Monday, August 22, 2011

God:The Revealer of Secrets-Nancy Dufresne

Many Christians have caused hardship, and financial
ruin for their lives and families by jumping from one thing
to the next. They move from church to church, city to city,
job to job, house to house – all because they didn’t take
time to know God’s plan before they made a move.
You don’t have to wait to hear an audible voice to speak
to you before you move, but you do need to have clarity in
your spirit, and peace.
Many think they don’t have time to wait before God,
but we don’t have time for missed steps and the difficulties
they bring.

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N. Dufresne-God: Revealer of Secrets

Make sure that what you lay your faith on, and what
you ask for is in line with His plan for your life.
It is God’s will that you live in your redemptive rights:
healing, prosperity, peace, etc.
You don’t have to pray to see if God wants those things
for you; they belong to you. But when it comes to knowing
the direction for your life, and the steps you are to take,
you must spend time in His presence. Take time to know.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. Nancy Dufresne-God:The Revealer of Secrets

After God led His people into the Promised Land, He
set judges and prophets over them to help lead the nation;
but the people wanted to be like the other nations and be
ruled by a king. God told them that He didn’t want that
for them, and He warned them about the hardship that a
king would bring to their nation. Nevertheless, they persisted
in wanting a king, so God gave them one and they
suffered all kinds of hardships from getting their own way.
You can persist in telling God what you want, and He’ll
even permit you to have it, but that doesn’t mean it was
His plan for you to have it.

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D.D.S Dennis J. Wourms

Short, But Informational
To make this book as useful as possible, I wrote it so
that you could read it in about two hours. I have not
included extensive medical references in this book, but
have decided to write it as a collection of my observations
and experiences based on years of study.
I still encounter many
patients who never heard of an
endodontist until they were
referred to my office for root
canal treatment. The specialty of
endodontics is relatively new, but
it contains individuals dedicated
to constantly improving techniques
to preserve as many teeth as
possible, and to educate the public
with information based on recent and
reproducible research.
If I could spend two hours
with every patient that I
have ever seen, the
information in this
book is what I
would like to
share with them.
I hope this book is easy for you to read and teaches you
a few things that will keep you healthier, happier and more
financially secure.
—Dr. Dennis Wourms

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Mr. D.J. Wourms, D.D.S

Good Dental Care Books Are Hard to Find
Over the last twenty years I have searched in bookstores
all over the country for books about how to take care of your
teeth. Honestly, I really did not find any books available.
There are row after row of cookbooks, exercise books, diet
books, and books on virtually every medical subject
imaginable, but almost nothing on dental care!
Most of the information on dental care is distributed by
the major dental associations and dental manufacturers
around the country in the form of commercials and
pamphlets, normally distributed through the media and
dental offices. If your dentist does not purchase materials
from the various dental organizations and distribute them,
you will have a hard time getting the needed information.
This book is the first of several I hope to write to try and
answer some of the many questions that people have
concerning their teeth.

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Dennis J. Wourms, D.D.S

A Little Background On
Why I Wrote This Book
My initial thoughts for writing this book occurred
during my first year of dental school. I kept wondering why
all of this great information I was receiving was not getting
out to the general public. While there were and still are
many public health programs that try to teach proper care
of your teeth, there are just so many details that are
seldom, if ever, covered.
After I became an endodontic specialist, I saw firsthand
how many teeth were being destroyed by decay, even in
well-educated and conscientious adults. Furthermore, I
saw certain patterns of decay which could be eliminated
through a systematic routine of brushing, flossing and
proper eating habits.
If I could spend two hours with every patient that I have
ever seen, the information in this book is what I would like
to share with them.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Fear of the Lord-Pastor David Hoffman

Study the Word of God
Proverbs 2:1-5 says:
My son, if you will receive my words, and treasure my
commandments within you, make your ear attentive to
wisdom, incline your heart to understanding; for if you
cry for discernment, lift your voice for understanding; if
you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden
treasures; then you will discern the fear of the LORD, and
discover the knowledge of God.
Solomon is essentially saying that if you learn about and
treasure God’s principles and commands...if you pray for
knowledge and understanding...God will give you the wisdom to
apply those principles in your life.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor David Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

