Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Typesetting Your Book

The Formatting of Your Book
Typesetting is converting the “typewriter” look of a manuscript into lines and pages of type that make it look like a professional book.
A well typeset book must meet the industry standards concerning leading, kerning, headers and footers, and these areas are critical to the success of your book (however, it is not critical for you to understand these terms). Typesetting is often the most ignored phase of a book’s creation process by self-publishers, and even by many subsidy publishers. It is frustrating for us here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing to constantly see the poor typesetting jobs our authors books have received from other publishers. We are constantly having to undo the work of others just to bring the book up to a level that is acceptable within the publishing industry.
Typesetting is one of the most critical and time-intensive phases of a book’s creation, yet it seems to be vastly undervalued by many low-budget publishers. As a result, many authors who believed they were getting a quality product from a publisher ended up with an inferior book that could not be promoted properly within the publishing industry due to shoddy typesetting.
The author is always given the opportunity to make changes, and then to sign off on every page of the book. The importance of this phase cannot be emphasized enough since, once this phase is completed and signed off, the next destination for the manuscript is the printer!

Dr. Mike

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

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