Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Reanier: Shaking Heaven...

As God’s people we are called to live by the revelation of the Spirit rather than the information that we get with our natural senses allowing us to trust God at His Word over our feelings and circumstances. If we are going to trust God as provider then we must have a revelation of Him as our provider. Often God speaks a word to us and in our uncertainty we change His Word in our minds according to how we feel at the moment. God’s Word says, “I want to heal you!” So we change it to say, “God wants to make me feel better.”

God responds to us by saying, “If that’s what you really want!” He will not force His will on you. He allows us to experience the consequences of the Word in which we choose to agree. If we agree with our circumstances then we get to continue to live in those circumstances. If we agree with His Word then we get to move out of our circumstances and into the promises of God.

Check back for more from Dennis Reanier’s book, Shaking Heaven and Earth.

CSN books offers quality publishing services to any first time author . Now is the time to publish your book !

Transcribing Information

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.
Fortunately, material transcribed from a recorded message usually has a flow that helps our editors to transform the message into bookstore quality material.
If you have shared and message and then had someone say, “That would be a great book”, you are a candidate for this service. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing only charges $1 per taped minute for a transcript. That means, if you shared a 45 minute message, we would only charge you $45 to transcribe that message, and that money would flow directly to one of our working mothers who earn extra money from their homes to help support their families and still be “stay at home” moms.
Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

We Transcribe Your Sermon or Lecture

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

“If you’ve have taught the topic, your work is done!”
CSN books started out three decades ago as a writing service; we grew into a publishing company by meeting the needs of our authors, once the book was written, for cover design, publishing, distribution and marketing. One of the specialties of CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing is to take a message that has been recorded on an audio tape or CD and turn that message into a bookstore quality book.
This process begins with transcribing, where a transcriber listens to the message and types it word-for-word into a computer, preparing a transcript that will allow the editor to do their job. Creating a book from transcribed tapes demands a talented editor who has the ability to extensively edit a book.

Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Monday, March 30, 2009

How Can Publishers Quote Without Seeing the Book?

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

We have often wondered how a “publisher” could quote a price for the full production and manufacturing of a book over the phone – without seeing the manuscript first. How do they know what level of edit it will need? How do they know what level of typesetting is required? It is like calling an automotive body shop, after you have crashed your car, and asking, over the phone, “How much it will cost to fix it?” The first thing the body shop manager would say to you is, “You will have to bring it in so we can have a look at it.”
Would you trust the body shop, or the price they gave you, if they quoted a price to fix your car on the phone? Of course not! So why would you trust somebody who prices something as personal and individualized as your book with a phone or “standard” quote?

Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Rhona Hyman

Winsome Grey Hyman has worked for over two decades in the Children’s Ministry, teaching, coordinating Sunday Schools and conducting annual Vacation Bible School Programs. She has served in other areas of Christian Ministry, but has a special love for children.
She is a former Civil Servant of many years, and has a teacher’s diploma in Child Evangelism Fellowship. She is also a graduate of the Morris Cerullo Proof Producers School of Ministry.
Most importantly, she loves Jesus, having made Him LORD of her life at an early age. She desires greatly for children everywhere to have a loving relationship with Christ their Creator.

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Important Pre-Press Information

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

Pre-press includes the proof and edit of your book, the typesetting of your book, and the design of your cover (we will examine each of these categories in detail later). In this stage of the process, a reflection of who you are and what you want your book to be starts to take form. Skipping this process or taking it too lightly is like skipping the planning stage of a car design and going straight to manufacturing. Would you want to ride in that car?
At CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we present you with a clear demonstration of our abilities by providing you with your free review before you make a final decision. In this review you will receive feedback about the content of your book, as well as sample edit from your own material. We provide this service as a blessing to our clients; it also allows us the opportunity to properly give your manuscript the attention it deserves, and allows us the opportunity to determine whether your book is ready to become part of CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing’s team of accomplished authors.

Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Another Wonderful Excerpt from Shaking Heaven and Earth

Today we have been given the same opportunity to experience the abundant life that the Israelites had to possess the promise land – if we will appropriate the promise of God by resting in a trust relationship with Christ based on His accomplishments. It says here that the promise of a "rest remains over for some to enter that rest."44 Who are the “some” in this passage of scripture? They are those who will stop trusting in their own strength and abilities and rest in the revelation of His abilities over their own abilities!

All we have to do is keep our hearts soft through an intimate relationship with God so that we will trust His report before we will trust the report of our circumstances. Then we can stop working so hard in our own strength and begin resting in His accomplishments.

Check back for more from Dennis Reanier’s book, Shaking Heaven and Earth.

CSN books offers quality publishing services to any first time author . Now is the time to publish your book !

Dr. Robert C. Anderson

Suffering! A lot of people talk about it that have never really experienced it. I know everybody has some trouble in their life but there’s suffering and then there’s SUFFERING! Bob Anderson knows about suffering spelled with capital letters. He’s been through it all and his faith is still together and his family is still together and he is still serving the same God he has served for three decades. Many who have experienced what this man has known have turned “bitter.” Bob’s suffering has made him “better.” In his book, he put it this way, “Tragedy can either drag us down into the valley of paralyzing despondency or lift us up to the mountaintop of triumph.”

I do not endorse many books. I frankly do not have time to read them. I decided to write this forward for Bob because I know him personally, and I have watched him go through the pain he will describe in these pages. Bob gets it! He understands what this uninvited visitor is all about. You owe it to yourself to read his book! You will be a better equipped follower of Christ once you do!

David JeremiahSenior Pastor: Shadow Mountain Community ChurchFounder & President: Turning Point Radio and Television

Our goal at CSN Books is to publish books that minister to the body of Christ and partner with our author’s to produce books that honor God.

