Not many industries are more complex, more changing and challenging than the publishing industry. To help you, as an emerging author, navigate these sometimes complicated waters, the staff of CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing has complied this book for your information and edification. Before You publish shares answers to questions that our authors and prospective clients have asked us through over three decades of service through CSN Books (our Christian book division), and now, through Legacy Line publishing (our secular book division).
The publishing industry has changed drastically over the last 25 years, yet so many potential authors continue to operate under the old concepts of what constitutes a publishing company. Hopefully, this book will clarify the evolution of the industry.
The “Old, Traditional” Publisher
Many authors still believe that the only way to publish their book is to submit their manuscript to a publisher, wait two to six months for an answer, and hope they accept the manuscript for publication. For the vast majority of authors (estimates range up to 99%), the old process results in a rejection slip.
Assuming that a traditional publisher found your book to be in the top 1% and accepted your book, that meant the publisher would publish your book at no cost to you. If your book started to sell, they would then pay you a meager royalty, frequently as little as 5% (for a first-time author) on the net sales (after they deducted their costs for publishing and promoting the book). In this system, although the author did not pay for the book costs up front, they still eventually paid back the publisher as the books sold.
Unfortunately, under this system, many new authors have sold hundreds of thousands of books, only to receive meager royalty checks after publisher expenses were deducted. Even the legendary “book advances” the public hears about are normally paid back to the publisher if the book fails to sell in the marketplace.
Dr. Mike Wourms
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Where Angels Tread
This book is a fiction account of God’s destiny for a young orphan’s life. I acknowledge that some of the accounts in this book involving angels are based from true life experiences. My grandmother was saved in a miraculous way when she was very young. Accounts from my family, other Christians, and appearances in the Bible involving angels are also used as inspiration for this story. I know from personal experience that angels are real and that the spititual world exists and is ever present all around us.
Not all children are blessed with good parents or parents who love the Lord. But, if children are faithful where they are, God will show them the destiny that is their very own, the true purpose for their lives.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Not all children are blessed with good parents or parents who love the Lord. But, if children are faithful where they are, God will show them the destiny that is their very own, the true purpose for their lives.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Rev. Edwards
“The greatest love that you can receive this side of heaven is a father’s love, and most of us have never received it,” says Dr. Edwards. The revelation of this book was birthed out of the personal, seemingly negative and tragic experiences of his own life. However, his mess was processed into a message to the Body of Christ.
The role of the father is almost non-existent in many of our communities, especially in the black community where fathers are missing in action in 70% of the families, and up to 80% in large urban areas. This absence of fathers is a condition that many of our women have learned to live with and accept as the way things are. What has been lost is a vision of how God intends it to be, and His desire to bring a restoration of fathers to their God-given roles, fathers who will ultimately reflect the fatherhood of God to a new generation.
Reverend Dr. Jefferson Edwards is Founder and Senior Pastor of the Freedom Christian Center Church in Kansas City, Missouri, and the President of Jeff Edwards Ministries International. He has traveled extensively as an itinerant minister for over 30 years to most of the United States and to over 15 nations.
He has had the privilege of addressing many Prime Ministers and Representatives of Government within many of these locations. He is the celebrated author of the best selling book, “Chosen Not Cursed,” and has also authored “Liberated-No Longer Bound,” “The Call of God,” “Gifted-Discovering Your Hidden Greatness,” and “Purging Racism from Christianity.”
Dr. Edwards has a special commission and mandate from God to bring down the barriers that divide races and denominations and to address the present day crisis concerning the family with a special emphasis to black men, and the black family.
He received both his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Biblical Theology, and he is finishing the last stages of his earned Ph.D. in Biblical and Ethnical Studies, having developed curriculum for this major, and completed his dissertation on the subject of Biblical Black History. He has also received an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree.
Well spoken of as a gifted and anointed preacher, teacher and prophet to churches in the United States, Jefferson Edwards is also recognized as an Apostle to the Nations and the Body of Christ.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
The role of the father is almost non-existent in many of our communities, especially in the black community where fathers are missing in action in 70% of the families, and up to 80% in large urban areas. This absence of fathers is a condition that many of our women have learned to live with and accept as the way things are. What has been lost is a vision of how God intends it to be, and His desire to bring a restoration of fathers to their God-given roles, fathers who will ultimately reflect the fatherhood of God to a new generation.
Reverend Dr. Jefferson Edwards is Founder and Senior Pastor of the Freedom Christian Center Church in Kansas City, Missouri, and the President of Jeff Edwards Ministries International. He has traveled extensively as an itinerant minister for over 30 years to most of the United States and to over 15 nations.
He has had the privilege of addressing many Prime Ministers and Representatives of Government within many of these locations. He is the celebrated author of the best selling book, “Chosen Not Cursed,” and has also authored “Liberated-No Longer Bound,” “The Call of God,” “Gifted-Discovering Your Hidden Greatness,” and “Purging Racism from Christianity.”
Dr. Edwards has a special commission and mandate from God to bring down the barriers that divide races and denominations and to address the present day crisis concerning the family with a special emphasis to black men, and the black family.
He received both his Bachelors and Masters degrees in Biblical Theology, and he is finishing the last stages of his earned Ph.D. in Biblical and Ethnical Studies, having developed curriculum for this major, and completed his dissertation on the subject of Biblical Black History. He has also received an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree.
Well spoken of as a gifted and anointed preacher, teacher and prophet to churches in the United States, Jefferson Edwards is also recognized as an Apostle to the Nations and the Body of Christ.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Bishop Densmore
Where Are the Sons & Daughters of Ministry? is a provoking challenging book speaking to leaders who flow in the five-fold ministry, challenging them to submit to the spiritual authority in the Body of Christ to equip them for the next dimension. The Lord has given us apostolic fathers, but because many leaders have been hurt by leadership, they have difficulty submitting to authority. So, our apostolic fathers are asking: “Where Are The Sons and Daughters of Ministry?” Hopefully, this book will enable hurt leaders to heal and experience all the Lord has for their lives and ministries.
“And we know that all things work together for the good of them who love God and are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28, KJV)
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
“And we know that all things work together for the good of them who love God and are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28, KJV)
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Denise Grant newest
It is the tendency of humans to ask questions that are rhetorical in nature. In fact, the very first question asked by an infant is usually why. It is the question of why that permeates our thinking and processing incessantly. God has no boundaries or limits, He is arbitrarily large and infinite therefore you and I cannot fathom His power and might. We really cannot expect to understand God’s ways or His mind. God is eternal, majestic, self-existent, self-conscious, infinite and transcendent. Yahweh’s great power and wisdom in creation in His ability to bring about ex nihilo (‘out of nothing’) are enough to expose mankind’s lack of understanding of Him.
We are thoroughly aware of this, yet to satisfy, justify, or to get some kind of concept or mere understanding of our present situation we ask, why? No question has been more widely or poignantly asked as, “Why does God allow?” The world is in chaos and finds it’s self in a paradox. For Christians, theodicy, God’s sovereignty, is a great dilemma.
My prayer is that as you read will be encouraged despite your circumstances and that somehow through the pages you may find some words or simple answer to your ‘whys’ that will enable you to grow deeper in your faith and walk with Christ. I pray also that in addition to finding help and hope most importantly someone will find Christ.
“And we know that all things work together for the good of them who love God and are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28, KJV)
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
We are thoroughly aware of this, yet to satisfy, justify, or to get some kind of concept or mere understanding of our present situation we ask, why? No question has been more widely or poignantly asked as, “Why does God allow?” The world is in chaos and finds it’s self in a paradox. For Christians, theodicy, God’s sovereignty, is a great dilemma.
My prayer is that as you read will be encouraged despite your circumstances and that somehow through the pages you may find some words or simple answer to your ‘whys’ that will enable you to grow deeper in your faith and walk with Christ. I pray also that in addition to finding help and hope most importantly someone will find Christ.
“And we know that all things work together for the good of them who love God and are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28, KJV)
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Kevin Kolly New Release
God wants us to understand that there is a time and a season for everything we go through. There is a love for you that you annot even imagine. God has an awesome plan for your life and God wants you to know that your best is yet to come. God will use you, my friend, to do great things in the Kingdom one day. God is faithful, and if He has delared that He is going to do great things in you, then it's just a matter of time before it comes into manifestation. Take care and be encouragd in Christ Jesus and remember that weeping may endure but for a night, but joy is coming in the morning (Psalm 3:5).
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Lori Miller...Fantastic miracles
Next came the words I will never forget..."You have cancer." The words echoed off the walls of the doctor's office like the sound of the metal ball in a pinball machine spinning out of control. My world began to spin just as wildly. I know the doctor kept talking. "Stage 2 ovarian cancer...we're lucky to have caught it in this early...We recommend six months of chemotherapy..."
"The beautiful thing about Lori's story is that while it is certainly an extraordinary story of and extraordinary woman, it is also universal. Anyone who has battled cancer or has a loved one battling cancer will want to weep with Lori at her diagnosis, will be able to feel the agony of her treatment, and will understand the new perspective that only cancer can bring. For those of us who are fortunate enough not to have fought that battle, Lori's story reminds us all of just how precious life is and what really matters." --Jessica King, Nutritionist, Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA)
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
"The beautiful thing about Lori's story is that while it is certainly an extraordinary story of and extraordinary woman, it is also universal. Anyone who has battled cancer or has a loved one battling cancer will want to weep with Lori at her diagnosis, will be able to feel the agony of her treatment, and will understand the new perspective that only cancer can bring. For those of us who are fortunate enough not to have fought that battle, Lori's story reminds us all of just how precious life is and what really matters." --Jessica King, Nutritionist, Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA)
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
What is Ghostwriting?
“Ghostwriting” is a term used in the publishing industry to describe when an author needs the professional help of a skilled writer to assimilate the information they have researched and developed, and help put that information into a book. If you think that hiring a ghostwriter to help write your book is “cheating”, please know that simply is not true.
