Wednesday, March 18, 2009

TOTAL RESPONSIBILITY, from the book MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS: A Special Blend, written by Christian author Debbie Snyder

Excerpt taken from Chapter One: The Beginning


The drive home from the hospital was especially scary. It was overwhelming to think my husband and I were totally responsible for this tiny life in the backseat weighing inat a little over six pounds. I began to cry.

Once we were home a lot of family came to visit. I was lying in my bed with Sarah beside me while relatives passed pictures all around when the end of a metal picture frame caught the skin right above Sarah’s eye and made it bleed. I was in tears, fearing my precious princess was scarred for life (which of course she was not).

How traumatic it is to be a new mom!!

There is a saying by author Elie Wiesil: “Once you bring life into the world, you must protect it.”

Well, I certainly took that to heart and told everyone they had to leave!!


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