He had made an idol of his career and, like any false god, it
betrayed him—it cost him his family! He resigned his job, took
another and made the Lord and his family his first priority.
Some people thought he was crazy, but he learned an important
lesson—only God is able to make life complete. He determined
he would obey God, even if his marriage never reconciled. He
told me, “I’ve been to the top and it isn’t so good.”
Friend, if you want to learn how to fear God you must lay
every idol at the foot of the cross. In time the Lord may give
some things back to you when He knows there is no danger.
Today if you want to fear God you must lay down all those things
that keep you from obeying God. A friend of mine, Marc Dupont,
has a prophetic ministry. He gave up mountain climbing when
it became an idol to him. He thought about it day and night. It
was so important to him that it interfered with his relationship
with the Lord. He knew that in order to obey God he must he did. Years later he started mountain climbing again,
but it was no longer an idol he worshipped – it was something
fun to do occasionally.
If you want to learn how to fear God you must be willing to
give up anything that is an idol in your life.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.He had made an idol of his career and, like any false god, it
betrayed him—it cost him his family! He resigned his job, took
another and made the Lord and his family his first priority.
Some people thought he was crazy, but he learned an important
lesson—only God is able to make life complete. He determined
he would obey God, even if his marriage never reconciled. He
told me, “I’ve been to the top and it isn’t so good.”
Friend, if you want to learn how to fear God you must lay
every idol at the foot of the cross. In time the Lord may give
some things back to you when He knows there is no danger.
Today if you want to fear God you must lay down all those things
that keep you from obeying God. A friend of mine, Marc Dupont,
has a prophetic ministry. He gave up mountain climbing when
it became an idol to him. He thought about it day and night. It
was so important to him that it interfered with his relationship
with the Lord. He knew that in order to obey God he must he did. Years later he started mountain climbing again,
but it was no longer an idol he worshipped – it was something
fun to do occasionally.
If you want to learn how to fear God you must be willing to
give up anything that is an idol in your life.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor D. Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

As a pastor I have seen people make idols of just about
everything...relationships, money, fishing, racing, hobbies, pursuit
of fun, and retreat. Some people make an idol of television. There
is nothing wrong with watching television, but when it controls a
person’s time to the detriment of their relationships with God and
family—it is an idol! None of these things are bad in themselves—
it is when they are given importance above God that they become
I know a man in his mid-thirties who was promoted to the
fifth highest position in a national corporation. He moved his
family to a mid-western town to take a job earning more money
than he had ever imagined. He bought a huge house, several
cars, worked in a big office, had a prestigious career, and respect
in his field. By the world’s standards he had it all. One morning
his wife told him she did not love him and left. I will never forget
his response! He said, “I realized that I didn’t have anything! I
had money, possessions, and prestige but in reality I didn’t have

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Friday, August 19, 2011

God:The Revealer of Secrets-Nancy Dufresne

Moses laid his faith in the wrong direction; he trusted
in the rod rather than his words, yet his faith still worked.
However, his faith worked against him because he applied
his faith in the wrong direction. You can lay your faith in
the wrong direction and get the wrong thing for your life.
Take time to know the direction in which God wants you to
use your faith.
The Word tells us that the steps of a righteous man are
ordered of the Lord. But we must take time in His presence
so that we can know that order, or we’ll miss it and go
a direction different than He had ordered for us.