Ghostwriting is considered the highest level of editing. The material provided to a ghostwriter is usually in raw form, such as notes or an outline. Some ghostwriters may even require interview sessions with the author so they may incorporate the information correctly, and make sure the personality of the author is in the book.
A good deal of the ghostwriting we do is for pastors and national leaders who have the talent to research an inspired message, but not the time to write it as a book. That pastor or leader clearly has an awesome, powerful message, but if he/she does not have the gift of writing, does that mean the book idea should perish?
Absolutely not!
That is why we offer writers who have a gift of writing to take the well-researched, spoken message and convert it into a powerful, written message.
Here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we can take compiled material and assign a ghostwriter to the project to bring that message into bookstore quality writing. We all cannot be great preachers or singers or writers or builders. If we were, we would not need others in our lives. ghostwriting is simply a tool to bring your message to market.
Ghostwriting is the most expensive method of writing a book, and it provides the highest quality of writing needed to be successful in this competitive market. Authors who use ghostwriters usually do not have the time needed to properly write a book, so for them, the extra money is well spent.
Dr. Mike Wourms
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Ghostwriting is considered the highest level of editing. The material provided to a ghostwriter is usually in raw form, such as notes or an outline. Some ghostwriters may even require interview sessions with the author so they may incorporate the information correctly, and make sure the personality of the author is in the book.
A good deal of the ghostwriting we do is for pastors and national leaders who have the talent to research an inspired message, but not the time to write it as a book. That pastor or leader clearly has an awesome, powerful message, but if he/she does not have the gift of writing, does that mean the book idea should perish?
Absolutely not!
That is why we offer writers who have a gift of writing to take the well-researched, spoken message and convert it into a powerful, written message.
Here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we can take compiled material and assign a ghostwriter to the project to bring that message into bookstore quality writing. We all cannot be great preachers or singers or writers or builders. If we were, we would not need others in our lives. ghostwriting is simply a tool to bring your message to market.
Ghostwriting is the most expensive method of writing a book, and it provides the highest quality of writing needed to be successful in this competitive market. Authors who use ghostwriters usually do not have the time needed to properly write a book, so for them, the extra money is well spent.
Dr. Mike Wourms
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
What is Ghostwriting?
“Ghostwriting” is a term used in the publishing industry to describe when an author needs the professional help of a skilled writer to assimilate the information they have researched and developed, and help put that information into a book. If you think that hiring a ghostwriter to help write your book is “cheating”, please know that simply is not true.
Ghostwriting is considered the highest level of editing. The material provided to a ghostwriter is usually in raw form, such as notes or an outline. Some ghostwriters may even require interview sessions with the author so they may incorporate the information correctly, and make sure the personality of the author is in the book.
A good deal of the ghostwriting we do is for pastors and national leaders who have the talent to research an inspired message, but not the time to write it as a book. That pastor or leader clearly has an awesome, powerful message, but if he/she does not have the gift of writing, does that mean the book idea should perish?
Absolutely not!
That is why we offer writers who have a gift of writing to take the well-researched, spoken message and convert it into a powerful, written message.
Here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we can take compiled material and assign a ghostwriter to the project to bring that message into bookstore quality writing. We all cannot be great preachers or singers or writers or builders. If we were, we would not need others in our lives. ghostwriting is simply a tool to bring your message to market.
Ghostwriting is the most expensive method of writing a book, and it provides the highest quality of writing needed to be successful in this competitive market. Authors who use ghostwriters usually do not have the time needed to properly write a book, so for them, the extra money is well spent.
Dr. Mike Wourms
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Ghostwriting is considered the highest level of editing. The material provided to a ghostwriter is usually in raw form, such as notes or an outline. Some ghostwriters may even require interview sessions with the author so they may incorporate the information correctly, and make sure the personality of the author is in the book.
A good deal of the ghostwriting we do is for pastors and national leaders who have the talent to research an inspired message, but not the time to write it as a book. That pastor or leader clearly has an awesome, powerful message, but if he/she does not have the gift of writing, does that mean the book idea should perish?
Absolutely not!
That is why we offer writers who have a gift of writing to take the well-researched, spoken message and convert it into a powerful, written message.
Here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we can take compiled material and assign a ghostwriter to the project to bring that message into bookstore quality writing. We all cannot be great preachers or singers or writers or builders. If we were, we would not need others in our lives. ghostwriting is simply a tool to bring your message to market.
Ghostwriting is the most expensive method of writing a book, and it provides the highest quality of writing needed to be successful in this competitive market. Authors who use ghostwriters usually do not have the time needed to properly write a book, so for them, the extra money is well spent.
Dr. Mike Wourms
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Holis Vaughn and his new release
The answers you can find in this book may not accomodate your understanding. It is most assuredly an incomplete work. But if in reading you find something that will stir a deeper hunger for truth, then the toil and tears of authorship will have been satisfied.
What is there about God that would cause a cynical, skeptical man to place his entire trust and reliance in Him? It must be because God is not some fickle being who changes with man's capricious doctrine or modern fad, but is a reliable, dependable Father whose total relationship with man is one of love and care.
My prayer is that you will consider our heavenly Father in the light of John's reference to Him-"God is love".
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
What is there about God that would cause a cynical, skeptical man to place his entire trust and reliance in Him? It must be because God is not some fickle being who changes with man's capricious doctrine or modern fad, but is a reliable, dependable Father whose total relationship with man is one of love and care.
My prayer is that you will consider our heavenly Father in the light of John's reference to Him-"God is love".
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Jewel Pierce newest book
When Sonny, the only son of the most powerful and influential man in Rushton, renounced his occult involvement and turned back to the Lord, he had every reason to believe that his life was back on track. So, he started making plans to further his education. Then things started happening which not only tested his faith, but also challenged his will to live. He was forced to deal with a mystifying reality, and at the very same time, the Christians who were endeavoring to help him through his crisis were compelled to confront some difficult problems that had infiltrated the modern-day Church -- apostasy, heresy, deceptions and false teachings.
Part suspense, part love story, Will Tomorrow Come? leads the reader on a journey of intrigue, yet one interwoven with biblical teachings. Realizing that spiritual problems require spiritual solutions, Jewel Pierce was inspired to tell this story about people who choose to solve their problems using biblical principles based on the truth of God's Word.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Part suspense, part love story, Will Tomorrow Come? leads the reader on a journey of intrigue, yet one interwoven with biblical teachings. Realizing that spiritual problems require spiritual solutions, Jewel Pierce was inspired to tell this story about people who choose to solve their problems using biblical principles based on the truth of God's Word.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Dr. Bethtina Williams
Dr. Bethtina Williams, a native of San Antonio, TX, is the wife of Dr. Stanley Williams. They have three blessed sons: Stanley II, Jonathan, and Joshua. She founded Women of Character and Destiny Fellowship in 1996, and is a founder and Co-Pastor of Lighthouse of Faith Community Church in FT. Walton Beach, FL. Dr. Williams is an anointed speaker, psalmist, humanitarian, entrepreneur and author who travels nationally and internationally spreading the Gospel of the kingdom of God.
Dr. Williams is a member of the International Association of Christian Clinical Counselors, and member of Life Community Church Fellowship of Pastors founded by H.R.M., King Adamtey I (Dr. Kingsley Fletcher). Her passion and joy is touching the lives of others with the expressed love of Jesus Christ. The principles in Women of Character and Destiny are derived from her life experiences, and will encourage "Seek first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness" by using the gifts, talents and abilities He has given you; to see souls saved; to stand and manifest God's power throughout your community; and to transfer Godly principles and Kingdom living to the next generation.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Dr. Williams is a member of the International Association of Christian Clinical Counselors, and member of Life Community Church Fellowship of Pastors founded by H.R.M., King Adamtey I (Dr. Kingsley Fletcher). Her passion and joy is touching the lives of others with the expressed love of Jesus Christ. The principles in Women of Character and Destiny are derived from her life experiences, and will encourage "Seek first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness" by using the gifts, talents and abilities He has given you; to see souls saved; to stand and manifest God's power throughout your community; and to transfer Godly principles and Kingdom living to the next generation.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
How to Finance Your Book Project
How Can I Finance My Book?
Our authors have used a number of methods to meet the cost of producing their books. Here are a few that may help you:
• Gifts and Grants: You may be able to cover the cost of your book’s production, or a substantial portion of it, with gifts or grants from those who co-labor with you and share the vision the Lord has given to you.
• Pre-Selling: Once production is under way, you may offer your book at a “pre-production discount” to those who are eager to see your book published. This could include entire churches, or those attending your Bible studies or seminars.
In the “Pre-Publication” sales program, the single most important area to make it work is…
A group of people who will buy your book...this usually is the congregation from a pastor’s church, people at a conference or seminar, or a large mailing list. If the person does not have a group to present their offer to, then they are not going to have very good results doing a pre-publication sale of their book.
Once that group is identified, then two additional items are needed:
1) A large poster of the front of the book cover.
2) 6” x 9” envelopes, pre-printed, with copy that essentially says, “Enclosed is your Charter Copy of (name of book)”. The people address the envelope themselves, and insert their “pre-publication” check inside. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing can create any amount of envelopes the author needs.
In a pastor’s church, or in a conference or seminar, the author tells the people, “You are addressing the envelope that my publisher will use to send you your book when it comes off the press.” This builds the confidence of the audience; the rate of sales in this program are almost as high as if the books were already printed. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing will prepare the poster and envelopes for a pre-publication program at a very reasonable cost.
• Contributions: You may choose to offer a complimentary book in exchange for a contribution to a non-profit organization. This may be greater than the retail price of the book.
• Acknowledgment Page: Offer to record the names of major contributors on the acknowledgment page of your book. Again, these could be individuals or organizations.
