where a transcriber listens to the message and types it word-for-word into a computer, preparing a transcript that will allow the editor to do their job. Creating a book from transcribed tapes demands a talented editor who has the ability to extensively edit a book.
Michael Wourms, Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

NO TURNING BACK, an excerpt from the book MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS: A Special Blend, written by Christian author Debbie Snyder

Excerpt taken from Chapter One: The Beginning


I am sure each of you could write your own book in connection
with your own experiences as a teenager or raising
one. I certainly would never want to go back to those days.
I think out of all my life experiences so far those were definitely
the most uncertain and scary parts of my life.

My heart goes out to the teenagers of this world. They
are caught somewhere in a big gap between childhood and
adulthood and that is a very difficult place to be. I really do
not understand what happens between girls and mothers
during that time but a study carried out by Dr. Terri Apter

“Mothers and their teenage daughters have a spat lasting
15 minutes every two and a half days. In contrast, adolescent
boys only clashed with mom for six minutes once
every four days.”

We know we love each other deeply and yet we fight just
as passionately!

This book is meant for every woman, whether or not you are a mother. It is a devotional that expresses not only our love for our daughters, mothers, and other loved ones in our lives, but also God's love for us as daughters in His Kingdom. If you are enjoying the excerpts from this book and want to read more, you can purchase a copy of the book by visiting .

We appreciate comments and feedback!
Feel free to post your comments!

Are you a Christian author looking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript .

Get a Fair Publication Quote

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to
We have often wondered how a “publisher” could quote a price for the full production and manufacturing of a book over the phone – without seeing the manuscript first. How do they know what level of edit it will need? How do they know what level of typesetting is required? It is like calling an automotive body shop, after you have crashed your car, and asking, over the phone, “How much it will cost to fix it?” The first thing the body shop manager would say to you is, “You will have to bring it in so we can have a look at it.”
Would you trust the body shop, or the price they gave you, if they quoted a price to fix your car on the phone? Of course not! So why would you trust somebody who prices something as personal and individualized as your book with a phone or “standard” quote?
Michael Wourms, Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What Pre-Press Includes

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to
Pre-press includes the proof and edit of your book, the typesetting of your book, and the design of your cover (we will examine each of these categories in detail later). In this stage of the process, a reflection of who you are and what you want your book to be starts to take form. Skipping this process or taking it too lightly is like skipping the planning stage of a car design and going straight to manufacturing. Would you want to ride in that car?
At CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we present you with a clear demonstration of our abilities by providing you with your free review before you make a final decision. In this review you will receive feedback about the content of your book, as well as sample edit from your own material. We provide this service as a blessing to our clients; it also allows us the opportunity to properly give your manuscript the attention it deserves, and allows us the opportunity to determine whether your book is ready to become part of CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing’s team of accomplished authors.
Michael Wourms, Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

About Pre-Press

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to
The Pre-press, or the Preparation Stage
of publishing Your Book
At CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, the publishing of your book involves three major areas: pre-press, printing and marketing. The first important area is the pre-press stage, which is the preparation phase of your project.
During this phase, we do everything possible to present your book in the best possible light to the world. One of the major problems with the subsidy publishing industry is that so many of these publishers try to focus attention away from this phase because they do not have the ability or the time to properly prepare your book. Instead, they just print what you submit without proper editing, proofing or formatting. As a result, it is possible you will end up with books so flawed that the have no commercial value.
Michael Wourms, Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

JACK OF ALL TRADES, an excerpt from the book MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS: A Special Blend, written by Christian author Debbie Snyder

Excerpt taken from Chapter One: The Beginning


During that time we wear many hats and play many
roles. We are the nursemaids when they are babies, the
cooks, the dishwashers, the laundresses, the grocery shoppers,
the housekeepers, the nurses to heal physical and
emotional wounds, the dieticians, the chauffeurs, the seamstresses…
on and on it goes. If this list does not boost your
self-esteem, Women, I do not know what would! A mom is
definitely a jack of all trades.

I would like to impart some words of wisdom from
things I have learned over the years and am still learning
to do with my own children and now grandchildren:

Look at and treat each child as a unique individual.