Preparing Your Book For Press

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

The Pre-press, or the Preparation Stage
of publishing Your Book
At CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, the publishing of your book involves three major areas: pre-press, printing and marketing. The first important area is the pre-press stage, which is the preparation phase of your project.
During this phase, we do everything possible to present your book in the best possible light to the world. One of the major problems with the subsidy publishing industry is that so many of these publishers try to focus attention away from this phase because they do not have the ability or the time to properly prepare your book. Instead, they just print what you submit without proper editing, proofing or formatting. As a result, it is possible you will end up with books so flawed that the have no commercial value.

Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Yet Another Addition of Shaking Heaven and Earth

The Abundant Life

The promise land is a prophetic picture of what it means for a believer to live the abundant life in the New Testament. The abundant life is about experiencing what you believe about God and His Word for yourself. It is where you are actually experiencing your faith working in your everyday life. In John 10:10 Jesus says “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” AMP

Notice that Jesus does not say that I came that they may believe to enjoy life, and believe to have it in abundance. Jesus says, “I came that they may have…” He came that we would experience life and the joy of life in abundance, to the fullest, and even until it overflows. Jesus wants us to have life and to enjoy our lives so much that it will overflow out of our lives and into the lives of people around us. He does not just want us to believe that we can have life and enjoy our lives. Jesus wants us to experience it for ourselves. It may be difficult for some religious people to understand that Jesus wants us to enjoy our lives, but that is what the Bible says is God’s plan for our lives!

Check back for more from Dennis Reanier’s book, Shaking Heaven and Earth.

CSN books offers quality publishing services to any first time author . Now is the time to publish your book !

Have Your Book Reviewed Free

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

What Does the Review Cover?
Objective Two:
It allows us to demonstrate how we can help improve your book through the sample edits and proof we provide. This means there is no guessing or hoping; when you see your review you will know what your book may or may not need. Our professional editor will give you both editorial and content feedback.
When you receive your free review back, there is absolutely no obligation whatsoever on your part; you can say “thank you” and walk away, or you can say “thank you” and “Let’s get this project rolling.”
If you would like to submit your book for the free review, you can do it in three formats:
1) send us a hard copy,
2) send us an e-mail with the file attached, or
3) send a CD to us.
An electronic file (e-mail or disc) is preferable and typically gives us a much closer bid because we can properly calculate the word count, and the projected number of pages in your book. When we receive your manuscript, we will contact you and let you know the review process is underway. Please be patient; our extensive review normally takes a minimum of 10 working days.

Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Get Your Free Review

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

What Does the Review Cover?
In our free review, it is one of those rare times where “free” is really free, and you actually get a solid value from the service, so send your manuscript to CSN Books or Legacy Line publishing for a free review.
What does the review consist of?
First, an editor will read your manuscript and give you feedback on the actual content of the document – the flow, the information, and most importantly, the writing and proofing. The editor will also provide you with a sample edit of a few pages that accomplishes two objectives:
Objective One:
It allows us to determine the editing needs of your book by actually going in and editing your work. Do not worry, we only edit the hard copy of your manuscript, and never make electronic changes to your disc without your permission.

Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Even More Copyright Information

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

Copyright Information
Finally, here is a very important fact: the CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing team are in our third decade in the publishing industry. In that time, we have never seen a case where someone tried to steal and print the work of another.
The reason?
It is far too easy to prove who wrote the book, and it is far too difficult to market a winning product. Why would a publisher risk trying to market a book that they were not authorized to publish? It makes absolutely no economic or moral sense.
So, send in your book for a free review.
You are safe and protected!

Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

More Copyright Information

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

Copyright Information
In fact, the copyright office actually prefers that they do not receive a copy of your book for copyright until after the book is published. When a book goes to print, there is always a statement on the “copyright page” that says you own the copyright, and in what year the copyright was applied for. But, when the book goes to print, that copyright normally has not yet been issued by the copyright office. The mere fact that the book says the copyright has been applied for protects the author.
When your books (they ask for two copies) do go to the copyright office, the copyright will be assigned in your name. Here at CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing we believe that since you are the author, you are the one who should own all the rights to your work. We do not contractually tie up your work for five or ten years as many publishers do, nor do we force you to buy your way out of our agreement. Your entire work is under your control; we believe you deserve both the profits and the control.

Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

New Section of Reanier's Book, Shaking Heaven and Earth

A Royal Priesthood

There is much confusion in the body of Christ today about what it means to walk in faith, authority, and the inheritance of God. Many Christians just do not know who they are in Christ.

“…You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation (God’s) own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. Once you were not a people (at all), but now you are God’s people; once you were un-pitied, but now you are pitied and have received mercy.”26

We are God’s very own chosen people set aside and called for the purpose of manifesting the light of God that lives within us by doing His works and displaying His likeness. Many Christians spend more time contemplating the plans of the enemy than developing faith in the plans of God. It is essentially giving the enemy authority in our lives that he does not have the right to exercise. The One who has all authority lives in us and has already defeated the enemy. He has given us His authority to manifest His works and display His likeness. As Christians, we need to spend more time focusing on what God is doing rather than what the enemy is doing! Spending our entire life in spiritual warfare is to settle for less than the abundant life!

Check back for more from Dennis Reanier’s book, Shaking Heaven and Earth.

CSN books offers quality publishing services to any first time author . Now is the time to publish your book !

Copyright Information

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

Copyright Information
The first question we normally hear when we encourage a new author to “send in your book for a free review,” is “How can I protect myself? I do not have a copyright on it yet.”
This is a perfectly normal concern, but let us put your mind at ease – your book is already protected, even if it does not have a technical copyright from the government office yet.
Before the book goes to print, the very act of creating your manuscript in the computer “time dates” it as your creation. This process alone offers you legal protection, and enables you to prove that you created the document. Also, you can further apply for what is commonly called a “poor man’s copyright,” which simply means you print out a copy of the manuscript (or put it on electronic disc) and send it to yourself by certified mail. When it arrives, do not open the package. That will also “time date” the creative process. Both ways are powerful proof in a court of law should there ever be a problem or a challenge.

Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pay As You Go!

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

How Can I Finance My Book?
• Here at CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, we do accept four major credit cards: MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express.
• CSN books and Legacy Line publishing also make provision for our authors to pay as each task is performed. For example, most book projects start with editing and proofing. A client may pay for those services first, and when they are completed, he/she would pay for the next step in the process, such as typesetting or cover design. In that way, the book project can be paid “as you go” - in stages.
We would be happy to discuss these and other methods of payment with you in further detail.

Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

How to Fund Your Book

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

How Can I Finance My Book?
• You may have friends who believe in your book project, and you could propose that they partner with you with an interest-free loan (repayable in monthly installments) so you can meet the production costs.
• Investors: There may be one or more individuals or organizations who would love to invest in the ministry of your book, seeking the return of their investment plus a small profit.

Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

The Latest from Shaking Heaven and Earth

God waits for an entire non-believing generation to pass away before leading His people back to take their promise land. Only Joshua and Caleb are allowed to live long enough to possess the promise land because of their faith in God’s Word. God even says Caleb “has a different spirit and has followed Me fully, I will bring Him into the land into which he went, and his descendants shall possess it.”8 Forty years later Moses attempts to lead God’s people into the promise land once again. The Israelites have been in this aimless state of wandering when they are finally presented again with an opportunity to go live in the promises of God. Instead of rejoicing over the opportunity, they would rather keep living the same way that they have already been living. They want to settle for less than the promises of God!

Check back for more from Dennis Reanier’s book, Shaking Heaven and Earth.

CSN books offers quality publishing services to any first time author . Now is the time to publish your book!

Before You Publish - Ideas for Money

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

How Can I Finance My Book?
• Contributions: You may choose to offer a complimentary book in exchange for a contribution to a non-profit organization. This may be greater than the retail price of the book.
• Acknowledgment Page: Offer to record the names of major contributors on the acknowledgment page of your book. Again, these could be individuals or organizations.
Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books
CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Before You Publish - Finances

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

How Can I Finance My Book?
In a pastor’s church, or in a conference or seminar, the author tells the people, “You are addressing the envelope that my publisher will use to send you your book when it comes off the press.” This builds the confidence of the audience; the rate of sales in this program are almost as high as if the books were already printed. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing will prepare the poster and envelopes for a pre-publication program at a very reasonable cost.

Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books

CSN books is a Christian publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Another Segment of Reanier's Shaking Heaven and Earth!

It was not until I arrived home from a long road trip that I realized something had been imparted into my life by the Holy Spirit. I had a supernatural desire to spend time in the presence of God through prayer like I had never experienced in the previous eighteen years of my Christian life. In the past I had prayed more out of discipline to see God bless my efforts to minister and preach. This time was different because I did not need any motivation to pray.

I could not get enough time in the presence of God! I had a burning desire to spend every moment that I could alone with the Holy Spirit. I began praying over twenty-five hours per week. I would begin my times with the Holy Spirit by praying the scriptures. The more I prayed the scriptures the more I felt the Spirit of God consuming me with His presence. This led to times of spontaneous prayer, worship, praying in the spirit, and just waiting in the presence of the Holy Spirit. His presence was so fulfilling that hours of time would go by and it felt like minutes.

Check back for more from Dennis Reanier’s book, Shaking Heaven and Earth.

CSN books offers quality publishing services to any first time author . Now is the time to publish your book!

Before You Publish - Posters

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

How Can I Finance My Book?
Once that group is identified, then two additional items are needed:
1) A large poster of the front of the book cover.
2) 6” x 9” envelopes, pre-printed, with copy that essentially says, “Enclosed is your Charter Copy of (name of book)”. The people address the envelope themselves, and insert their “pre-publication” check inside. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing can create any amount of envelopes the author needs.

Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books

CSN Books is a Christian Publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Before You Publish - Pre-sales of Book

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

How Can I Finance My Book?
• Pre-Selling: Once production is under way, you may offer your book at a “pre-production discount” to those who are eager to see your book published. This could include entire churches, or those attending your Bible studies or seminars.
In the “Pre-Publication” sales program, the single most important area to make it work is…

A group of people who will buy your book...this usually is the congregation from a pastor’s church, people at a conference or seminar, or a large mailing list. If the person does not have a group to present their offer to, then they are not going to have very good results doing a pre-publication sale of their book.

Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books

CSN Books is a Christian Publisher and Legacy Line publishing is our cross-over division.

Monday, March 23, 2009

NO SUBSTITUTE, an excerpt from the book MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS: A Special Blend, written by Christian author Debbie Snyder

Excerpt taken from Chapter One: The Beginning


Sometimes I think we try to escape giving to our children the most important thing we can give them: our time, ourselves. We may give them many gifts to appease them and ourselves but I believe they desire our time. Again, this holds true whether you are a child or an adult. Author/poet Adrienne Rich puts it like this: “We know more about the air we breathe, the seas we travel, than about the nature and meaning of motherhood.”

We appreciate comments and feedback! Feel free to post your comments!

If you are enjoying the blogging of excerpts from this book and want to read more, you can purchase a copy of the book by visiting www.csnbooks.com .


Are you a Christian author looking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution . Check out csnbooks.com for more information and download their FREE Ebook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript .

NO SUBSTITUTE, an excerpt from the book MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS: A Special Blend, written by Christian author Debbie Snyder

Excerpt taken from Chapter One: The Beginning


Sometimes I think we try to escape giving to our children the most important thing we can give them: our time, ourselves. We may give them many gifts to appease them and ourselves but I believe they desire our time. Again, this holds true whether you are a child or an adult. Author/poet Adrienne Rich puts it like this: “We know more about the air we breathe, the seas we travel, than about the nature and meaning of motherhood.”