• You may have friends who believe in your book project, and you could propose that they partner with you with an interest-free loan (repayable in monthly installments) so you can meet the production costs.
• Investors: There may be one or more individuals or organizations who would love to invest in the ministry of your book, seeking the return of their investment plus a small profit.
• Here at CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, we do accept four major credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express.
• CSN books and Legacy Line publishing also make provision for our authors to pay as each task is performed. For example, most book projects start with editing and proofing. A client may pay for those services first, and when they are completed, he/she would pay for the next step in the process, such as typesetting or cover design. In that way, the book project can be paid “as you go” - in stages.
We would be happy to discuss these and other methods of payment with you in further detail.
Dr. Mike Wourms
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Our authors have used a number of methods to meet the cost of producing their books. Here are a few that may help you:
• Gifts and Grants: You may be able to cover the cost of your book’s production, or a substantial portion of it, with gifts or grants from those who co-labor with you and share the vision the Lord has given to you.
• Pre-Selling: Once production is under way, you may offer your book at a “pre-production discount” to those who are eager to see your book published. This could include entire churches, or those attending your Bible studies or seminars.
In the “Pre-Publication” sales program, the single most important area to make it work is…
A group of people who will buy your book...this usually is the congregation from a pastor’s church, people at a conference or seminar, or a large mailing list. If the person does not have a group to present their offer to, then they are not going to have very good results doing a pre-publication sale of their book.
Once that group is identified, then two additional items are needed:
1) A large poster of the front of the book cover.
2) 6” x 9” envelopes, pre-printed, with copy that essentially says, “Enclosed is your Charter Copy of (name of book)”. The people address the envelope themselves, and insert their “pre-publication” check inside. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing can create any amount of envelopes the author needs.
In a pastor’s church, or in a conference or seminar, the author tells the people, “You are addressing the envelope that my publisher will use to send you your book when it comes off the press.” This builds the confidence of the audience; the rate of sales in this program are almost as high as if the books were already printed. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing will prepare the poster and envelopes for a pre-publication program at a very reasonable cost.
• Contributions: You may choose to offer a complimentary book in exchange for a contribution to a non-profit organization. This may be greater than the retail price of the book.
• Acknowledgment Page: Offer to record the names of major contributors on the acknowledgment page of your book. Again, these could be individuals or organizations.
• You may have friends who believe in your book project, and you could propose that they partner with you with an interest-free loan (repayable in monthly installments) so you can meet the production costs.
• Investors: There may be one or more individuals or organizations who would love to invest in the ministry of your book, seeking the return of their investment plus a small profit.
• Here at CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, we do accept four major credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express.
• CSN books and Legacy Line publishing also make provision for our authors to pay as each task is performed. For example, most book projects start with editing and proofing. A client may pay for those services first, and when they are completed, he/she would pay for the next step in the process, such as typesetting or cover design. In that way, the book project can be paid “as you go” - in stages.
We would be happy to discuss these and other methods of payment with you in further detail.
Dr. Mike Wourms
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
How to Finance Your Book Project
Our authors have used a number of methods to meet the cost of producing their books. Here are a few that may help you:
• Gifts and Grants: You may be able to cover the cost of your book’s production, or a substantial portion of it, with gifts or grants from those who co-labor with you and share the vision the Lord has given to you.
• Pre-Selling: Once production is under way, you may offer your book at a “pre-production discount” to those who are eager to see your book published. This could include entire churches, or those attending your Bible studies or seminars.
In the “Pre-Publication” sales program, the single most important area to make it work is…
A group of people who will buy your book...this usually is the congregation from a pastor’s church, people at a conference or seminar, or a large mailing list. If the person does not have a group to present their offer to, then they are not going to have very good results doing a pre-publication sale of their book.
Once that group is identified, then two additional items are needed:
1) A large poster of the front of the book cover.
2) 6” x 9” envelopes, pre-printed, with copy that essentially says, “Enclosed is your Charter Copy of (name of book)”. The people address the envelope themselves, and insert their “pre-publication” check inside. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing can create any amount of envelopes the author needs.
In a pastor’s church, or in a conference or seminar, the author tells the people, “You are addressing the envelope that my publisher will use to send you your book when it comes off the press.” This builds the confidence of the audience; the rate of sales in this program are almost as high as if the books were already printed. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing will prepare the poster and envelopes for a pre-publication program at a very reasonable cost.
• Contributions: You may choose to offer a complimentary book in exchange for a contribution to a non-profit organization. This may be greater than the retail price of the book.
• Acknowledgment Page: Offer to record the names of major contributors on the acknowledgment page of your book. Again, these could be individuals or organizations.
• You may have friends who believe in your book project, and you could propose that they partner with you with an interest-free loan (repayable in monthly installments) so you can meet the production costs.
• Investors: There may be one or more individuals or organizations who would love to invest in the ministry of your book, seeking the return of their investment plus a small profit.
• Here at CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, we do accept four major credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express.
• CSN books and Legacy Line publishing also make provision for our authors to pay as each task is performed. For example, most book projects start with editing and proofing. A client may pay for those services first, and when they are completed, he/she would pay for the next step in the process, such as typesetting or cover design. In that way, the book project can be paid “as you go” - in stages.
We would be happy to discuss these and other methods of payment with you in further detail.
Dr. Mike Wourms
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Minnie June...important works!
The purpose of the Word Warriors is to equip the body of Christ with keys, nuggets and revelation from the Word of God to be able to live a victorious life.
I encourage you to partake of Building Word Warriors and build up your spiritual library within. The more Word you now, the greater your stand is against the devil. Grasp what the Spirit is saying in the Word. It will enlighten you to know that you can stand on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
I encourage you to partake of Building Word Warriors and build up your spiritual library within. The more Word you now, the greater your stand is against the devil. Grasp what the Spirit is saying in the Word. It will enlighten you to know that you can stand on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Donald's new inspiratonal book
God has truly blessed me. This wheelchair I am in has helped me focus on God. While being in this chair, life has gone on through some good and bad times, but that's what I like about life. If you go into the situation with Jesus, you have to come out with Jesus, you have to come out with Jesus. I guess what I'm trying to say is- in spite of me, God has opened doors, not because I am in a wheelchair, but because I am in a wheelchair, but because He is good. So, come my friends and meet this kind-hearted person whom I call Jesus, tell your story and then give Him the glory. Amen.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Ms. Nancy Waesche new book
This book reveals how much the Lord loves you and how faithful He is to you! Nancy has a desire to see wounded women healed and set free...but we cannot do it on our own! Only through Christ living in us can we achieve all that God has for us.
Nancy shares wounds that she has experienced and how, through Christ, she was able to forgive and be healed. She reveals how a generation can be freed from the sins and curses of their forefathers. Her hope is that in reading this book you will discover new life in Christ, and be, Wounded No More!
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Nancy shares wounds that she has experienced and how, through Christ, she was able to forgive and be healed. She reveals how a generation can be freed from the sins and curses of their forefathers. Her hope is that in reading this book you will discover new life in Christ, and be, Wounded No More!
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Get a Free Review of Your Book
In our free review, it is one of those rare times where “free” is really free, and you actually get a solid value from the service, so send your manuscript to CSN Books or Legacy Line publishing for a free review.
What does the review consist of?
First, an editor will read your manuscript and give you feedback on the actual content of the document – the flow, the information, and most importantly, the writing and proofing. The editor will also provide you with a sample edit of a few pages that accomplishes two objectives:
Objective One:
It allows us to determine the editing needs of your book by actually going in and editing your work. Do not worry, we only edit the hard copy of your manuscript, and never make electronic changes to your disc without your permission.
Objective Two:
It allows us to demonstrate how we can help improve your book through the sample edits and proof we provide. This means there is no guessing or hoping; when you see your review you will know what your book may or may not need. Our professional editor will give you both editorial and content feedback.
When you receive your free review back, there is absolutely no obligation whatsoever on your part; you can say “thank you” and walk away, or you can say “thank you” and “Let’s get this project rolling.”
If you would like to submit your book for the free review, you can do it in three formats:
1) send us a hard copy,
2) send us an e-mail with the file attached, or
3) send a CD to us.
An electronic file (e-mail or disc) is preferable and typically gives us a much closer bid because we can properly calculate the word count, and the projected number of pages in your book. When we receive your manuscript, we will contact you and let you know the review process is underway. Please be patient; our extensive review normally takes a minimum of 10 working days.
When your free review is completed, you will receive the following:
1) A three to four page letter sharing the editor’s insights and positive suggestions concerning your manuscript;
2) One or two pages of edited or proofed copy so you can decide whether you want CSN Books or Legacy Line publishing to help bring your book up to bookstore quality. Of course, if it does not need an edit or proofing, we will tell you that as well.
3) A detailed, two-page bid on the pre-press charges for your book, and on the publishing of your manuscript;
4) A sheet that describes the CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing marketing plans, and outlines their costs.
We believe that you, as an author, do not want surprises. That is why we send you a firm bid on bringing your work to completion, embodying all charges, including transcription (if needed), editing, proofing, typesetting, cover design, printing, and marketing (if requested). We believe in absolute clarity and integrity in all our dealings with our authors.
Dr. Mike Wourms
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
What does the review consist of?
First, an editor will read your manuscript and give you feedback on the actual content of the document – the flow, the information, and most importantly, the writing and proofing. The editor will also provide you with a sample edit of a few pages that accomplishes two objectives:
Objective One:
It allows us to determine the editing needs of your book by actually going in and editing your work. Do not worry, we only edit the hard copy of your manuscript, and never make electronic changes to your disc without your permission.
Objective Two:
It allows us to demonstrate how we can help improve your book through the sample edits and proof we provide. This means there is no guessing or hoping; when you see your review you will know what your book may or may not need. Our professional editor will give you both editorial and content feedback.