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N. Dufresne-God: Revealer of Secrets

The first city God’s people conquered when they did
enter the Promised Land under Joshua’s leadership was
Jericho – and it was surrounded by a wall of rocks! God’s
way of delivering that city in the hands of His people was
for them to surround the walls, then give a great shout.
When they did, the wall came down, and they captured the
How did they win? By speaking to a wall of rocks! This
is why Moses wasn’t allowed to lead God’s people into their
first battle in their new land – he failed to believe his
words would affect one rock to bring forth water. How
could he lead a nation to shout at an entire city’s wall of

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. Nancy Dufresne-God:The Revealer of Secrets

Although Moses disobeyed by striking the rock with the
rod, instead of speaking to it, water still poured out of the
rock. How come it still worked? Because God goes where
faith puts Him! Moses had faith that by striking the rock
that water would flow, and God has to meet faith. Yet,
because he disobeyed, he was not able to lead God’s people
into the Promised Land.
Moses showed that he had faith to use the rod, but he
didn’t have faith that his words would produce results.
God was trying to train Moses that even rocks would obey
his words, but Moses disobeyed in this.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. C Hopson-Above the Storm

I gratefully acknowledge the
incredible work of Kenneth Price in
his book “The Eagle Christian” published
by Old Faithful Publishing
Co., Wetumpka, Alabama; Copyright
Other sources used:
Charles Preston
Golden Eagle, Sovereign of the
Skies, Graphic Arts Center Publishing;
Copyright 1993
Doug Storer
Encyclopedia of Amazing but
True Facts, Sterling Publishing Co.,
New York, NY; Copyright 1980
Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts,
Character Sketches, from the pages of Scripture, Rand
McNally and Company Publishers; Copyright 1976
Derek Hall
Encyclopedia of North American Birds
Thunder Bay Press, San Diego, California; Copyright
The New Encyclopedia Britannica: William Benton
Publishers, Chicago, Illinois; Copyright 1984

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Fear of the Lord-Pastor David Hoffman

I am saddened when someone tells me they cannot give up
something because it means too much to them. What they are
really saying is that they are going to worship that thing or
person instead of God.
Sometimes a person’s actions speak louder about their idols
than anything they say. People who refuse to forgive often make
an idol of self. It has many faces...self-pity, self-centeredness,
self-importance, self-righteousness, and so on. When someone
refuses to forgive, they are refusing to obey God’s command to
forgive and are bowing to the idol of self.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor David Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

It is unlikely that you have a five-foot statue in your home
that you bow to in worship every day, but you may have idols.
Anything we place higher than God is an idol. For some, idols
are money, cars, a boat, or a big house. For others it is their job,
prestige, or power. Relationships, acceptance, or a lifelong
dream may also be idols. Even fear of man can be an idol for
some people.
You can identify idols by answering this simple question:
“What keeps me from obeying God and doing what He wants
me to do?”
Your answer reveals the idols in your life.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor D. Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

Give Up Idols
When God issued the Ten Commandments to the Israelites,
His highest priority was that they have no idols.
Then God spoke all these words, saying, ‘I am the LORD
your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out
of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods
before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any
likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth
beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not
worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am
a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the
children, on the third and the fourth generations of those
who hate Me, but showing loving kindness to thousands,
to those who love Me and keep My commandments.’
[Exodus 20:1-6]

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

God:The Revealer of Secrets-Nancy Dufresne

In the life of Moses we can see a warning for ourselves.
As God’s people journeyed in the wilderness after being
delivered from Egypt, they needed water. So, God told
Moses to strike a rock with his rod and that water would
flow from the rock. As he obeyed the Lord, the water
flowed forth from the rock, and they all received their supply.
At a later time, God’s people were again faced with a
need for water. This time God instructed Moses to speak
to the rock; but Moses, who had faith in the use of the rod,
disobeyed and struck the rock like he had before instead of
speaking to it.