Are you a Christian author looking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further!

CSN books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution . Check out csnbooks.com for more information and download their FREE Ebook, “Before You Publish” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript .

Friday, March 20, 2009

Before You Publish - Financing

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books booksto the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.
How Can I Finance My Book?
Our authors have used a number of methods to meet the cost of producing their books. Here are a few that may help you:
• Gifts and Grants: You may be able to cover the cost of your book’s production, or a substantial portion of it, with gifts or grants from those who co-labor with you and share the vision the Lord has given to you.
• Pre-Selling: Once production is under way, you may offer your book at a “pre-production discount” to those who are eager to see your book published. This could include entire churches, or those attending your Bible studies or seminars.
In the “Pre-Publication” sales program, the single most important area to make it work is…
A group of people who will buy your book...this usually is the congregation from a pastor’s church, people at a conference or seminar, or a large mailing list. If the person does not have a group to present their offer to, then they are not going to have very good results doing a pre-publication sale of their book.
Once that group is identified, then two additional items are needed:
1) A large poster of the front of the book cover.
2) 6” x 9” envelopes, pre-printed, with copy that essentially says, “Enclosed is your Charter Copy of (name of book)”. The people address the envelope themselves, and insert their “pre-publication” check inside. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing can create any amount of envelopes the author needs.
In a pastor’s church, or in a conference or seminar, the author tells the people, “You are addressing the envelope that my publisher will use to send you your book when it comes off the press.” This builds the confidence of the audience; the rate of sales in this program are almost as high as if the books were already printed. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing will prepare the poster and envelopes for a pre-publication program at a very reasonable cost.

Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books

If you are a Christian author looking for a quality publisher with experience and expertise, see CSN Books. If you are the writer of a book with a crossover appeal, and are ready to start the publishing process, see Legacy Line Publishing. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing both offer quality publishing services including: ghostwriting, editing, proofing, cover design , copyright, printing, print on demand, distribution and marketing. Go to csnbooks.com or Legacylinepublishing.com and download our free eBook, “Before You Publish.” Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript.

Before You Publish - What Your Review Covers

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books books to the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

The First Step...THE FREE REVIEW!

When your free review is completed, you will receive the following:
1) A three to four page letter sharing the editor’s insights and positive suggestions concerning your manuscript;
2) One or two pages of edited or proofed copy so you can decide whether you want CSN Books or Legacy Line publishing to help bring your book up to bookstore quality. Of course, if it does not need an edit or proofing, we will tell you that as well.
3) A detailed, two-page bid on the pre-press charges for your book, and on the publishing of your manuscript;
4) A sheet that describes the CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing marketing plans, and outlines their costs.
We believe that you, as an author, do not want surprises. That is why we send you a firm bid on bringing your work to completion, embodying all charges, including transcription (if needed), editing, proofing, typesetting, cover design, printing, and marketing (if requested). We believe in absolute clarity and integrity in all our dealings with our authors.

Submitted by Dr. Michael Wourms,
Founder, CSN Books

If you are a Christian author looking for a quality publisher with experience and expertise, see CSN Books. If you are the writer of a book with a crossover appeal, and are ready to start the publishing process, see Legacy Line Publishing. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing both offer quality publishing services including: ghostwriting, editing, proofing, cover design , copyright, printing, print on demand, distribution and marketing. Go to csnbooks.com or Legacylinepublishing.com and download our free eBook, “Before You Publish.” Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript.

Befoe You Publish - Review Insights

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books books to the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

The First Step...THE FREE REVIEW!

What Does the Review Cover?

Objective Two:
It allows us to demonstrate how we can help improve your book through the sample edits and proof we provide. This means there is no guessing or hoping; when you see your review you will know what your book may or may not need. Our professional editor will give you both editorial and content feedback.
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James Jefferies

Other than the Bible, this might be the most important book you will ever read.
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This book concerns a very influential Christian theology that promotes a deceptive salvation message, corrupts the gospel, and is a perversion of God's grace, that is rampant in the USA and is seeping throughout the entire Christian world. It has been accepted by many Christian leaders and is being preached and taught in numerous churches and seminaries that call themselves Bible-believing, conservative, and evangelical, whose staements of faith proclaim the Bible to be the ispired word of God; Jesus is the virgin-born Son of God who died for our sins and was raised from the dead; physically acsended into heaven; and other correct doctrines. But, despite what their statement of faith says, they subtly declare an un-Biblical message.
In this book you will:
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A Seven Step Journey To Spiritual Maturity

The purpose of this book is to reveal seven "foundational truths" so readers may press on toward the full maturity the Lord requires for those He has called, who are also chosen and faithful. It takes the reader, step-by-step, through seven units on the journey towards spiritual maturity, going from the early stages of conversion to the maturity of a seasoned and tested Christian warrior.

The revelations contained in John McAllister’s book come from over 40 years of experience and study. The truths he shares reflect the wisdom of those years. Seldom do I see so many foundational and revelational truths contained in such a succinct, yet powerful fashion.
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Greg Bell

"Seven Steps to Your Destiny" reveals the proven principles you need to know to walk in greatness, moving from mere survival to overwhelming success. In this captivating book you will discover the secrets of successful people, and learn how to make destiny decisions for your own life as you discover how determination and persistence are vital keys to victory on the road of life.
Pursue your purpose, not your problems. Know that you are not what you once were; you are ready to soar into greatness. NO circumstance, no sickness, no addiction, no financial problem can stop you as you surrender to and seek your divine purpose!