When you receive your free review back, there is absolutely no obligation whatsoever on your part; you can say “thank you” and walk away, or you can say “thank you” and “Let’s get this project rolling.”
If you would like to submit your book for the free review, you can do it in three formats:
1) send us a hard copy,
2) send us an e-mail with the file attached, or
3) send a CD to us.
An electronic file (e-mail or disc) is preferable and typically gives us a much closer bid because we can properly calculate the word count, and the projected number of pages in your book. When we receive your manuscript, we will contact you and let you know the review process is underway. Please be patient; our extensive review normally takes a minimum of 10 working days.
When your free review is completed, you will receive the following:
1) A three to four page letter sharing the editor’s insights and positive suggestions concerning your manuscript;
2) One or two pages of edited or proofed copy so you can decide whether you want CSN Books or Legacy Line publishing to help bring your book up to bookstore quality. Of course, if it does not need an edit or proofing, we will tell you that as well.
3) A detailed, two-page bid on the pre-press charges for your book, and on the publishing of your manuscript;
4) A sheet that describes the CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing marketing plans, and outlines their costs.
We believe that you, as an author, do not want surprises. That is why we send you a firm bid on bringing your work to completion, embodying all charges, including transcription (if needed), editing, proofing, typesetting, cover design, printing, and marketing (if requested). We believe in absolute clarity and integrity in all our dealings with our authors.
Dr. Mike Wourms
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Two Moe Publishing Myths
MYTH # 6: “Once I publish, my book will automatically be in the bookstores in my hometown.”
TRUTH: Unless you are very well known, there is no guarantee that your book will make it to even one bookstore. A publisher can make your book available to the major distributors that sell to bookstores, but they cannot force the bookstore to buy the book. Some publishers will work out a clever marketing package where they charge you $15,000 and guarantee your book in bookstores, then they turn around and pay $5000 to a small group of bookstores for shelf space: this allows them to honor their promise to place you in bookstores.
In fact, all they did was pocket $10,000 from the $15,000, paying only $5,000 to buy shelving space for you. This technique is often used, and we believe it is unethical. In this program, you still might not sell a single book, yet the publisher will pocket $10,000 profit on just that one plan.
Here at CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, we will be honest with you on how the system works: not all marketing plans fit all authors. Selling a book takes work; although we can make your book available to the biggest distributors in the country, we cannot make them buy the book. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing will do everything we can to market your book and provide marketing plans that are extremely reasonable and valuable.
MYTH # 7: “Bookstores are the best way to sell my book.”
TRUTH: Bookstores are frequently one of the last options for an author who wants to be a good steward of his/her money. Once a book is discounted through the distributor, and sold to the bookstore, your profit on the book is extremely low. If the book does not sell in the bookstore, the bookstore reserves the right to return the books to you at a full refund, plus shipping...and, these books are frequently returned as damaged and are no longer sellable.
At CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we have many avenues to assist our authors in direct sales. For example, if you are booked on a radio or TV show, your listeners and viewers can order the book directly from CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing through our websites, through our 800 numbers, or even by mail. The CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing office staff will process all your orders and send you a check the following month (bookstores and distributors can take up to a full year to pay).
Our program is similar to having your own personal office staff! The best part about the direct sale through CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing is that you receive a net profit of up to 80% of your list price, compared to the 5% of net sales you receive in a royalty program from a “traditional” publisher.
Marketing a book is difficult!
At CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we partner with you to help you learn the nature of the publishing industry. There are no guarantees with any book, so we encourage you to work within a system you can trust.
Dr. Mike Wourms
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
TRUTH: Unless you are very well known, there is no guarantee that your book will make it to even one bookstore. A publisher can make your book available to the major distributors that sell to bookstores, but they cannot force the bookstore to buy the book. Some publishers will work out a clever marketing package where they charge you $15,000 and guarantee your book in bookstores, then they turn around and pay $5000 to a small group of bookstores for shelf space: this allows them to honor their promise to place you in bookstores.
In fact, all they did was pocket $10,000 from the $15,000, paying only $5,000 to buy shelving space for you. This technique is often used, and we believe it is unethical. In this program, you still might not sell a single book, yet the publisher will pocket $10,000 profit on just that one plan.
Here at CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, we will be honest with you on how the system works: not all marketing plans fit all authors. Selling a book takes work; although we can make your book available to the biggest distributors in the country, we cannot make them buy the book. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing will do everything we can to market your book and provide marketing plans that are extremely reasonable and valuable.
MYTH # 7: “Bookstores are the best way to sell my book.”
TRUTH: Bookstores are frequently one of the last options for an author who wants to be a good steward of his/her money. Once a book is discounted through the distributor, and sold to the bookstore, your profit on the book is extremely low. If the book does not sell in the bookstore, the bookstore reserves the right to return the books to you at a full refund, plus shipping...and, these books are frequently returned as damaged and are no longer sellable.
At CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we have many avenues to assist our authors in direct sales. For example, if you are booked on a radio or TV show, your listeners and viewers can order the book directly from CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing through our websites, through our 800 numbers, or even by mail. The CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing office staff will process all your orders and send you a check the following month (bookstores and distributors can take up to a full year to pay).
Our program is similar to having your own personal office staff! The best part about the direct sale through CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing is that you receive a net profit of up to 80% of your list price, compared to the 5% of net sales you receive in a royalty program from a “traditional” publisher.
Marketing a book is difficult!
At CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we partner with you to help you learn the nature of the publishing industry. There are no guarantees with any book, so we encourage you to work within a system you can trust.
Dr. Mike Wourms
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Proper Manuscript Publication
The manuscript MUST be presented to the public as the very best it can be. If you have any hesitation that it is not quite what you want, then finish it before you spend time and money to print something that is only “almost there”. Although your book will be professionally edited, you need to have it as near ready and free of mistakes and misspellings as possible before submission. Reviewers and buyers will scan only a few pages to determine if they will consider your book. Poor writing, or the presence of multiple mistakes, could result in an immediate rejection.
A. If your book is fiction, it needs to contain a story told through a particular viewpoint (POV) of one character. Ask yourself, Have I used the five senses to visualize my story? Are my observations and vocabulary appropriate to the character? Have I included emotion in the conflict?
B. If your book is non-fiction, ask yourself, Have I completed my research? Can I back up my facts and data? Is my message detailed in a comprehensive manner that has illustrations, examples and logical reasoning? Is there a solution or action the reader should take?
2. Careful Cover Design:
The best books start with the cover. There are seven steps to a good cover, and they include KEY items that will meet bookstore and reviewer requirements, and entice someone to pull your book off the shelf. Do not create a cover without knowing them.
The bio is not necessary if the author wants to remain unknown, or wants to use a “pen” name.
3. Your book must contain a clean copyright page (no explanations or other text notations) that includes certain criteria.
4. If you expect reviews, then galleys must be sent to major reviewers, publisher Weekly, Library Journal, Kirkus Reviews, etc. at least THREE MONTHS before the release date. A galley is a sample of your book before it is printed, and normally includes a sample cover for the reviewer as well. A favorable quote from one of these reviewers, who receive more than 200 titles every day, can make a major difference in the marketing of your book.
5. A Professional Publicist:
Once your book meets all of these requirements, you may want to hire a professional publicist who knows the playing field and how to get your book headed in the right direction. Our publicist here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing is award-winning, and has been in the industry for over two decades.
6. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing can help.
How do you know where your book fits into this journey? You need to have your book evaluated by a team who has experience with all of the above, and can give you an honest evaluation of where the book stands, and how you can improve it (if needed). Towards that end, CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing offer a FREE book REVIEW, which is a basic evaluation to determine if the book is physically ready to move to print. This evaluation includes a free review of the book, with notations on the areas that need to be improved (if any), a proofing and light edit of a few pages as an example, and a firm, completed bid for your project.
Dr. Mike Wourms
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
A. If your book is fiction, it needs to contain a story told through a particular viewpoint (POV) of one character. Ask yourself, Have I used the five senses to visualize my story? Are my observations and vocabulary appropriate to the character? Have I included emotion in the conflict?
B. If your book is non-fiction, ask yourself, Have I completed my research? Can I back up my facts and data? Is my message detailed in a comprehensive manner that has illustrations, examples and logical reasoning? Is there a solution or action the reader should take?
2. Careful Cover Design:
The best books start with the cover. There are seven steps to a good cover, and they include KEY items that will meet bookstore and reviewer requirements, and entice someone to pull your book off the shelf. Do not create a cover without knowing them.
The bio is not necessary if the author wants to remain unknown, or wants to use a “pen” name.
3. Your book must contain a clean copyright page (no explanations or other text notations) that includes certain criteria.
4. If you expect reviews, then galleys must be sent to major reviewers, publisher Weekly, Library Journal, Kirkus Reviews, etc. at least THREE MONTHS before the release date. A galley is a sample of your book before it is printed, and normally includes a sample cover for the reviewer as well. A favorable quote from one of these reviewers, who receive more than 200 titles every day, can make a major difference in the marketing of your book.
5. A Professional Publicist:
Once your book meets all of these requirements, you may want to hire a professional publicist who knows the playing field and how to get your book headed in the right direction. Our publicist here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing is award-winning, and has been in the industry for over two decades.
6. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing can help.
How do you know where your book fits into this journey? You need to have your book evaluated by a team who has experience with all of the above, and can give you an honest evaluation of where the book stands, and how you can improve it (if needed). Towards that end, CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing offer a FREE book REVIEW, which is a basic evaluation to determine if the book is physically ready to move to print. This evaluation includes a free review of the book, with notations on the areas that need to be improved (if any), a proofing and light edit of a few pages as an example, and a firm, completed bid for your project.
Dr. Mike Wourms
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Two More Publishing Myths
Myth # 4: “All self-publishing companies are the same.”