Be realistic in what you expect of them.

Allow them the freedom to make mistakes just like you
did and still do.

Encourage them daily.

Allow them to make choices for themselves.

Teach them responsibility:
“Even a child is known by his deeds, Whether what he does
is pure and right” (Proverbs 20:11).

Accept unpleasant feelings from them; help them know
how to deal with what they are feeling and channel it into
positive arenas.

Above all, maintain a sense of humor: “Then our mouth
was filled with laughter…” (Psalm 126:2). Sometimes all it
takes is laughter to change a very bad situation into something
completely different.

This book is meant for every woman, whether or not you are a mother. It is a devotional that expresses not only our love for our daughters, mothers, and other loved ones in our lives, but also God's love for us as daughters in His Kingdom. If you are enjoying the excerpts from this book and want to read more,
you can purchase a copy of the book by visiting .

We appreciate comments and feedback!
Feel free to post your comments!


Are you a Christian author looking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript .

Father of the Man Peter Colman

“Well,” he slowly allowed, “Horace was a blacksmith. He and I worked together in that old barn;” as he nonchalantly, but with a certain pride, pointed to a small, rust-colored weathered barn just across the road from where we had parked the car. “If you’re looking for Horace, he’s in the old cemetery just up the road toward town.”

He resumed peeling his potatoes. I wondered if he just kept those same potatoes in the pot and pretended to peel them every day until someone had the curiosity to stop and ask him what he was doing. But, I had no real reason to doubt the old man’s story, or the integrity of the potatoes for that matter. What really made the day complete was my son’s comment once we reached the car: “Dad, I can’t believe it! I really didn’t believe all those stories you told us, at least not until today, about all those ancient New Englanders who never seemed to travel too far from their homes. He’s just like the guy in your story!”

CSN is quality in writing editing transcribing cover design and typsetting . We provide a very unique service. By helping our clients self publish their manuscripts. We will take you step by step from vision to completion.

Father of the Man by Dr. Peter Colman

“Good morning,” we intoned.

“Morn’n,” he replied, without changing his expression or position, or his preoccupation with the potatoes. I couldn’t help but think of the familiar New England story of the city-slicker who happened by the home of a similar old gentleman – “Heh, how’s it go’in,” inquired the young man. “Howdy,” responded the kindly gentleman. “Have you lived here all your life?” After which followed an extended pause. “Not yet,’ was his response. End of conversation.

Somehow, that morning, I found myself taking the lead. After all, my Dad had been gracious enough to chauffeur us to the spot. The least I could do was volunteer as virtual tour guide. I smiled and extended my hand in greeting:

“My name is Peter Colman. This is my Dad, Robert Colman, and this is my son, Jonathan, three generations,” I beamed. “Would you be kind enough to help us with some information? We’re looking for Horace Colman.” For some strange reason, which I only now think of as I write, I assumed that Horace was still alive. There was a long, guarded silence, and then the gentleman asked rather nonchalantly, and with just a pinch of justifiable suspicion:

“Why do you want to see Horace?”

“He is my Dad’s uncle and my great-uncle, my grandfather, Sumner Chase’s brother.” There was a longer, but innocuous silence.

CSN is quality in writing editing transcribing cover design and typsetting . We provide a very unique service. By helping our clients self publish their manuscripts. We will take you step by step from vision to completion.

Colman Father of the Man

We entered the old town of Newfane early in the morning when traces of fresh dew were still visible. The landscape was hilly and thick with trees. It seemed as though we were just winding through the woods without any reasonable destination until the narrow, pock-marked pavement yielded a small rise in the terrain. We found ourselves on a small hill at the entrance to the town. We slowed to a near halt to savor the view when I happened to see an elderly gentleman seated on a makeshift stool in front of an old clapboard shack. He had a long white beard, and was pealing potatoes; he never looked up. We stopped the car, and the three of us slowly approached the quiet old man.

CSN is quality in writing editing transcribing cover design and typsetting . We provide a very unique service. By helping our clients self publish their manuscripts. We will take you step by step from vision to completion.