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N. Dufresne-God: Revealer of Secrets

To fail to wait before God, is to fail! You must get clarity
in your spirit of what He’s leading you into before you
move forward. Don’t lay your faith on some things until
you have that clarity. Faith works; but if you lay your faith
on the wrong thing, you may take your life in a direction
God didn’t intend for you to go.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. Nancy Dufresne-God:The Revealer of Secrets

Take Time to Know
As I stated before, Jesus told a minister that ninety
percent of His ministers live and die and never get into the
first phase of the ministry He had prepared for them. The
reason these ministers didn’t get into the first phase of
their ministry was because the ministers didn’t take the
time to wait before God so that they would know what God
planned for them.
Many ministers run here and there studying other
ministries, looking for their secrets of success. While we
may be able to learn some basic principles from others, it’s
a dangerous thing to adopt another man’s steps in the
quest for success. You can only get the plan for your ministry
from the God who authored your ministry.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Above the Storm-Carol Hopson

Praise God that we are not mortally wounded when we
give in to the storms of life. God is always ready to forgive
us, strengthen us, and bring us closer to Himself. However,
I love this picture of continually looking upward where
all our hope and joy is found.
I do pray that this book will help you rise above the
storms of life as you allow the currents of God’s Word and
the knowledge of His love to lift you to new heights. And
so, as you trust God’s truths, remember that God is always
there to help you “mount up with wings as eagles” to where
you can clearly see the “ Son.”

Keep your skyward look, my soul
There’s nothing down below
Except some fears and heartaches
And worries that will grow.
Keep your skyward look, my soul
It’s what God wants for me
For as I stay above the storm
His precious truths I’ll see.
Keep your skyward look, my soul
He’s all I need and more
For I have found no joy without
This Savior I adore.
Carol Hopson

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Mrs. Carol Hopson-Above the Storm

There’s one more story I’d like to
share with you in closing. It’s from
the wonderful devotional book entitled
“Streams in the Desert” by L. B.
One day in autumn, while on
the open prairie, I saw an
eagle mortally wounded by a
rifle shot. With his eyes still
gleaming like small circles of
light, he slowly turned his
head, giving one last
searching and longing look
toward the sky. He had often
swept those starry spaces
with his wonderful wings.
The beautiful sky was the
home of his heart. It was the
eagle’s domain. It was there
he had displayed his
splendid strength a thousand times. In those lofty
heights, he had played with the lightning, and
raced the wind. And now, far below his home, the
eagle lay dying. He faced death because…just
once…he forgot and flew too low.
My soul is that eagle. This is not its home. It must
never lose its skyward look, I must keep faith, I must
keep hope, I must keep courage, I must keep Christ.
There is no time for my soul to retreat. Keep your
skyward look, my soul; keep your skyward look!

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. C Hopson-Above the Storm

Home should be a place where love
Is freely scattered ‘round,
Where dreams can grow and flourish
And helpful words abound.
Home should be a place where time
Is spent to teach and train
Where parents strive to model what
They want their kids to attain.
Home should be a place where God
Is central to all plans
Where His Word is the authority
For anything at hand.
Home should be a place where hearts
Are strengthened day by day
Where God has fertile soil to plant
His seeds along the way.
Carol Hopson

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Fear of the Lord-Pastor David Hoffman

And He said to them, ‘Truly I say to you, there is no one
who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or
children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who will not
receive many times as much at this time and in the age to
come, eternal life.’ [Luke 18:29-30]
Understand this—if you are married to an unbeliever, I am
not saying you should divorce simply because they are trying to
pull you away from God. When you married you made a covenant
before God and He expects you to honor that covenant. The Bible
is very clear about divorce for a believer—being married to an
unbeliever is not grounds for divorce [1 Corinthians 7].

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor David Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

Rejecting the fear of man might mean you lose a relationship.
Do you really want to be yoked together with someone who does
not want you to obey the Word of God? If you are unmarried and
in a relationship with a friend or potential spouse who is trying
to influence you to live contrary to God’s Word, the best thing you
can do is run the other way! Get out of that relationship...please!
If you obey God instead, you will never be sorry! God has
wonderful promises for those who sacrifice relationships to follow

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor D. Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