TRUTH: This is the most misunderstood myth of them all! The publishing industry is full of publishers who are no more than glorified printers; they have no way of guaranteeing that your book will become a bookstore quality book, and frankly, they do not honestly care much about the quality. Some of the leading self-publishing companies not only create useless paper weights (so full of errors that they cannot be sold), but they still try to take away your rights and make you pay for your books.
Myth # 5: “Your book will be placed in all the 25,000 bookstores.”
TRUTH: If someone tells you that your book will be in 25,000 bookstores, yet you are only printing fifty books with them, you obviously need to be very skeptical! The only way to be in 25,000 bookstores is to print a minimum of 25,000 books. What they are promising is the same thing any publisher can offer: the ISBN number will register you in a central computer that can be assessed by all 25,000 bookstores.
Partnership Publishing
At CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, we walk you through the entire publishing process, from proof and edit, to marketing. As a family-founded Christian publishing company, we feel we provide so many services and options that we have created a new category of publishing called “partnership publishing.”
“Partnership publishing” means we work together with our authors, walking them through a very complicated process. We spend time with our authors because we truly understand how important a book is to each individual author. The best part about our partnership is that you will still own all the rights to your materials. If your book does become a best-seller, you are free to sign a contract with whomever you want with absolutely no penalties. CSN Books (Christian division) and Legacy Line publishing (secular division) strive to create a process with no hassles and no legal mumble-jumble. All of our authors own their books, and all of our authors make the final, creative decisions concerning that book.
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
TRUTH: This is the most misunderstood myth of them all! The publishing industry is full of publishers who are no more than glorified printers; they have no way of guaranteeing that your book will become a bookstore quality book, and frankly, they do not honestly care much about the quality. Some of the leading self-publishing companies not only create useless paper weights (so full of errors that they cannot be sold), but they still try to take away your rights and make you pay for your books.
Myth # 5: “Your book will be placed in all the 25,000 bookstores.”
TRUTH: If someone tells you that your book will be in 25,000 bookstores, yet you are only printing fifty books with them, you obviously need to be very skeptical! The only way to be in 25,000 bookstores is to print a minimum of 25,000 books. What they are promising is the same thing any publisher can offer: the ISBN number will register you in a central computer that can be assessed by all 25,000 bookstores.
Partnership Publishing
At CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, we walk you through the entire publishing process, from proof and edit, to marketing. As a family-founded Christian publishing company, we feel we provide so many services and options that we have created a new category of publishing called “partnership publishing.”
“Partnership publishing” means we work together with our authors, walking them through a very complicated process. We spend time with our authors because we truly understand how important a book is to each individual author. The best part about our partnership is that you will still own all the rights to your materials. If your book does become a best-seller, you are free to sign a contract with whomever you want with absolutely no penalties. CSN Books (Christian division) and Legacy Line publishing (secular division) strive to create a process with no hassles and no legal mumble-jumble. All of our authors own their books, and all of our authors make the final, creative decisions concerning that book.
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Alex Goodman... Men Mentoring Men
If a man didn’t receive the Godly fathering he needed as a boy, no matter how old he is, he still needs fathering!
This book is a word-by-word account of a Biblical fathering-mentoring-relationship between an older man, Walt, and his faith-son, Josh. You will look over their shoulders, listen in on their sessions, feel their feelings and learn what they are learning.
As you experience the excitement and wonder of watching God us Walt to accelerate Josh’s growth toward maturity, toward God’s won image, you will ask, “Could this happen to me?” The Lords answer will be a resounding, “Yes!”
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
This book is a word-by-word account of a Biblical fathering-mentoring-relationship between an older man, Walt, and his faith-son, Josh. You will look over their shoulders, listen in on their sessions, feel their feelings and learn what they are learning.
As you experience the excitement and wonder of watching God us Walt to accelerate Josh’s growth toward maturity, toward God’s won image, you will ask, “Could this happen to me?” The Lords answer will be a resounding, “Yes!”
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Rita Higgins sais "You Go Girl"
Pastor Rita Wiggins is a visionary with a reforming message for the Body of Christ! Powerfully written, this book, will take every woman into new dimensions, whether in the home, the marketplace or the pulpit. Thank you for imparting to all of us the release of our dreams and that we are, irrevocably, God’s Superwomen! – Dr. Jana D. Alcorn
Evangelist and Pastor, Rita Wiggins began her ministry in a Huntsville, Alabama church where seven of her fifteen years there was as Associate Pastor. It was in 2001, Rita was called to fill the Senior Pastor position of the local Madison Worship Center. She continues her pastoral duties in that church, and is presently ordained in the Apostolic Ministry. Additionally, she serves as honorary member of the Executive Advisory Board of “Women of Excellence”, a locally founded, but internationally recognized organization that supports the efforts of women.
Thus far, Pastor Rita’s media ministry has included the Alabama Comcast in Huntsville and Cable B&S in Lansing, Michigan. She was featured on the program “For Goodness Sake” and has appeared on TBN to discuss divine healing.
Since Evangelist Rita operates in the gifts healing and working miracles, she was led to the founding of the “Pastor Rita Healing School”, where, along with guest Healing ministries, people are taught the Word of God and encouraged to believe God and release their faith to Him.
She has personally witnessed, through God’s healing, the opening of blind eyes, and heart conditions and cancers disappear. She has truly seen the Holy Spirit in power and demonstration as babies, still in the womb, have been healed and people emerge from comas. The Evangelist has witnessed God’s healings when doctors have abandoned all hope for recovery.
Evangelist Rita’s divine gifts of ministry and healing have taken her to Africa, Italy and Mexico, as well as in the United States, traveling throughout Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina and her home state of Alabama. As a woman of God, her ministry continues to be enriched through many speaking engagements nationally and internationally.
Evangelist Rita lives in Huntsville, Alabama with her husband Buddy and their mini-pinscher, Zorro. They are also the proud parents of two grown daughters, Teresa and Stephanie.
We know that you will be challenged and encouraged as she ministers the Life of the Word of God in demonstration and power.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Evangelist and Pastor, Rita Wiggins began her ministry in a Huntsville, Alabama church where seven of her fifteen years there was as Associate Pastor. It was in 2001, Rita was called to fill the Senior Pastor position of the local Madison Worship Center. She continues her pastoral duties in that church, and is presently ordained in the Apostolic Ministry. Additionally, she serves as honorary member of the Executive Advisory Board of “Women of Excellence”, a locally founded, but internationally recognized organization that supports the efforts of women.
Thus far, Pastor Rita’s media ministry has included the Alabama Comcast in Huntsville and Cable B&S in Lansing, Michigan. She was featured on the program “For Goodness Sake” and has appeared on TBN to discuss divine healing.
Since Evangelist Rita operates in the gifts healing and working miracles, she was led to the founding of the “Pastor Rita Healing School”, where, along with guest Healing ministries, people are taught the Word of God and encouraged to believe God and release their faith to Him.
She has personally witnessed, through God’s healing, the opening of blind eyes, and heart conditions and cancers disappear. She has truly seen the Holy Spirit in power and demonstration as babies, still in the womb, have been healed and people emerge from comas. The Evangelist has witnessed God’s healings when doctors have abandoned all hope for recovery.
Evangelist Rita’s divine gifts of ministry and healing have taken her to Africa, Italy and Mexico, as well as in the United States, traveling throughout Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina and her home state of Alabama. As a woman of God, her ministry continues to be enriched through many speaking engagements nationally and internationally.
Evangelist Rita lives in Huntsville, Alabama with her husband Buddy and their mini-pinscher, Zorro. They are also the proud parents of two grown daughters, Teresa and Stephanie.
We know that you will be challenged and encouraged as she ministers the Life of the Word of God in demonstration and power.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
3 Publishing Myths
Myth # 1: “I will make more money as a royalty author with a big name, traditional publisher.”
TRUTH: The average royalty author will receive less than 5% of net book sale profits (after publisher expenses), while a subsidized author under the CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing “partnership publishing” model can reach into the 80% profit range. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing have authors who have sold 40,000 books and made five times the money that a royalty author would have made on sales of 300,000 books.
Myth # 2: “I will still own the rights to my book with a royalty publisher.”
TRUTH: Not only do you no longer own the rights to your material, you also forfeit creative control. The publisher will make sure that you sign away creative control (not worded that way, of course) so that they can make whatever changes they think are needed for the commercial market.
At CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing you always own all the rights to your book, to your cover design, and you make all the final creative decisions.
Myth # 3: “I won’t have to pay a dime if I’m accepted by a royalty publisher.”
TRUTH: If you become one of the rare minority of authors who actually gets accepted by a true royalty publisher, then be ready to brush up on your math skills. Royalty publishers are very aware of their power position regarding your book; they know you think that they are “the answer” to all of your prayers, so they are very good at leveraging the relationship in their favor.
The first surprise you may have in your contract is that you give up the ownership rights to your material. That’s right, it is no longer yours, unless of course you are willing to buy out the contract.
The contract you sign is normally what is called a “unilateral” (one-sided) contract, created to benefit the publisher, even if you do not sell a single book. The traditional publishers have evolved a system that lures you into thinking you are going to have a best-seller, yet, in truth, they will do just fine if you do not sell many books at all. Just because you have a royalty contract, do not expect to get out of paying for the process. Some current so-called royalty publishers will actually charge you a huge amount to publish your book, charge you for every process along the way, and still own the rights to your material!
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
TRUTH: The average royalty author will receive less than 5% of net book sale profits (after publisher expenses), while a subsidized author under the CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing “partnership publishing” model can reach into the 80% profit range. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing have authors who have sold 40,000 books and made five times the money that a royalty author would have made on sales of 300,000 books.
Myth # 2: “I will still own the rights to my book with a royalty publisher.”
