Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dean Lang

Vision is often the difference between success and failure. This book is a story of vision in action with lots of faith. Often people say, “If I were rich I would do…” so and so. No, if you have a vision you will find a way to do it! If you are a young person I urge you to read this book and see where vision will take you. If you are a senior citizen you may think it is too late for you. NOT SO! The majority of great achievements in this world have been accomplished by people over sixty years of age. Colonel Sanders started KFC with his first Social Security check. The founder of McDonalds was looking for something to do as he approached retirement when he ran across the McDonald brothers little restaurant in California…and you know where that vision took him. I urge people of every age and walk of life to read this book. May it kindle in you a vision to accomplish great things for our Lord with your life.

There are many people who dream and wish but never do anything about it. As you read this book you will find that when you have a vision, nothing can stop you. Maybe this is the one thing that has been missing in your life. You will laugh and maybe cry as you read these pages, but you will not want to put this book down. Truth is more exciting than fiction, and this is a true life story. As you read these exciting accounts of vision, may you catch a vision for yourself. Try it – you’ll like it. It would be interesting to hear what this book does for your life.

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

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