That is rejecting the fear of man no matter what anybody tells
you—the President of the United States, the Supreme Court,
even an angel! If an angel appeared to you and told you to do
something contrary to the Word of God, reject it! That angel is
not from God [Galatians 1:8].
Rejecting the fear of man is worth whatever price you pay. I
have known a number of people who lost jobs because they feared
God more than man...God gave them better jobs. Sometimes He
chooses to provide in miraculous ways. There is no formula for
how God will respond, but you can be certain of this—when you
obey God you place yourself in God’s protection and invite His
provision and blessing.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

God:The Revealer of Secrets-Nancy Dufresne

The devil may tell you that if there’s a need, that your
faith isn’t working; but it’s faith that creates a need so that
it can reach past the need to lay hold of the supply.
See past the need, and focus on the God who has prepared
the supply.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

N. Dufresne-God: Revealer of Secrets

Acts 17:28 tells us, “For IN HIM we live, and move, and
have our being…” We don’t move according to the supply,
we move according to Him! As we move in Him, then the
supply will follow. Supply is the reward for the man who
moves in God.
The flesh wants the supply before the money’s due, but
the man following God knows that his only job is to follow
God, for the supply will accompany his movement but will
not often precede it. Faith doesn’t hesitate to create a need
when it’s following God’s leading, for it believes in the God
of supply more than the need.

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Mrs. Nancy Dufresne-God:The Revealer of Secrets

Many want the supply to appear before they ever have
a need, but the supply meets the need; so don’t be afraid to
follow God to a place of need, for you’re following the God of
Doubt, unbelief and the flesh want the supply before
they move forward, but we’re not following the supply –
we’re following God. The supply will follow the man who
moves in God.

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Above the Storm-Carol Hopson

Another woman I’ve counseled stepped out of God’s will
and went along with Satan’s enticement for a time. She left
her husband and children, thinking that the grass would
be greener with a new man in her life. But, this situation
ended differently. She tried to find peace and joy in the
midst of her choices but she couldn’t. Oh yes, there would
be moments of happiness when she would enjoy the temporary
excitement of sinful pleasures, but it never lasted
and then guilt and sadness would overwhelm her. She was
under conviction all the time, and couldn’t ignore the pain
any longer. She finally repented of her sinful choices,
asked forgiveness of her family and went back home. God
honored her obedience and healed her marriage and
restored her joy. Yes, there are still consequences because
of her choices, but she knows she is forgiven and her heart
is at peace.

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Mrs. Carol Hopson-Above the Storm

You’re cheating on God. If
all you want is your own
way, flirting with the world
every chance you get, you end
up enemies of God and his
(James 4:4)
Why do we continue to flirt with
the world? Why are we attracted to
the pull of the world and why do we
think there is more joy there? Let me
explain. Recently, my heart has been
heavy over a friend’s decision to turn
against God’s ways and reject the
truths of His Word. She had been
“working for” the Lord for many
years but then a “friend” came into
her life and enticed her to see what
the world had to offer. My friend
took her eyes off of the truth, stopped
reading God’s Word and fellowship-
ing with believers, and Satan quickly lured her into a life of
sin. I stayed in contact with her for many months, loving
her and trying to call her back to the truth, but she got farther
and farther into her sinful ways. She finally broke off
all communication, but in our last talks I could see how
empty and hopeless her life had become, and yet she chose
to stay...hoping that the thrill would return.

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Mrs. C Hopson-Above the Storm

Dear God, Sometimes it’s difficult
to see Your loving hand,
When people do such hurtful things
It’s hard to understand.
It doesn’t feel like love when You
allow such hurt and pain.
At times I’ve felt betrayed, alone
but Your love still remained.
I’ve learned through yet another child
just how You’re watching me
And how the things that seem so hard
will truly set me free.
For as I learn to trust Your love
when I don’t understand,
You’ll hold me close, sing to my soul
and work out Your great plan.