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Father of the Man P. Colman Author

We entered the old town of Newfane early in the morning when traces of fresh dew were still visible. The landscape was hilly and thick with trees. It seemed as though we were just winding through the woods without any reasonable destination until the narrow, pock-marked pavement yielded a small rise in the terrain. We found ourselves on a small hill at the entrance to the town. We slowed to a near halt to savor the view when I happened to see an elderly gentleman seated on a makeshift stool in front of an old clapboard shack. He had a long white beard, and was pealing potatoes; he never looked up. We stopped the car, and the three of us slowly approached the quiet old man.

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Father of the Man Dr. P. L. Colman Author

With respect to my great uncle Horace E. Colman, I had speculated that he had spent his early childhood with the rest of the Colman clan – the infamous ‘Chase brothers’ in Auburn (old Chester), Rockingham County, and had somehow migrated west to the Brattleborough/Wadsboro area of Windham County, Vermont, sometime in the early nineteen-hundreds. But I couldn’t be certain. I did know with some degree of stubborn certainty that he had lived in the old village of Newfane (in the same county). Some years ago, Dad had taken me and my oldest son, Jonathan, who was then a teenager just back from spending his young life in Africa, to visit the old museum in Newfane. Dad had also given me a photocopy of an old, hand-drawn map of the ‘Stone Markers’ at old ‘Newfane Hill,’ the original settlement, along with a very old conventional county map of Wardsboro. As we discovered during our brief visit, the museum had quite a large collection of Native American artifacts; which had been donated after Horace’s death. The following factual account will also confirm, to my curiosity, that Horace did reside and work in Newfane for a period of time as a blacksmith. There is even reason to believe that he is buried in the same town.

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Father of the Man Author Dr. Peter L Colman

Dad often spoke about the family having lived in western New York State, but up until recently, no one seemed to know exactly where or when that was…until just the other evening when I had called and left a message for my Dad’s brother, Uncle Artie. One of my great-uncles had lived in Troy, New York; they didn’t know which one; neither could they remember the name of the cemetery. But they had visited the area once, and remembered the name of the street where the cemetery was located – it was Hoosick Street! My uncle seemed to recall that whichever uncle it was, his wife’s name had been Helen. Not much to go on, but every little piece of the puzzle counts.

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Peter L. Colman

The reason that such an image, preserved in virtual anonymity from the consciousness of the modern world, is that sixty years and countless lost opportunities later, his son would choose to rescue the memory and focus upon his father’s mute, isolated image. Only the memory and ambiguity of intervening decades could give sense and substance to an otherwise benign, isolated expression - one which betrays a fragile strength:

Technical Course. Art Club, 4. Rifle Club, 4.

The yearbook contains one hundred and thirty-two hand-written, inked signatures of classmates. No personal notes or expressions of best wishes. Like that small, black and white passport-sized photo, and a million others just like it that have passed slowly and without complaint or unwanted notoriety into oblivion, each signature bears the indelible imprint of one of countless indispensable souls. There is something in a name.

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Author of Father of the Man Dr. Peter L. Colman

…Created half to rise, and half to fall; Great Lord of all things, yet a prey to all…
(Pope’s Essay on Man)

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
(Pope’s Essay on Criticism)

One never runs head-long into a darkened room, unless he knows where the supporting beams are located.
(Bambara proverb)

If, indeed, the forefathers had eaten sour grapes, ‘Bob’ Colman seemed to be one of the sweeter exceptions. The handsome little lad who enjoyed visiting and posing with his ruddy, genial grandpa at the old Auburn farm, was the same young man whom his Manchester neighbors and classmates admired and loved. His 1942 edition high school yearbook, the ‘Oracle,’ pictures a handsome, boyish Adonis with white shirt and suit jacket, and the ubiquitous candy-striped tie in a tight Windsor knot. The image, like so many others of a previous era, is not unlike the familiar picture-perfect Hollywood images of Rudy Valley or Errol Flynn.

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Writer of Father of the Man Author Dr. Peter L Colman

I solicit the reader’s indulgence as I attempt to reconstruct one last, tiny bridge which will conduct us to a more recent history affecting a father and his son. One quick, final glance back to old Auburn.

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Author of Father of the Man Dr. Peter Colman

This brief resume of the salubrious historic ‘outcroppings’ of the Colman family history in New England could easily be dismissed, ignored or judged to be unbearably provincial and irrelevant to the current scheme of events which carry men and women, and their unmoored offspring, through the rugged, unchartered wilderness which the twenty-first century calls modernity. But sometimes the opaque windows of the past, which hide the shadows and reverberate with the friendly sounds of a former generation’s often unbearable, often hilarious collective past, constitute perhaps the only legitimate lens through which we (as readers and critics) are able to make sense of the obscurity and complexity of our own frantic, fragmented lives.
If anthropologists (one of the more prominent and revered among whom is Edward T. Hall) are correct when they tell us that ‘the advantage of studying so-called foreign (or, one might add, older cultures), is that such inquiry enables the inquirer to better understand his or her own culture,’ then we would do well to eagerly and earnestly probe the complex, but incomparably colorful threads of our individual past. Do we not still hold the fragile, disparate threads of the living, evolving tapestry of our histories, and that of our children, in our own hands? Is this not enough reason to engage a creative, exploratory excursion into the pages of our not-so-distant past while the ink is still relatively wet and while the sounds and signature impressions are yet discernible?