TRUTH: Not only do you no longer own the rights to your material, you also forfeit creative control. The publisher will make sure that you sign away creative control (not worded that way, of course) so that they can make whatever changes they think are needed for the commercial market.
At CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing you always own all the rights to your book, to your cover design, and you make all the final creative decisions.
Myth # 3: “I won’t have to pay a dime if I’m accepted by a royalty publisher.”
TRUTH: If you become one of the rare minority of authors who actually gets accepted by a true royalty publisher, then be ready to brush up on your math skills. Royalty publishers are very aware of their power position regarding your book; they know you think that they are “the answer” to all of your prayers, so they are very good at leveraging the relationship in their favor.
The first surprise you may have in your contract is that you give up the ownership rights to your material. That’s right, it is no longer yours, unless of course you are willing to buy out the contract.
The contract you sign is normally what is called a “unilateral” (one-sided) contract, created to benefit the publisher, even if you do not sell a single book. The traditional publishers have evolved a system that lures you into thinking you are going to have a best-seller, yet, in truth, they will do just fine if you do not sell many books at all. Just because you have a royalty contract, do not expect to get out of paying for the process. Some current so-called royalty publishers will actually charge you a huge amount to publish your book, charge you for every process along the way, and still own the rights to your material!
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
A Must read from Dr. Contreras
“Withered Branches, Broken Pieces” was inspired and written because of a small sea urchin. One day while walking along Monterey Bay, while praying and meditating I came across, what I perceived as the perfect Sand Dollar. This encounter took me on a journey that culminated in the inspiration to write this book.
Life is so full of learning experiences. We get so caught up in every day life that we fail to see how God uses certain insignificant creatures to teach us valuable life changing experiences. My desire is that you will be encouraged to look for life’s small treasures in the insignificant.
As you read through each page of this book, my hope and desire is that you will grow and mature in the things of God. I pray that you will be inspired in your walk with Christ on this earth and that you will continue to grow in grace.
“And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good” (Genesis 1:31a NASB).
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Life is so full of learning experiences. We get so caught up in every day life that we fail to see how God uses certain insignificant creatures to teach us valuable life changing experiences. My desire is that you will be encouraged to look for life’s small treasures in the insignificant.
As you read through each page of this book, my hope and desire is that you will grow and mature in the things of God. I pray that you will be inspired in your walk with Christ on this earth and that you will continue to grow in grace.
“And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good” (Genesis 1:31a NASB).
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Book by J.E. Sturdivant
Adversity. It’s one of the guarantees that come with being human. We experience it. We expect it. But it’s how we choose to deal with it that shapes our lives, both negatively and positively. Adversity can leave us crippled in our emotions, our relationships, and our finances. However, God, in all His grace, equips us with the prescription and therapy to heal us in those hurting areas.
In this book, J.E. Sturdivant shows us that with God working and moving in our lives, we can triumph and use adversity to our advantage.
Since the beginning, God has always given special assignments to people
who would deliver a timely message that impacts the masses and changes the course of the world. For this season, God has chosen J.E. Sturdivant as
his anointed mouthpiece. In addition to his theological training (B.A.
Religion), he maximizes his gifting by taking several courses in
psychology, sociology, and theories in human behavior. J.E. Sturdivant
has been married to Co-Pastor Pamela D. Sturdivant, and is the proud father
of four wonderful children.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
In this book, J.E. Sturdivant shows us that with God working and moving in our lives, we can triumph and use adversity to our advantage.
Since the beginning, God has always given special assignments to people
who would deliver a timely message that impacts the masses and changes the course of the world. For this season, God has chosen J.E. Sturdivant as
his anointed mouthpiece. In addition to his theological training (B.A.
Religion), he maximizes his gifting by taking several courses in
psychology, sociology, and theories in human behavior. J.E. Sturdivant
has been married to Co-Pastor Pamela D. Sturdivant, and is the proud father
of four wonderful children.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Typesetting Your Book
The Formatting of Your Book
Typesetting is converting the “typewriter” look of a manuscript into lines and pages of type that make it look like a professional book.
A well typeset book must meet the industry standards concerning leading, kerning, headers and footers, and these areas are critical to the success of your book (however, it is not critical for you to understand these terms). Typesetting is often the most ignored phase of a book’s creation process by self-publishers, and even by many subsidy publishers. It is frustrating for us here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing to constantly see the poor typesetting jobs our authors books have received from other publishers. We are constantly having to undo the work of others just to bring the book up to a level that is acceptable within the publishing industry.
Typesetting is one of the most critical and time-intensive phases of a book’s creation, yet it seems to be vastly undervalued by many low-budget publishers. As a result, many authors who believed they were getting a quality product from a publisher ended up with an inferior book that could not be promoted properly within the publishing industry due to shoddy typesetting.
The author is always given the opportunity to make changes, and then to sign off on every page of the book. The importance of this phase cannot be emphasized enough since, once this phase is completed and signed off, the next destination for the manuscript is the printer!
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Typesetting is converting the “typewriter” look of a manuscript into lines and pages of type that make it look like a professional book.
A well typeset book must meet the industry standards concerning leading, kerning, headers and footers, and these areas are critical to the success of your book (however, it is not critical for you to understand these terms). Typesetting is often the most ignored phase of a book’s creation process by self-publishers, and even by many subsidy publishers. It is frustrating for us here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing to constantly see the poor typesetting jobs our authors books have received from other publishers. We are constantly having to undo the work of others just to bring the book up to a level that is acceptable within the publishing industry.
Typesetting is one of the most critical and time-intensive phases of a book’s creation, yet it seems to be vastly undervalued by many low-budget publishers. As a result, many authors who believed they were getting a quality product from a publisher ended up with an inferior book that could not be promoted properly within the publishing industry due to shoddy typesetting.
The author is always given the opportunity to make changes, and then to sign off on every page of the book. The importance of this phase cannot be emphasized enough since, once this phase is completed and signed off, the next destination for the manuscript is the printer!
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Typesetting Your Book
The Formatting of Your Book
Typesetting is converting the “typewriter” look of a manuscript into lines and pages of type that make it look like a professional book.
A well typeset book must meet the industry standards concerning leading, kerning, headers and footers, and these areas are critical to the success of your book (however, it is not critical for you to understand these terms). Typesetting is often the most ignored phase of a book’s creation process by self-publishers, and even by many subsidy publishers. It is frustrating for us here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing to constantly see the poor typesetting jobs our authors books have received from other publishers. We are constantly having to undo the work of others just to bring the book up to a level that is acceptable within the publishing industry.
Typesetting is one of the most critical and time-intensive phases of a book’s creation, yet it seems to be vastly undervalued by many low-budget publishers. As a result, many authors who believed they were getting a quality product from a publisher ended up with an inferior book that could not be promoted properly within the publishing industry due to shoddy typesetting.
The author is always given the opportunity to make changes, and then to sign off on every page of the book. The importance of this phase cannot be emphasized enough since, once this phase is completed and signed off, the next destination for the manuscript is the printer!
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Typesetting is converting the “typewriter” look of a manuscript into lines and pages of type that make it look like a professional book.
A well typeset book must meet the industry standards concerning leading, kerning, headers and footers, and these areas are critical to the success of your book (however, it is not critical for you to understand these terms). Typesetting is often the most ignored phase of a book’s creation process by self-publishers, and even by many subsidy publishers. It is frustrating for us here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing to constantly see the poor typesetting jobs our authors books have received from other publishers. We are constantly having to undo the work of others just to bring the book up to a level that is acceptable within the publishing industry.
Typesetting is one of the most critical and time-intensive phases of a book’s creation, yet it seems to be vastly undervalued by many low-budget publishers. As a result, many authors who believed they were getting a quality product from a publisher ended up with an inferior book that could not be promoted properly within the publishing industry due to shoddy typesetting.
The author is always given the opportunity to make changes, and then to sign off on every page of the book. The importance of this phase cannot be emphasized enough since, once this phase is completed and signed off, the next destination for the manuscript is the printer!
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Keith Mayers Book
There are times when the world compels us to reaction, rather than call us to prayer. This is the price we arrantly pay when we run from God’s assignment. And like Jonah from inside a whale’s belly, the Lord positions us to find the key from the inside…out.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
When to Copyright?
The copyright office actually prefers that they do not receive a copy of your book for copyright until after the book is published. When a book goes to print, there is always a statement on the “copyright page” that says you own the copyright, and in what year the copyright was applied for. But, when the book goes to print, that copyright normally has not yet been issued by the copyright office. The mere fact that the book says the copyright has been applied for protects the author.
When your books (they ask for two copies) do go to the copyright office, the copyright will be assigned in your name. Here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we believe that since you are the author, you are the one who should own all the rights to your work. We do not contractually tie up your work for five or ten years as many publishers do, nor do we force you to buy your way out of our agreement. Your entire work is under your control; we believe you deserve both the profits and the control.
Finally, here is a very important fact: the CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing team are in our third decade in the publishing industry. In that time, we have never seen a case where someone tried to steal and print the work of another.
The reason?
It is far too easy to prove who wrote the book, and it is far too difficult to market a winning product. Why would a publisher risk trying to market a book that they were not authorized to publish? It makes absolutely no economic or moral sense.
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
When your books (they ask for two copies) do go to the copyright office, the copyright will be assigned in your name. Here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we believe that since you are the author, you are the one who should own all the rights to your work. We do not contractually tie up your work for five or ten years as many publishers do, nor do we force you to buy your way out of our agreement. Your entire work is under your control; we believe you deserve both the profits and the control.
Finally, here is a very important fact: the CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing team are in our third decade in the publishing industry. In that time, we have never seen a case where someone tried to steal and print the work of another.
The reason?
It is far too easy to prove who wrote the book, and it is far too difficult to market a winning product. Why would a publisher risk trying to market a book that they were not authorized to publish? It makes absolutely no economic or moral sense.
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Breakthrough Kingdom Living...waht a book!