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Fear of the Lord-Pastor David Hoffman

The Sanhedrin told Peter to stop preaching in the name of
Jesus, but he refused:
When they had brought them, they stood them before the
Council. The high priest questioned them, saying, ‘We
gave you strict orders not to continue teaching in this
name, and yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your
teaching, and intend to bring this man’s blood upon us,
but Peter and the apostles answered, ‘We must obey God,
rather than men.’ [Acts 5:27-29]
Here Peter and the Apostles are being confronted by the
highest authority in all Israel and they simply answered, “We
must obey God rather than men.”

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Pastor David Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

“Look, this is the way we do business. If you’re going to work
here, you have to play by our rules.”
“Christianity is okay on Sunday morning, but this is the real
world. If you don’t compromise a little, you lose money.”
The pressure can be immense—but fearing God means caring
more about Him than others. Sometimes it requires you to take
a stand for righteousness that costs you dearly.
This is nothing new. The Apostle Peter faced fierce peer
pressure when he went before the Sanhedrin—the religious
leaders of his day. As children, Peter and the other apostles
probably were taught that the Sanhedrin men were the most
holy in all of Israel. They understood God’s Word better than
most Jews, were God’s anointed, and had the spiritual authority
in Judaism. God was with them and they were to be obeyed.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor D. Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

Everyone experiences peer pressure, here are some examples:
“Come on! We all want you to be there. You don’t want to be
the only person who doesn’t go, do you?”
“Stop the holy-roller stuff and live a little! You will not go to
hell if you do this!”
“How do you know you don’t like it? You’ve never tried it!
You might be missing out on something great.”
“Come on! What do you mean you don’t have sex with your
boyfriend? It’s natural to have sex!”
“You are not a virgin are you? What is wrong with you...don’t
you like girls?”

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Monday, August 15, 2011

God:The Revealer of Secrets-Nancy Dufresne

Yes, even when you’re following God’s plan for your life,
you’ll be led to a place of need, but don’t be disturbed – it’s
also a place of supply! The supply won’t show up until the
need is created, so never hesitate to follow God to a place
of need – it’s also a place of supply.
Every man who did great things in God’s plan moved
forward into creating the need, for he believed more in the
God of supply than he did in the need he faced.
“But my God shall supply all your need…” When following
God’s plan, don’t be afraid to create a need; that’s
what the supply is for!

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

N. Dufresne-God: Revealer of Secrets

When a man is following God’s plan for his life, he
doesn’t get disturbed if God’s plan leads him to a place of
need, for he knows the supply is just as present as the
need. The supply is present wherever God is leading.
The Hebrews who were delivered from Egyptian
bondage were led by God to the Red Sea; He led them to a
place of need. But the place of need He lead them to was
also a place of supply! The supply was present, but it just
hadn’t become visible yet. As Moses stretched out his rod
over the Red Sea, the supply became visible.!

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. Nancy Dufresne-God:The Revealer of Secrets

Since God has prepared the supply of the greatest need
man would ever face, which was the need of a Savior, can’t
we trust that He has already prepared the supply for every
lesser need we will ever face?
To the man who believes that there’s a supply for his
every need, there is total rest and peace in that man’s life,
no matter what need may arise, for he trusts the Father
who supplies. This man will rejoice in the face of need, for
he knows that need will be answered with the supply!

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Above the Storm-Carol Hopson

My children related a story to me that I will never forget.
Their child was having difficulty sleeping and was not
behaving the way she usually did. They were parents who
disciplined promptly and lovingly, but something had
changed and they couldn’t figure out why she was acting
this way. After asking God for wisdom and researching
some Christian books, they decided that possibly their
child was feeling insecure because the dad had been busier
than usual and wasn’t seen hugging and cuddling his wife
on the sofa in the evening. They decided to make a conscious
effort to do this for about 15-20 minutes each night
before putting their child to bed. Within two nights, the
child was having no trouble sleeping and had returned to
her obedient, loving nature. You see, the love of the parents
gave this child the secure feeling that all was well at
home. This happened years ago and those parents have
never forgotten the lesson they learned. They continue to
show affection and respect for each other in a way that has
given their children a beautiful, secure “nest” in which to
grow and develop. I once read a powerful statement that
has stayed with me for many years. It simply said “One of
the greatest gifts a father can give to his children is to love
their mother.”
Do you need to do some “nest building?” You can start
right now by seeking God’s wisdom and direction for your
family. In Psalm 32:8 He promises,
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you
should go. I will counsel you with my eye on you.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. Carol Hopson-Above the Storm