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Father of the Man Dr. Peter L Colman

The most recent patriarch of the Colman clan of Auburn was none other than ‘Grandpa’ Frank Thomas Colman. Like many of his rustic peers in the late nineteenth century, he did not enjoy the disadvantage of a formal education; his was a ‘privatized’ farm-style education - slopping hogs, harnessing horses for the fields, and splitting and stacking kin’dlin’ and firewood for the long cold winter. He also invested time in raising a large family, working night and day to assure that the children stayed healthy, learned to appreciate hard work, and eventually married and earned a respectable living. New Englanders had little time for the superficialities and impractical, costly distractions which seem to preoccupy successive genera-tions. Grandpa Colman did allow himself one innocent distraction, and that was holding his grandson, little Bob, and posing for pictures, though grandpa was rarely known to smile, and never smiled for the camera. The Colmans and the Moys of old Chester and Auburn were a sturdy breed, and sired a stubborn, resilient, raucous, but fun-loving litter of sons and daughters. But the die had been cast…bitter-sweet days lie ahead.

The intervening years of my father’s childhood are sketchy. Times were hard. During the depression, my great, great grandfather, Frank Colman, his wife, M. Fannie Eastman, and their five surviving children: Flora, Waldo, Horace, Joseph and Sumner Chase (my grandfather), apparently moved temporarily from Auburn (at that time an extension of the old town of Chester) to Troy, in western New York State. Years later, some members of the family returned to the district of Brattleboro and Wardsboro, presently in the county of Windham in south-eastern Vermont, not far from the New Hampshire state line. Generations earlier, another Thomas Colman (b. 1771), and his wife, Abigail, had moved to Auburn, NH, and settled on a hill there, which to this day bears the name ‘The Colman Estate.’ It was here that my great-grandfather, Frank Thomas (mentioned earlier) resided with his wife, M. Fannie Eastman. Frank and Fannie sired several children during their life-long sojourn at the old clapboard, one-story dwelling; among them: my grandfather, Sumner Chase (b. 1897) and his brother, my great-uncle, Horace. The ancestral core of the Colman clan is currently resting peacefully in the old Auburn Village Cemetery. Horace Colman, though the record has yet to be confirmed, settled in a small village called ‘Newfane Hill,’ adjacent to Wardsboro. Horace was a blacksmith in Newfane for most of his earthly life, and an avid connoisseur and collector of Native American artifacts.

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Dr. Peter Colman Father of the Man

In the mid eighteenth-century, Thomas and Phoebe Colman of Newbury, Massachusetts had a daughter, Dorcas, who only lived one day. A century later, Sumner Chase Colman and Nellie Moy Colman had an only daughter, Marion, who lived less than one year. Robert E. Colman, my father, and his first wife, my mother, Doris A. (Rogers) Colman, would have had a daughter, whom my parents intended to name Naomi-Ruth, was ‘still-born;’ the baby girl had been dead in the womb some time before the birth of the fetus; of course, the daughter is not listed in the family genealogies.

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Writer of Father of the Man Author Dr. Peter L Colman

Though I have never been compelled, with respect to my parents’ divorce and irreconcilable rupture, to probe the question of infidelity in any great detail (water, and debris, are better left under the bridge), I did learn in recent years of several disconcerting details, only one of which I feel free to relate.

One of my father’s brothers (presently residing in Goffstown, NH), Uncle Bill (who, to my knowledge, has never made any profession or pretension with respect to the Christian faith), revealed to me in the days just prior to my father’s death that just after Dad’s combat experience at Guadalcanal, and his return to Camp Pendleton for his remaining two years of duty with the Marine Corps, Dad did have a one-night fling. According to Uncle Bill, Dad had regretted this act of passion and moral failure deeply; he had found a quiet place alone on a hill one night overlooking the beaches of San Diego and wept bitter tears of repentance. Dad had never chosen to share this moment of weakness and shame with me during his lifetime, not even in the intimate, dramatic moments before his death. To this day, however, in spite this and other weaknesses and failures, I have no reason to doubt the genuineness of his spiritual conversion. While I may be able to understand the tendency of other family members to condemn his failures as a father to an only son, I have also become keenly aware that no one, including myself, is entirely without sin. After all, both Dad and I, growing up as we did in a traditionally pietistic, conservatively ‘evangelical’ religious tradition, have always believed that a prerequisite to genuine faith is a real recognition of personal sinfulness. Did not Dad frequently preach and remind others, in an attempt to urge them to a place of repentance and faith, that ‘all have sinned,’ and that ‘if any man is in Christ, he is a new creation’? Yes, frequently, and with a sense of sincerity, though tainted, I suspect, with what I can only describe as unconscious vestiges of self-righteousness. Perhaps there is a simple explanation, which Dad may have never understood, and which I have only come to understand in recent years. The popular text in Romans 3:23, which so-called ‘believers’ are accustomed to quoting to convince the ‘unbeliever’ of his/her spiritual need, was, in fact, written as a sober reminder to the Christian community in the church of Rome. The sober reminder was addressed to Christians who had been forgiven, but who still (and for the remainder of their earthly lives) would have to contend with their own sinfulness. ‘One beggar, telling another beggar where he found bread,’ as the saying goes. Infidelity has not been the only discernible stain or unfortunate imperfection in the Colman family tapestry. The Colman and Moy clans of Auburn and Manchester have also had, in the course of their relatively non-descript, modest New England sojourn, the unfortunate tendency to lose their children to tragedy. Of course, this is not uncommon. The annals of our forefathers are replete with accounts of the unfortunate, untimely deaths of children. But recent Colman family records document the very sad, and what appears to be repetitious loss of daughters.

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Father of the Man Author Dr. Peter L Colman

The last time I saw Grandpa Moy was during the summer of my freshman year in college (1967). Grandpa was living at the old County Farm in Goffstown, just across the road from the Old Hillsborough County Hospital where I was born. As I stepped up to the battered porch where he was sitting statuesque in an old rocking chair, I greeted him and extended my hand. Whether he recognized me, I will never know. If I accurately recall the moment, I believe that I had had every intention to read a few encouraging words from ‘the Good Book,’ but before I had gotten too far, he started reciting the twenty-third Psalm from memory. It is doubtful that he ever really understood that his great grandson was even present. That’s all that I remember. No, doubt, he was a more sober, smarter man in his final days. Perhaps he was still chaffing and smarting from his frequent foray into infidelity. Grandma Moy had ‘given him hell,’ and he was longing for heaven.