Americas Favorite Sermons 50% OFF

These messages were compiled from Christian leaders across America who share one core belief -- that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. Our editors made no attempt to account for political standing, gender or religious affiliation, but simply selected sermons that share God's Word to bless our collective Christian community. We pray these powerful messages help to unite Christians in America -- potentially, the most powerful, influential community in this great nation!

"Our destiny is before us! We have all been crafted by God to be leaders in evangelism and missions, in confronting our culture with the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. God has positioned us to call this nation to prayer and awakening. We must not hide in the stuff of our own destiny." --Dr. James T. Draper, Jr., President Emeritus of LifeWay Christian Resources

"When you start touching the wounds in the body of Christ, it's not just enough to watch it from afar off. When you get up there and you touch HIm, it's a part of you. It's not something you're just reading about, but you're out there. You're putting your arm around a little kid who doesn't have anyone, you put your arm around a teenager in trouble." -- Bill Wilson, President and Founder of Metro Ministries International

"Without love, the phrase, "I love you" is but a means to gain an advantage. If love is not your true purpose, then wait until it is. That truth is applicable to every realm of life from courting to marriage. Make love the root of your words and your words will bear fruit." --Dr. Tony Foglio, Founding Pastor, Sonrise Community Church

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Walter Lee Alive From The Dead

Alive From The Dead is not a book about the recent craze over the phenomenon of having a life after death experience. Nor of having passed over the boundary that separates life and death, only to have seen the light then being told to return to one’s present status of physical life.
Alive From The Dead is a book that can help all Christians to have a better living relationship with their own spouse, fellow man, church, and God. The book is excellent for use as either...
1) A Personal Study Guide
2) Church Study, or Group discussion
3) Sermon Topics
4) Bible Classes
5) The Perfect book To Leave With That Prospect During Visitation

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

Adolescence - This Too Shall Pass, an excerpt from the book MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS: A Special Blend, written by Christian author Debbie Snyder

Excerpt taken from Chapter One: The Beginning


Take heart, Moms, like everything else, this too shall
pass. It may last for many more months than we like to
think about or even the equivalent of a few years (which
sounds much more painful to type) but it shall pass. Hold
on to the life preserver God has thrown to you: His words
and His promises. “For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2
Corinthians 5:7).

There was an article written by Patricia McCormick
that says, “If you can’t fall apart with good old Mom, when
can you fall apart?” I think this is speaking to us about the
comfort level our children feel to let it all out with us moms.
Many times this is a very unpleasant experience but one I feel
is necessary for our children’s growth. Children know
(or should know) that Mom will love them no matter what
and they must have someone to vent on, especially in those
delicate teenage years; so put on your bulletproof vests,

In 1987 the Los Angeles Times syndicate printed an article
and I took this passage from it: “Giving birth is little
more than a set of muscular contractions granting passage
of a child from the uterus. Then, the mother is born.” There
is so much truth to that statement! It is from that moment
on that we embark on a journey, with no turning back.
Whether our child is in the newborn stage, the toddler age,
the teenage years, young adulthood, a grown woman, whatever
it is, we have the awesome role of being their mother.

This book is meant for every woman, whether or not you are a mother. It is a devotional that expresses not only our love for our daughters, mothers, and other loved ones in our lives, but also God's love for us as daughters in His Kingdom. If you are enjoying the excerpts from this book and want to read more, you can purchase a copy of the book by visiting .We appreciate comments and feedback!
Feel free to post your comments!


Are you a Christian author looking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript .

Other Ways to Finance Your Book

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to
• Investors: There may be one or more individuals or organizations who would love to invest in the ministry of your book, seeking the return of their investment plus a small profit.
• Here at CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, we do accept four major credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express.
• CSN books and Legacy Line publishing also make provision for our authors to pay as each task is performed. For example, most book projects start with editing and proofing. A client may pay for those services first, and when they are completed, he/she would pay for the next step in the process, such as typesetting or cover design. In that way, the book project can be paid “as you go” - in stages.
We would be happy to discuss these and other methods of payment with you in further detail.
Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Monday, May 11, 2009