Today...individuals and families are being defeated by seemingly insurmountable problems.
People grow increasingly desperate, unaware that there is an invisible realm charged with God’s power and superabundance...called the Kingdom of God. It is available for those who seek it!
Jesus was never limited by the physical. He understood how to release God’s blessings and provision into human need. Jesus taught His followers the keys to unleashing the power of this Kingdom.
Though often neglected today, these principles remain the blueprint for how life works, and are the secret to transforming your life and world.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
People grow increasingly desperate, unaware that there is an invisible realm charged with God’s power and superabundance...called the Kingdom of God. It is available for those who seek it!
Jesus was never limited by the physical. He understood how to release God’s blessings and provision into human need. Jesus taught His followers the keys to unleashing the power of this Kingdom.
Though often neglected today, these principles remain the blueprint for how life works, and are the secret to transforming your life and world.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Newest book by Kim Nguyen
It is always devastating when a person learns she or he has a primary brain tumor. But Between the Tumor and the Tomb demonstrates there is always hope! Kim Nguyen shares an emotional account of the highs and lows of dealing with a primary brain tumor. Today, she is alive, beautiful and energetic, and Kim's story is real and compelling. Kim is a woman who is determined to survive -- which is wonderfully demonstrated by this heartfelt book. Kim writes her true story as if you were right beside her along the journey. It's a story about a lady of doubtless Faith, and it is ultimately about Him, not Kim.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Proof and Edit of Your Book
The proof and edit of your manuscript is very important. You will want somebody who truly knows what the standards are in the publishing industry to prepare your book.
There is a basic difference between a proof and an edit. A “proof” means that the manuscript is prepared to be correct in punctuation and grammar. editing can be used in a broader sense, and includes proofing under its umbrella, but for publishing reasons we will explain each as a separate function.
When we ask our proofers to proof a manuscript, it comes with very specific instructions to our proofers; it means “check for spelling errors and simple grammatical mistakes.” The reason for this is simple: a proofer must have a different set of eyes than an editor. When proofing is combined with editing, the editor then must look at the manuscript with two sets of eyes, and that degrades the quality of both processes.
At CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, your book is proofed at least twice, once after the edit and once after typesetting. These proofs are performed by two separate proofers.
If an edit is recommended for your project, this would be the first step of the process. Although our editors are also accomplished proofers, when they edit they concentrate on one thing: the readability and flow of the book. This focus allows our editors to make the necessary changes to the document so it becomes easier to read, and reads with a sensible, logical flow. This kind of editing takes experienced writers, and here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we have some of the best in the country, including our own, award-winning Head Editor, Dr. Michael Wourms, who has ghostwritten over 80 books, and has edited hundreds of others (many became best-sellers).
At CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we take pride in the fact that when an edit is finished, it still sounds like the author. Our editors understand the importance of maintaining the personality of the author, so they make sure that the author’s voice remains clearly in the writing style.
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
There is a basic difference between a proof and an edit. A “proof” means that the manuscript is prepared to be correct in punctuation and grammar. editing can be used in a broader sense, and includes proofing under its umbrella, but for publishing reasons we will explain each as a separate function.
When we ask our proofers to proof a manuscript, it comes with very specific instructions to our proofers; it means “check for spelling errors and simple grammatical mistakes.” The reason for this is simple: a proofer must have a different set of eyes than an editor. When proofing is combined with editing, the editor then must look at the manuscript with two sets of eyes, and that degrades the quality of both processes.
At CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, your book is proofed at least twice, once after the edit and once after typesetting. These proofs are performed by two separate proofers.
If an edit is recommended for your project, this would be the first step of the process. Although our editors are also accomplished proofers, when they edit they concentrate on one thing: the readability and flow of the book. This focus allows our editors to make the necessary changes to the document so it becomes easier to read, and reads with a sensible, logical flow. This kind of editing takes experienced writers, and here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we have some of the best in the country, including our own, award-winning Head Editor, Dr. Michael Wourms, who has ghostwritten over 80 books, and has edited hundreds of others (many became best-sellers).
At CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we take pride in the fact that when an edit is finished, it still sounds like the author. Our editors understand the importance of maintaining the personality of the author, so they make sure that the author’s voice remains clearly in the writing style.
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Proof and Edit of Your Book
The proof and edit of your manuscript is very important. You will want somebody who truly knows what the standards are in the publishing industry to prepare your book.
There is a basic difference between a proof and an edit. A “proof” means that the manuscript is prepared to be correct in punctuation and grammar. editing can be used in a broader sense, and includes proofing under its umbrella, but for publishing reasons we will explain each as a separate function.
When we ask our proofers to proof a manuscript, it comes with very specific instructions to our proofers; it means “check for spelling errors and simple grammatical mistakes.” The reason for this is simple: a proofer must have a different set of eyes than an editor. When proofing is combined with editing, the editor then must look at the manuscript with two sets of eyes, and that degrades the quality of both processes.
At CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, your book is proofed at least twice, once after the edit and once after typesetting. These proofs are performed by two separate proofers.
If an edit is recommended for your project, this would be the first step of the process. Although our editors are also accomplished proofers, when they edit they concentrate on one thing: the readability and flow of the book. This focus allows our editors to make the necessary changes to the document so it becomes easier to read, and reads with a sensible, logical flow. This kind of editing takes experienced writers, and here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we have some of the best in the country, including our own, award-winning Head Editor, Dr. Michael Wourms, who has ghostwritten over 80 books, and has edited hundreds of others (many became best-sellers).
At CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we take pride in the fact that when an edit is finished, it still sounds like the author. Our editors understand the importance of maintaining the personality of the author, so they make sure that the author’s voice remains clearly in the writing style.
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
There is a basic difference between a proof and an edit. A “proof” means that the manuscript is prepared to be correct in punctuation and grammar. editing can be used in a broader sense, and includes proofing under its umbrella, but for publishing reasons we will explain each as a separate function.
When we ask our proofers to proof a manuscript, it comes with very specific instructions to our proofers; it means “check for spelling errors and simple grammatical mistakes.” The reason for this is simple: a proofer must have a different set of eyes than an editor. When proofing is combined with editing, the editor then must look at the manuscript with two sets of eyes, and that degrades the quality of both processes.
At CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, your book is proofed at least twice, once after the edit and once after typesetting. These proofs are performed by two separate proofers.
If an edit is recommended for your project, this would be the first step of the process. Although our editors are also accomplished proofers, when they edit they concentrate on one thing: the readability and flow of the book. This focus allows our editors to make the necessary changes to the document so it becomes easier to read, and reads with a sensible, logical flow. This kind of editing takes experienced writers, and here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we have some of the best in the country, including our own, award-winning Head Editor, Dr. Michael Wourms, who has ghostwritten over 80 books, and has edited hundreds of others (many became best-sellers).
At CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we take pride in the fact that when an edit is finished, it still sounds like the author. Our editors understand the importance of maintaining the personality of the author, so they make sure that the author’s voice remains clearly in the writing style.
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Are All Publishers the Same?
The publishing industry is full of publishers who are no more than glorified printers; they have no way of guaranteeing that your book will become a bookstore quality book, and frankly, they do not honestly care much about the quality. Some of the leading self-publishing companies not only create useless paper weights (so full of errors that they cannot be sold), but they still try to take away your rights and make you pay for your books.
Some publishers claim: “Your book will be placed in all the 25,000 bookstores.”
TRUTH: If someone tells you that your book will be in 25,000 bookstores, yet you are only printing fifty books with them, you obviously need to be very skeptical! The only way to be in 25,000 bookstores is to print a minimum of 25,000 books. What they are promising is the same thing any publisher can offer: the ISBN number will register you in a central computer that can be assessed by all 25,000 bookstores.
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Some publishers claim: “Your book will be placed in all the 25,000 bookstores.”
TRUTH: If someone tells you that your book will be in 25,000 bookstores, yet you are only printing fifty books with them, you obviously need to be very skeptical! The only way to be in 25,000 bookstores is to print a minimum of 25,000 books. What they are promising is the same thing any publisher can offer: the ISBN number will register you in a central computer that can be assessed by all 25,000 bookstores.
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Today's Publishering Market
In today’s market, virtually every major publisher has evolved into utilizing some form of subsidy publishing. Of course, the old, traditional publishers still exist for the highly visible authors who have large audiences who stand ready to buy their next book. For example, if you have a nationwide television show, or are a popular entertainer or politician, you may still get your book published under the old royalty system and do fairly well economically.
However, most of the “old, traditional publishers” have now also added some sort of “subsidy publishing” to their arsenal for those authors who do not have a built-in following through which they can sell a large amount of books.
By using some form of subsidy publishing, many quality books that previously would not have been published are now available to the market. Of the 193,000 books published in the last year where records were available, the vast majority were under some sort of a “subsidy” arrangement. The subtle shift in the industry is that these subsidy products were produced under the supervision of a skilled publisher, thus producing a product far superior to most of the self-published books.
Partnership Publishing
In the three decades that CSN Books has been serving authors, we have evolved into what we call “Partnership Publishing.” In our system, the author does pay an extremely reasonable fee to publish his/her book, but unlike almost every other model, in our system, THE AUTHOR KEEPS THE BULK OF THE PROFITS!
For example, for books sold on our website, CSN Books takes only 20%, and returns a full 80% to the author. Most major sites will take from 50% to 65% and return the meager remains to the author. Despite that generous return to the author, we provide all the major services of any old, traditional publisher, such as proofing, editing, typesetting, cover design, publication, marketing, distribution and publicist services.
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
However, most of the “old, traditional publishers” have now also added some sort of “subsidy publishing” to their arsenal for those authors who do not have a built-in following through which they can sell a large amount of books.
