Friday, October 10, 2008

Today's Publishering Market

In today’s market, virtually every major publisher has evolved into utilizing some form of subsidy publishing. Of course, the old, traditional publishers still exist for the highly visible authors who have large audiences who stand ready to buy their next book. For example, if you have a nationwide television show, or are a popular entertainer or politician, you may still get your book published under the old royalty system and do fairly well economically.
However, most of the “old, traditional publishers” have now also added some sort of “subsidy publishing” to their arsenal for those authors who do not have a built-in following through which they can sell a large amount of books.
By using some form of subsidy publishing, many quality books that previously would not have been published are now available to the market. Of the 193,000 books published in the last year where records were available, the vast majority were under some sort of a “subsidy” arrangement. The subtle shift in the industry is that these subsidy products were produced under the supervision of a skilled publisher, thus producing a product far superior to most of the self-published books.

Partnership Publishing
In the three decades that CSN Books has been serving authors, we have evolved into what we call “Partnership Publishing.” In our system, the author does pay an extremely reasonable fee to publish his/her book, but unlike almost every other model, in our system, THE AUTHOR KEEPS THE BULK OF THE PROFITS!
For example, for books sold on our website, CSN Books takes only 20%, and returns a full 80% to the author. Most major sites will take from 50% to 65% and return the meager remains to the author. Despite that generous return to the author, we provide all the major services of any old, traditional publisher, such as proofing, editing, typesetting, cover design, publication, marketing, distribution and publicist services.

Dr. Mike

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

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