Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mrs. Carol Hopson

Preparing the
Those who love Thy law have great peace, and
nothing causes them to stumble.
-Psalm 119:165
I will never forget Thy precepts, for by them Thou
hast revived me. I am Thine, save me; for I have
sought Thy precepts.
-Psalm 119:93-94
"I've trusted God with my problems, and He just keeps
letting me down! He doesn't answer my prayers, and nothing
is working out as it should!" Have you ever felt this
way? Many Christians have…they look around at their
families, their health, their finances, their future, their
country, and feel like God isn't answering their prayers.
Could it be that God is answering our prayers, but we just
don't like the answers because we don't understand what
He is doing?

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