By using some form of subsidy publishing, many quality books that previously would not have been published are now available to the market. Of the 193,000 books published in the last year where records were available, the vast majority were under some sort of a “subsidy” arrangement. The subtle shift in the industry is that these subsidy products were produced under the supervision of a skilled publisher, thus producing a product far superior to most of the self-published books.
Partnership Publishing
In the three decades that CSN Books has been serving authors, we have evolved into what we call “Partnership Publishing.” In our system, the author does pay an extremely reasonable fee to publish his/her book, but unlike almost every other model, in our system, THE AUTHOR KEEPS THE BULK OF THE PROFITS!
For example, for books sold on our website, CSN Books takes only 20%, and returns a full 80% to the author. Most major sites will take from 50% to 65% and return the meager remains to the author. Despite that generous return to the author, we provide all the major services of any old, traditional publisher, such as proofing, editing, typesetting, cover design, publication, marketing, distribution and publicist services.
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Alexander's...Darnia's Quest
Jenara and Darnia... two kids who may have never met in real life...yet an adventure awaits them beyond their wildest dreams. Enter into the world of Darnia Alexis Ashaan, of Lone Pine, Ca. Travel with him into the beauty and danger of the underwater castle. Watch as Dar conquers the vigorous arm-eating caslemen, who show no mercy to any intruders. Laugh and cry as Dar meets and befriends the gorgeously beautiful Jenara Selena Barslay. Find out what can truly happen if you fall asleep, and your new best friends are not real, or are they? Most of all, in Darnia’s Quest you will truly discover the meaning of the words : “With God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
CSN profiles John Booko
Reverend John Booko, Sr. is an American born Assyrian whose parents were born in Lower Tiari area in Norther Iraq. His grandfather was a priest of the Assyrian Church of the East in Asheta, Turkey. His parents were married in Chicago in 1921 and John was born November 29, 1922.
Reverend Booko holds a Bachelor of Theology degree from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois, in 1950, and a Master of Arts degree from Northwestern Universtiy Graduate School in Evanston IIllinois , 1951.
John Booko served in the United States Navy from February 1943 to December 1945.
He is an ordained Baptist Minister and served as Pastor in Baptist churches for over 24 years. In 1975 he founded an interdenominational church, now called the Riverside Church, where he serves the Lord with his son, Paul, who became the senior Pastor.
John and his wife, Burnell, have resided in Three Rivers, Michigan since 1963. They have four children and fifteen grandchildren.
John also serves as a representative for "Intercessors For America," a ministry that encourages effective prayer and fasting for the Church, nation, and leaders.
In 1992 he published his book "Assyiria- The Forgotten Nation In Prophecy", which has sold over 10,000 copies. 2,000 copes of his book were also printed in the "Malalayam" language of Kerala, India, and were distributed there.
Since the publication of his book, he has made numerous speaking engagements on the topic of his book throughout the United States and around the world.
Reverend Booko not only delivers the message of God about Assyria but also the Good News of Christ's salvation and God's grace to all.
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Reverend Booko holds a Bachelor of Theology degree from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois, in 1950, and a Master of Arts degree from Northwestern Universtiy Graduate School in Evanston IIllinois , 1951.
John Booko served in the United States Navy from February 1943 to December 1945.
He is an ordained Baptist Minister and served as Pastor in Baptist churches for over 24 years. In 1975 he founded an interdenominational church, now called the Riverside Church, where he serves the Lord with his son, Paul, who became the senior Pastor.
John and his wife, Burnell, have resided in Three Rivers, Michigan since 1963. They have four children and fifteen grandchildren.
John also serves as a representative for "Intercessors For America," a ministry that encourages effective prayer and fasting for the Church, nation, and leaders.
In 1992 he published his book "Assyiria- The Forgotten Nation In Prophecy", which has sold over 10,000 copies. 2,000 copes of his book were also printed in the "Malalayam" language of Kerala, India, and were distributed there.
Since the publication of his book, he has made numerous speaking engagements on the topic of his book throughout the United States and around the world.
Reverend Booko not only delivers the message of God about Assyria but also the Good News of Christ's salvation and God's grace to all.
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
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Every writer we deal with asks, "How can I get on Amazon ?" for marketing and distribution of their books .
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Even if you have already published your book by POD ( Print on Demand ) with another publisher , or if you have used a publisher and a webb press for your book , CSN Books can help.
Give us a call - 1-800-636-7276.
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Of course, we can do that - but the results are not always what the writer expects. You see, Amazon takes 65% of the sale, and does not send checks until your account is over $100, or once a year, whichever comes first.
Why not put your book on and reap some real profits? We send the author 80% of the sale, and only keep 20% for our processing fee.
Even if you have already published your book by POD ( Print on Demand ) with another publisher , or if you have used a publisher and a webb press for your book , CSN Books can help.
Give us a call - 1-800-636-7276.
Dr. Mike
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Carol Hopson's new book
"Above the Storm" is a moving, inspirational book about how to rise above the storms of life and find real peace. Using her life-long study of eagles, Carol dramtically weaves eagle illustrations with practical applications from God's Word to help us recognize the battle we are facing and then focus on God's truths for real victories.
-If you desire to have emotional stability
-If you desire to rise above the daily storms in your life
-If you want to learn about God's references to eagles in Scripture
-If you want to live triumphantly each day
...then you will love this book!
Carol is a very popular speaker and author and shares her love for the Lord and His Word at Women's Retreats, Conventions, Churches, Outreach Dinners and any place God opens the door for her share.
Carol Hopson is the author of six other popular books:
-But God, This Wasn't My Plan!
-But God, I'm Tired of Waiting!
Peace in the Midst
-My Day, His Way
-Hope and Help for a Mother's Heart
-A New Song
Remember CSN Books for all your writing, editing, cover design, printing and publishing needs.
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
-If you desire to have emotional stability
-If you desire to rise above the daily storms in your life
-If you want to learn about God's references to eagles in Scripture
-If you want to live triumphantly each day
...then you will love this book!
Carol is a very popular speaker and author and shares her love for the Lord and His Word at Women's Retreats, Conventions, Churches, Outreach Dinners and any place God opens the door for her share.
Carol Hopson is the author of six other popular books:
-But God, This Wasn't My Plan!
-But God, I'm Tired of Waiting!
Peace in the Midst
-My Day, His Way
-Hope and Help for a Mother's Heart
-A New Song
Remember CSN Books for all your writing, editing, cover design, printing and publishing needs.
CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Newest book coming by Dr. Peter Colman
A Riveting Saga of Redemption and Reconciliation
Father of the Man portrays a young boy, standing near the threshold of a remote window in time, his eyes trained on his father’s heroic ascent toward an unforeseeable anonymity. This creative autobiography reveals a reluctant, prodigal father and his estranged New England son, who, after decades of separation, returns to offer comfort, reconciliation and redemption in a father’s final hour. At the heroic moment of descent, both father and son find uncommon strength and enduring hope in the intimacy and joyous agony of restored love. Father of the Man belongs to every son and daughter yearning to rediscover and reaffirm their own humanity.
“This is the book to own, to treasure, to read and re-read, if you (as I) have become convinced that literacy has become uncommon among today’s writers….he (Peter) bestows to us the privilege of sharing his experience as he skillfully interweaves classic quotations into contemporary lifestyles.”
Herschell Gordon Lewis
“I have witnessed and ministered to hundreds of wounded and hurting people… I believe the deepest and most frequent wound is the father's wound. Read this book! It is an intimate roadmap to healing the father's wound.”
Dr. Raleigh Washington,
President, Promise Keepers and
President/CEO, The Road To Jerusalem
About the Author
Dr. Peter L. Colman, born in Goffstown, NH, was the only son of Robert and Doris Colman. He graduated from Nyack College (70’ B.A. English), Gordon-Cromwell Theological Seminary (73’ M. Div.), and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (99’ Ph. D.). Peter and his wife, Judith, served as missionary educators in West Africa (1978-92). Dr. Colman has taught at many colleges and universities; his specialty is intercultural communication. He is a lecturer, conference speaker, free-lance writer and poet. Peter and Judith have four children and seven grandchildren, and currently reside in Round Lake Beach, Illinois.
Remember CSN Books for all your writing, editing, cover design, printing and publishing needs.
Father of the Man portrays a young boy, standing near the threshold of a remote window in time, his eyes trained on his father’s heroic ascent toward an unforeseeable anonymity. This creative autobiography reveals a reluctant, prodigal father and his estranged New England son, who, after decades of separation, returns to offer comfort, reconciliation and redemption in a father’s final hour. At the heroic moment of descent, both father and son find uncommon strength and enduring hope in the intimacy and joyous agony of restored love. Father of the Man belongs to every son and daughter yearning to rediscover and reaffirm their own humanity.
“This is the book to own, to treasure, to read and re-read, if you (as I) have become convinced that literacy has become uncommon among today’s writers….he (Peter) bestows to us the privilege of sharing his experience as he skillfully interweaves classic quotations into contemporary lifestyles.”
Herschell Gordon Lewis
“I have witnessed and ministered to hundreds of wounded and hurting people… I believe the deepest and most frequent wound is the father's wound. Read this book! It is an intimate roadmap to healing the father's wound.”
Dr. Raleigh Washington,
President, Promise Keepers and
President/CEO, The Road To Jerusalem
About the Author
Dr. Peter L. Colman, born in Goffstown, NH, was the only son of Robert and Doris Colman. He graduated from Nyack College (70’ B.A. English), Gordon-Cromwell Theological Seminary (73’ M. Div.), and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (99’ Ph. D.). Peter and his wife, Judith, served as missionary educators in West Africa (1978-92). Dr. Colman has taught at many colleges and universities; his specialty is intercultural communication. He is a lecturer, conference speaker, free-lance writer and poet. Peter and Judith have four children and seven grandchildren, and currently reside in Round Lake Beach, Illinois.
Remember CSN Books for all your writing, editing, cover design, printing and publishing needs.
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