After the war, my own parents, Robert Everett Colman and Doris (‘Dotty’) Rogers Colman (discussed in depth in a later chapter), found themselves regrettably incompatible, and divorced in 1956. This unfortunate event occurred in spite of my father’s extraordinary zeal and commitment to the Christian faith, and to the local church, leaving an only son without a Dad at home.

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Father of the Man Author Dr. Peter Colman

Several years later, Nellie and Bernie married and lived the remainder of their lives in Manchester. Grammy ‘Nellie’ was my last surviving grandparent. At the time of her death, she was ninety-three. She had been a woman of stunning beauty, a stinging wit, and a playful, but typically no-nonsense demeanor. She loved to play ‘bino’ (bingo). She kept a sacred candy-tin of nickels to fuel her habit. However, she did have one major obstacle, one ‘fly in the ointment,’ to overcome during her days at the Hanover Street high-rise for the elderly: according to Nellie’s account, a kindly gentleman across the hall was always trying to get close to her and hug her in the narrow space between the opposite apartment doors (Nellie was well-endowed, even in her old age). Nellie repeatedly refused the daily onslaught of his passionate advances, and apparently fired a shot over his bow on one occasion, smacking him (gently, of course), warning him that there would be dire consequences to his aging ship’s tackle if he continued his uninvited attempts to board her vessel! Grammy may not have been a paradigm of moral virtue, but she was a hard-working, generous woman, who knew how to beat off a stray dog. Unfortunately (though the Colman and Moy families are no exception to the universal rule, to be sure), the proclivity toward infidelity and insidious, but nearly imperceptible forms of corruption in the otherwise sturdy trunk of the Colman family tree had begun much earlier, and had spread to other branches.

Nellie’s Dad, William James Moy, had also had a reputation as a ‘tomcat,’ a womanizer. My great-grandmother, Blanche (Callahan) Moy, had uncovered his infidelity, and had banished him from the old Auburn farmstead for six entire months. As the story goes, ‘Grandpa Moy’ finally came to his senses and crawled back to the Auburn farm. ‘Grandma Moy’ threatened him, and warned him that if he ever dared to dip his wick elsewhere again, she’d throw him away for good! Grandpa Moy had gone perilously close to the abyss, had cheated on Grandma, and had nearly lost his happy earthly home, as well as his hope of salvation.

CSN is quality in writing editing transcribing cover design and typsetting . We provide a very unique service. By helping our clients self publish their manuscripts. We will take you step by step from vision to completion.

Father of the Man Author Dr. P. L. Colman

Several years ago, at an advanced stage in his own journey, my Dad happened to salvage an envelope of black and white family photos which his Mom, my grandmother, whom we affectionately called ‘Nellie,’ had inexplicably and without much thought or emotion, discarded in the kitchen trash bin. Dad had taken the liberty of retrieving these photos and proceeded to have them all enlarged. Thereafter, during a rare visit (which I will describe later in greater detail), Dad took great pains to identify all of the members of the Colman family, as far back as the late nineteenth century!

Nellie (Moy) Colman was one of five Moy sisters (Mable, Gladys, Alice, Nellie and Blanche – known as Aunt ‘Bunny), also of Auburn, New Hampshire. Nellie’s first husband was Sumner Chase Colman; Sumner was a pipe-fitter at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard during and after World War II. Nellie had an illicit affair with a young man, Bernie Dwire, whom she had met while attending a neighborhood dance, presumably during Sumner’s absence from home on one of those long working stints in Portsmouth. Nellie and Sumner divorced, a sad develop-ment, since they had five healthy sons and not-too-few happy years together on the Auburn farm. Whether they did, indeed, enjoy a measure of marital bliss cannot be easily ascertained. The only one other thing that New England folk are traditionally and typically disinclined to discuss in public other than matters of religion is the issue of sexual intimacy. More than one child has had occasion to wonder how, since sexual intercourse was such a secret, suspicious topic, their parents had managed to bear any children at all.

CSN is quality in writing editing transcribing cover design and typsetting . We provide a very unique service. By helping our clients self publish their manuscripts. We will take you step by step from vision to completion.

Father of the Man Author Dr. P. L. Colman

Several years ago, at an advanced stage in his own journey, my Dad happened to salvage an envelope of black and white family photos which his Mom, my grandmother, whom we affectionately called ‘Nellie,’ had inexplicably and without much thought or emotion, discarded in the kitchen trash bin. Dad had taken the liberty of retrieving these photos and proceeded to have them all enlarged. Thereafter, during a rare visit (which I will describe later in greater detail), Dad took great pains to identify all of the members of the Colman family, as far back as the late nineteenth century!

Nellie (Moy) Colman was one of five Moy sisters (Mable, Gladys, Alice, Nellie and Blanche – known as Aunt ‘Bunny), also of Auburn, New Hampshire. Nellie’s first husband was Sumner Chase Colman; Sumner was a pipe-fitter at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard during and after World War II. Nellie had an illicit affair with a young man, Bernie Dwire, whom she had met while attending a neighborhood dance, presumably during Sumner’s absence from home on one of those long working stints in Portsmouth. Nellie and Sumner divorced, a sad develop-ment, since they had five healthy sons and not-too-few happy years together on the Auburn farm. Whether they did, indeed, enjoy a measure of marital bliss cannot be easily ascertained. The only one other thing that New England folk are traditionally and typically disinclined to discuss in public other than matters of religion is the issue of sexual intimacy. More than one child has had occasion to wonder how, since sexual intercourse was such a secret, suspicious topic, their parents had managed to bear any children at all.