3 Ideas to Finance Your Book

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to
• Contributions: You may choose to offer a complimentary book in exchange for a contribution to a non-profit organization. This may be greater than the retail price of the book.
• Acknowledgment Page: Offer to record the names of major contributors on the acknowledgment page of your book. Again, these could be individuals or organizations.
• You may have friends who believe in your book project, and you could propose that they partner with you with an interest-free loan (repayable in monthly installments) so you can meet the production costs.
Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

How to Pre-Sell Your Book

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to

• Pre-Selling: Once production is under way, you may offer your book at a “pre-production discount” to those who are eager to see your book published. This could include entire churches, or those attending your Bible studies or seminars.
In the “Pre-Publication” sales program, the single most important area to make it work is…
A group of people who will buy your book...this usually is the congregation from a pastor’s church, people at a conference or seminar, or a large mailing list. If the person does not have a group to present their offer to, then they are not going to have very good results doing a pre-publication sale of their book.
Once that group is identified, then two additional items are needed:
1) A large poster of the front of the book cover.
2) 6” x 9” envelopes, pre-printed, with copy that essentially says, “Enclosed is your Charter Copy of (name of book)”. The people address the envelope themselves, and insert their “pre-publication” check inside. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing can create any amount of envelopes the author needs.
In a pastor’s church, or in a conference or seminar, the author tells the people, “You are addressing the envelope that my publisher will use to send you your book when it comes off the press.” This builds the confidence of the audience; the rate of sales in this program are almost as high as if the books were already printed. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing will prepare the poster and envelopes for a pre-publication program at a very reasonable cost.

Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

How to Finance Your Book

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to

How Can I Finance My Book?
Our authors have used a number of methods to meet the cost of producing their books. Here are a few that may help you:
• Gifts and Grants: You may be able to cover the cost of your book’s production, or a substantial portion of it, with gifts or grants from those who co-labor with you and share the vision the Lord has given to you.

Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS, A Special Blend by Christian Author Debbie Snyder

Excerpt taken from Chapter One: The Beginning


Sometimes I think only a mother can love her adolescent
daughter. Our daughters’ struggle to wriggle away
from us in order to build their own identities is a brutal
experience for both mother and daughter.

You never know from second to second which mood will
come forth from this pubescent standing before you. One
minute they are happy to see you and desire your undivided
time and attention and the next they are shutting their
door and shutting you out of their life (at least it feels that

Teenagers are living somewhere between the privileges
of an adult and the carefree time of childhood. What an
amazingly difficult position to be in!

This book is meant for every woman, whether or not you are a mother. It is a devotional that expresses not only our love for our daughters, mothers, and other loved ones in our lives, but also God's love for us as daughters in His Kingdom. If you are enjoying the excerpts from this book and want to read more,
you can purchase a copy of the book by visiting .

We appreciate comments and feedback!
Feel free to post your comments!


Are you a Christian author looking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript .

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dr Philip Muse

Have you ever tried to accomplish some things in your life, but failed? You are not alone. Many people have tried to achieve their goals without success, but there is good news. Finally, there is a how-to book that really strikes the heart of the matter! Many people want to achieve goals, but do not know how. This "Achieving Your Goals" workbook was written just for those people. It provides the basic building blocks for setting and achieving all of the goals you want to accomplish, ranging from the financial, to spiritual, to relational goals.
In this workbook Dr. Dowell shares insight and wisdom in a powerful, yet practical way. Once you pick it up, you will not be able to put it down.
Wow! Tremendous information is contained in these pages. The brilliance of this book will be realized for years to come. Dr. Dowell's teaching will guide readers young and old through the process of setting goals and achieving goals. This is a must read for anyone who wants to better themselves or accomplish more. It can be used as a personal study or in a group study.

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Carl D. Smith

After high school graduation, Carl enlisted in the U.S. Navy, was assigned to Guam and there in a dorm found himself being offered heroin for the first time. After multiple refusals to get high, he gave in once, which launched a 15-year downward spiral in his life. Carl became entrenched in the drug world as a heroin and cocaine user, smuggling drugs and living only for his next fix.
Personal experiences are brought to life from inside his maximum-security prison. “Drugs took me where I did not want to go, made me stay there longer than I wanted to stay, demanding more of me than I wanted to give.” He communicates what it felt like to be homeless, hopeless and a convict lost on the very streets he grew up on. He did not care whether he lived or died…but a much higher power did.
When all hope was lost and it looked as if he would die a dope fiend, an old friend wrote him in a letter while in prison about a Christian program called Teen Challenge. Here he would be loved, taught the Bible, and how to live a life free from drugs and the horrible life he knew.
This poignant, true-life story will grip your heart as you journey with a man on The Ultimate Pursuit.