My husband and I are going to celebrate our fortieth
anniversary in a few months and we are often asked, “How
have you stayed together for so long?” The answer is twofold:
On our wedding day, we both committed to keep our
relationship with the Lord first in our lives and then we
promised to stay with each other for life, to grow together
and serve our Lord together in whatever way He chose.
Secondly, as we’ve sought to live according to God’s plan
for our marriage and family, He has blessed us beyond
measure by increasing our love forty-fold. Don’t get me
wrong here…our marriage isn’t perfect and we are definitely
not perfect, we are human! We’ve had many struggles,
hurts, changed plans, and discouragements, just like
you have. But, as we’ve put each situation in God’s hands
and tried to be faithful to what His Word teaches, we have
simply experienced God’s grace and sufficiency every time.
We would have failed in our own strength, but He is truly
the great “Home-builder” and His principles never fail.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. C Hopson-Above the Storm

This tragic situation reminded me of the importance of
continually strengthening our homes and marriages. We
need to make sure that we are checking our foundation for
cracks, checking our hearts to make sure they are right
with the Lord, checking to make sure we are requiring obedience
from our children and checking to make sure that
our love relationship with our mate is growing stronger
every year.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Fear of the Lord-Pastor David Hoffman

Reject the Fear of Man
Every person has experienced the fear of man, commonly called
peer pressure. It often comes when a family member, friend,
neighbor, fellow student, coworker or supervisor puts pressure on
you to do something contrary to God’s Word. When being liked
and accepted becomes more important than pleasing God, and you
say or do something that compromises or contradicts what you
believe, you’ve succumbed to peer pressure.
At times I have been more concerned about what other people
thought about me than what God thought. Worse yet, I have
placed the opinions of complete strangers above God!

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor David Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

The opposite is also true. If you choose not to fear God, you
will not live victoriously, you will not overcome hardships, and
you certainly will not have peace.
So many Christians suffer needlessly, living with worry,
depression and anxiety; they do not overcome problems...their
problems overcome them. They know God, but do not live in His
provision for their needs because they have areas in their lives
where they do not fear Him. I have lived that way, and it is no
way to live!
The abundant life God has prepared for you is available when
you choose to obey His Word despite your feelings, thinking and

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor D. Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

Sanctuary is a refuge. When you choose to be obedient you
can live above your problems. Jesus said,
In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I
have overcome the world. [John 16:33]
Hardships will come, but you are able to enjoy victory over
them and live in the peace that passes all understanding.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

God:The Revealer of Secrets-Nancy Dufresne

God has prepared a supply for every need. The Bible
tells us that Jesus was as a Lamb slain from the foundation
of the world. God prepared the supply for man’s sin
before Adam ever created the need by sinning. Jesus is the
supply for the greatest need man ever faced – his need to
be restored back into fellowship with God.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

N. Dufresne-God: Revealer of Secrets

Look again at that scripture, “…my God shall supply
all your need…” This makes us to know that every need
has a supply! There is no need that you could ever face
that doesn’t have a supply!
But the fullness of that supply will flow freely to the
man who is walking out God’s plan for his life. That supply
is hindered in its flow to the life of a man who’s walking
out the plan he’s formed for his own life.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. Nancy Dufresne-God:The Revealer of Secrets

Jesus walked out the Father’s plan when He was on the
earth, but He also walked in God’s provision. When Jesus
was faced with a need, He never became disturbed, for He
knew that if there was a need, there was also a supply! To
become disturbed in the face of a need is to forget that
there’s a supply!