CSN is quality in writing editing transcribing cover design and typsetting . We provide a very unique service. By helping our clients self publish their manuscripts. We will take you step by step from vision to completion.

Colman P. L. Dr. Father of the Man

Such disjointed minutia may only have a superficial bearing on the present story, but one can hardly ignore the juxtaposition of colorful detail, and what would appear to be the providential overlapping of interconnecting elements of an ever-unfolding series of events. In any case, Thomas Colman, resident of Newbury, and later, Hampton, could scarcely have predicted the direction of his uncelebrated progeny, the Colman clan of Auburn, New Hampshire, which, after a long and relatively sedentary succession of farmers and craftsmen (and women), would eventually sink their simple, resilient roots into the rich, rocky soil of the hills overlooking Massebesic Lake.

Nor could the patriarch Colman have foreseen the birth of five strong sons in a small schoolhouse in the same village of Auburn. One of those sons, whose mother (Nellie Chase Moy), was also one of five beautiful sisters (her story is left for another day), was my father, Robert Everett Colman, the father I never knew. No one else will ever have cause to tell his story, so this is a story I must tell in order to understand my own, a grassroots story others may wish to enjoy as well, or may be inclined to examine to better understand their own fragile, and sometimes fractured journey through history.

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Colman P. Dr. Father of the Man

Archeologists and other purveyors of historical artifacts and buried data tell us how fascinating it is to discover that ancient relics are strangely familiar, almost predictably recognizable. I found this to be true as I scrutinized the articles found in King Tut’s and his family’s tombs. The engravings were beautiful and intricate, but crude. Some seemed to resemble childlike drawings. The metalwork was ornate, but reflected the simple signature of a common craftsman.

The more we study the past, the closer we begin to see the present more clearly. Perhaps our roots are not as far removed from the trunk and the branches, or even the buds and the new leaves and seasonal fruit, as we may believe. As I delve deeper into the leaves and layers of the Colman family archives, I find the old dry lifeless pages beginning to reabsorb light and texture. Like Ezekiel’s experience in the valley of dry bones, old records and buried memories begin to take on a new life of their own. Forgotten faces and suppressed secrets, lost conversations, victories and shameful defeats, are unearthed and exposed to the rejuvenating influence of light, insight and reflection. My own journey into the past is not unlike Hawthorne’s description in The Scarlet Letter (1840 c.) of the author’s discovery of a dry, yellowed, forgotten parchment scroll, and the infamous remnant of the scarlet letter “A” with finely embroidered edges, which contained the cold embers of a once white-hot scandalous affair concerning a certain Hester Prynne (Synne + Pryde=Prynne). It is, indeed, a matter of historical fact that one of Hawthorne’s own ancestral Quaker stock, a certain John Hawthorne, was one of the judges presiding over the witch trials in Old Salem two centuries earlier in 1692. Curiously, one of the celebrated New England fireside poets, himself a Quaker, John Greenleaf Whittier, was also a contemporary of Hawthorne and resident of Boston (and later Danvers). Coincidentally or not, he also wrote copious volumes of poetry describing his forays into the New Hampshire wilderness, including the Lakes Region, the region of Merrimack and the Amoskeag Falls (of my native home of Manchester), and regions east, to his beloved Hampton, where he also lived, and in honor of which he dedicated a significant portion of his verse. Could this be simple coincidence? Is it also mere coincidence that a few short years ago, on a brief flea market expedition in the old town of Hudson, I happened upon a framed and forgotten hand-written page of stationery with inked, cursive stanzas from the poem entitled Hazel blossoms (1874), an excerpt which had been penned in loving memory of Whittier’s sister, Elizabeth H. Whittier? The page, adorned with a pastel watercolor of yellow Witch Hazel flowers and verdant stems, and imprinted with the inscription “Danvers, Mass.,” is also signed “John G Whittier,” and dated, “4th Mo 26 1882.”

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Before You Publish - The Review

"Before You Publish" by Tim Wourms, President of publishing for CSN Books and Legacy Line Publishing, helps authors bring their books books to the Marketplace. You can download your free copy by going to csnbooks.com.

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Objective One:
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If you are a Christian author looking for a quality publisher with experience and expertise, see CSN Books. If you are the writer of a book with a crossover appeal, and are ready to start the publishing process, see Legacy Line Publishing. CSN Books and Legacy Line publishing both offer quality publishing services including: ghostwriting, editing, proofing, cover design , copyright, printing, print on demand, distribution and marketing. Go to csnbooks.com or Legacylinepublishing.com and download our free eBook, “Before You Publish.” Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your manuscript.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Reanier Excerpt

For Relationship With Him, Wait on Him in Prayer!

Then Holy Spirit brought me to Acts 2:4 where the disciples were filled with the Spirit. He said, “The baptism of the Holy Spirit was never meant to be a one time experience like many of My people have understood.” This experience was as a result of Jesus instructions:

“…while being in their company and eating at the table with them, He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for what the Father had promised, of which (He said) you have heard Me speak. For John, baptized with water, but not many days from now you shall be baptized with (placed in, introduced into) the Holy Spirit.”10

The word wait here is the Greek word perimeno. It means to stay around, and to wait for.11 It implies waiting in fellowship through relationship with the Holy Spirit. The Greek word for baptism here is the Greek word baptizo. It means to make overwhelmed.12 The idea is to continue to repeat the same process until the object is fully saturated and overflowing. It is often illustrated by the picture of a pickle being saturated in dill brine by dipping it over and over again.

Are you a Christian author looking for a quality publisher that offers experience and expertise? Have you written a book but have no idea where to start the publishing process? Then look no further than CSN Books . CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution . Check out csnbooks.com for more information and download the free eBook, “Before You publish .” to learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher and sending out your book .