This book is available at website.

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Diane Crawford

The Giftless Church brings to the reader a prophetic awakening that is speaking to us that there is so much more available to those who are prepared. There is a move of God revealing again as Pentecost did, an empowering experience that is available for every believer—miracles, signs and wonders working through lives to bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Church today is in desperate need of the “falling upon of the Holy Spirit.” Crawford speaks of the “falling upon” as a preternatural superimposition (the supernatural coming upon the natural. The Giftless Church gives the secret of empowerment to live a holy, consecrated life and to accomplish the greater things our Lord spoke of in John 14:12: “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”

This book is available at website.

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

ADOLESCENCE, an excerpt from the book MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS: A Special Blend, written by Christian author Debbie Snyder

Excerpt taken from Chapter One: The Beginning


I truly believe until we experience things we do not fully
understand how they really feel. This holds true with so
many aspects of raising children. Not until our own children
hurt us the way only they can do we realize how much
we hurt our own parents and how it felt.

This book is meant for every woman, whether or not you are a mother. It is a devotional that expresses not only our love for our daughters, mothers, and other loved ones in our lives, but also God's love for us as daughters in His Kingdom. If you are enjoying the excerpts from this book and want to read more, you can purchase a copy of the book by visiting .

We appreciate comments and feedback! Feel free to post your comments!


Are you a Christian author looking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution . Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript .

Monday, May 4, 2009

Joshua Fowler

In this hour God is calling you to come up higher!
Your destiny will accelerate and an abundance of resources will flow into your life and ministry as you walk in apostolic order- with the sole determination to reap God’s Harvest of souls.
Says Joshua Fowler, “I hear from heaven, ‘Access Granted!’”
Dr. Fowler offers a unique and hard-hitting perspective on the apostolic movement and the impact it is having in the earth today. From the preface to the final chapter, he challenges you to break out of religious paradigms and experience apostolic access, acceleration, and abundance.

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

from The Earth Declares by Nicole Ramirez

The word “declare” is not used much anymore. Webster’s II Dictionary tells us that the word declare (transitive verb) means, “to state formally or officially; to state emphatically; affirm; to reveal: show; to make a full statement of.” Whether you are man or mammal, bird or flower, the way you dress declares your personality, declares who you are. Flowers give forth their all—ALL that is in them and some only bloom for a few short hours. They are a beautiful example of pure declaration.
We as humans show our declarations in the way we dress, how we work, as we garden and in how we help a friend. We should learn how to declare the positive, speaking it out over and over until that seed not only lands on fertile soil, but as it is planted, watered and fertilized it will then bloom and declare. Yes, everything declares—birds, bugs, flowers and all of life. It is time to positively declare.

This book is available at website.

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Bette Hammang

Blaming God for the premature death of her mother, at the age of 16, Bette Hammang turned her back on Him as ran as far as she could run. Nursing resentment led her into a life of desperation for a yearning she could not name. She became pregnant, experimented with drugs and at the young age of 21 was a full-blown heroin addict. She spent the next 30 years convinced that it was only a matter of time until the drugs did what she never had the guts to do—kill her.
In 1976, she attended a church service that introduced her to the Savior, but it would take her 20 more years to understand that He was unable to be her Savior until she made Him the Lord of her life. She stumbled through another marriage, losing custody of her child and frequently cheating death. In 1999, she turned herself into the court after a lengthy run from the law, and Jesus had her right where He wanted her—in jail as His captive audience.
The book and Bunk 51 is the story of Bette and her love letter to the unbeliever. To those who think they have no hope and are beyond redemption, this book is for you. God does exist, He has a plan for your life and He is still in the business of doing miracles—Bette knows…she is one. With God, all things are possible!

This book is available at website.

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.