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Above the Storm-Carol Hopson

Another area of homebuilding mentioned in Ephesians
5:21-30 is the husband-wife relationship. This certainly
had broken down in this marriage. God specifically tells us
that we are to submit to one another and wives are to be
subject to their husbands. Husbands are to be the leaders
of the home and must love their wives with the same love
that Christ showed to the church. Husbands are even told
to love their wives as they love their own bodies. I asked
the woman about her relationship with her husband and
she told me that she felt unloved and taken for granted for
many years but had done nothing about it. There had been
no effort in recent years to strengthen their marriage or to
seek help for their problems. They simply let life’s pressures
and Satan’s attacks pull them farther apart and now
their “nest” was truly falling apart.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. Carol Hopson-Above the Storm

After listening to the heart-broken mother for awhile, I
asked how involved her husband was with the training of
their children. She related to me a familiar story, one I’ve
heard too many times. “Well, he started out doing fairly
well when they were really little, but gradually, his work
took more time and he was tired when he got home, so I
took on more and more. He really isn’t involved at all in
their discipline or their spiritual growth now. I’ve grown
tired of doing it all and so haven’t been as faithful as I
should be.” With hindsight, it’s easy to see why this family
fell apart. There was no renewal, no strengthening, no
teamwork, and no continuing effort to stay committed to
God’s principles.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Mrs. C Hopson-Above the Storm

The passage goes on to state that fathers should not:
...make your children angry by the way you treat
them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline
and instruction approved by the Lord.
(Ephesians 6:4 NLT)
Can you imagine how different our Christian homes
would be if all fathers regularly and lovingly instructed
their children in the ways of the Lord? It seems that this
is usually left up to the mother, when she has time, and it’s
no wonder that our homes are falling apart. We haven’t
followed the Biblical pattern for strong homes.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Fear of the Lord-Pastor David Hoffman

One of my favorite scriptures is Isaiah 8:13-14:
It is the LORD of hosts whom you should regard as holy.
And He shall be your fear, and He shall be your dread.
Then He shall become a sanctuary.
I love this verse because it says that when Christians choose
to fear God He becomes their sanctuary. In the Old Testament a
sanctuary was the place where the presence of God resided.
When you choose to obey God, He becomes your sanctuary. You
are able to sense His presence in every situation because He is
there to help you. He will go ahead of you and guide you. He has
already been to your future and has provided specifically for each
situation. When a problem materializes, God has been there and
is ready to guide you through it—despite what you think or feel!
The only requirement to navigate through life’s difficulties is
that you ask His direction.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor David Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

Faith is required to obey God. In faith you must believe God
knows what is best for you and then obey Him. You may not
understand why, and will often be required to act contrary to
what you think and feel. If you have experienced this, you know
that there are times when your emotions are screaming at you to
do one thing and the Word of God and His Spirit are guiding you
in a different direction. It is as if God is saying, “Please, do not
listen to your heart! Go My way and be blessed.”
Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear
of the LORD. Who is the man who desires life, and loves
length of days that he may see good? Keep your tongue
from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit. Depart
from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.
[Psalm 34:11-14]
David is essentially saying that if you want to have a long,
abundant life...the kind of life God planned for you...choose to
fear Him, depart from evil, be honest and obey His Word.

Are you a Christian authorlooking for a quality publisher that offers over 25 years of experience and expertise? Have you written a book and want to start the publishing process? CSN Books offers quality publishing services including: editing , cover design , printing , and distribution. Check out for more information and download their FREE Ebook, "Before You Publish." Learn what you need to know before choosing a publisher. We can be searched under Christian publishers or CSN Books.

Pastor D. Hoffman-Fear of the Lord

Choose To Be Obedient
Proverbs 1:29-30 essentially says that when we obey God we
fear Him. Fearing the Lord is simply making the choice to be
obedient. When we do, God gives us the ability to understand
His principles as we read His Word. Those principles impart
wisdom on how to live...the result is the abundant life Jesus
came to provide.
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
[John 10:10]

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