Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dr. Michael Wourms Speaks Out

Here are the basic things you need to do web marketing of your book, as shared from our own CSN books website plan:
* Website includes full credit card processing on all four major credit cards. This service alone costs $20 to $30 per month if you did it yourself, plus a set-up fee of several hundred dollars.
* The ability to include multiple books on web pages.
* CSN only charges 20% of order, buyer pays shipping and handling. A $20 book means you receive $20 - $4 processing, for a total of $16 to you. Amazon, in contrast, takes 65% of the order.
* In essence, CSN becomes your own, private office staff: taking orders, packaging them up, and shipping them.
* We will process all orders through our 800 number---866-484-6184. This feature alone would run $25 or more per month, plus a one-time set-up fee. Our authors give out this number when they are on radio or TV talk shows.
* We will process all orders through any direct mail piece you generate.
* CSN will fulfill all orders received. Some months, on some clients, we may send out several hundred books.
* On the 15th of the following month, based upon your book’s sales, we will cut you a check and send you a monthly statement for all book orders processed on your account the previous month.

Dr. Michael Wourms

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing , editing , and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Ruth Lyon

The stories written in Some of God's Kids Have Big Ears reflect the humor, miracles and extraordinary circumstances involving my life, my children's lives as "Preacher's Kids" in the ministry, and my Christian family, better known as parishioners. The inspirational stories, and applied scriptures, are written for the enjoyment and devotional edification of the reader. The motivation for writing my book came because of a desire within me to leave my children a legacy, which to me is more valuable than earthly riches. The stories of my life, and a history of my search and fulfillment in finding God, impacted my life and theirs.

Most of the early years of my life and my children's lives were spent in the ministry. My ministry began as a musician and a Gospel Quartet Pianist. Many of the events that happened during those early years are comical and entertaining. My husband and I shared a ministry, but were divorced. There was a time of pain and recovery, but through it all, God never left spite of my own human frailties and mistakes. He restored my fellowship with Him, and I have continued to experience His love, blessings and protection.

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Carol Krejci

How do you say earth's final farewell to the one dearest to you? How do you jumpstart depleted energies and reinvest them after such a heart scald? Does the sadness never go away?
With open candor, pragmatic insight, and gentle humor, Carol Krejci addresses these searing questions. Her volume, gift-wrapped with earthy vitamins, shouts that God is the Original Promise Keeper in every situation-- one day at a time.
"Writing this book has been a journey back in time to those sad years, as I had to constantly refer to my journals for details and time frames. It has been painful, yet I knew I had to continue. I wanted to address this eternal question of 'Where is God?' and give evidence of His constant presence among us at all times and in all circumstances, even when it would appear that He is not there."

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Rosemarie Malroy

Spiritually Widowed Wives teaches you how to react biblially to a non-Christian husband or to one who neglects spiritual matters.
It helps you to:
-Allow God, your spiritual husband, to give you balance and moral support.
-Live Peaceably with a non-Christian mate or to one who is kukewarm to God,
-Love and honor your husband
-Depend on God for widsom and leadership through Bible study and devotions.
-Face your unique problems and seek answers from God.
-Learn what he scriptures say so by faith you can apply them to your life.
-Provide a loving atmosphere where the Holy Spirit will work
-Enjoy God's goodness and lay claim to His promises.
May God's love surround and protect you; may hope fill your mind and heart.

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Marjorie Williams

When Glen and Marge Williams met Jesus for the first time in 1972, they decided if they were going to be Christians, they would be Christians all the way. They would do what He called them to do, whatever it was. They began to read the Bible and put into practice the admonition to his followers; share the good news of salvation, Heal the sick and cast out demons. They assumed everyone was doing these things, because the Bible said to, then they discovered few were. People advised them not to get involved in that stuff, however, it was too late, they had already seen lives changed by the power of the Holy Spirit, and like the words in the old song say, "No Turning Back, No Turning Back."

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Jeb Wofford

St. Paul: His Life and Times relies most heavily on the Epistles which are contained in the New Testament, and St. Luke's book of Acts; it is not intended as a complete coverage of Paul's life as a Christian, nor as an attempt to get into Paul's very complex theology.
I make certain assumptions which are different in a substantial way from most studies of this important and beloved saint. For example, during the Epistles, Paul records three visits to Jerusalem, while St. Luke, in Acts, records at least five. Luke placs Paul's trial before Gallio in the early part of Paul's missionary journeys. I believe this famous trial before Gallio took place just before Paul's final trip to Jersalem where he was arrested and sent to Felix in Cearsaria under heavy guard (for his own protection).
Please, do yourself a favor and read this sober, comprehensive study from beginning to end and form your own judgement concerning St. Paul: His LIfe and Times.

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Dennis Hamilton

Do you think the Bible is out-dated for today’s modern world? Find out how hundreds of passages from the Old and New Testaments can be applied to your problems and situations today. The Word of God will sink deeply into your heart and make a dynamic difference.

"Rev. Hamilton is a brilliant young writer. This compilation of sermons is inspiring, informative and instructive. You will find them Biblically based and Doctrinally sound. Do not just read them, but study them."
Pastor J.B. Williams, Ph.D., Calvary Church, Oxnard, CA

"Be Strengthened For Your Journey through a man of faith who spiritually slugs it out in the day-to-day faith battles of life as you and I do, and yes with a resiliency of faith that lifts the spirit, encourages the heart, and adds value to those around him. Be assured Dennis has put these timeless truths to work in his own relationship."
-Pastor Wayne G. Nonoshita, Goleta Valley Church, Goleta, CA

"Strength for the Journey ," is a book of spiritual zingers. Like "Turning Praise into Power," it is firmly based in scripture, but has more of Hamilton's own articulate and astringent practical tips on the truth of Christian living. The book is an unapologetic application of Biblical lessons to our lives.
-Ruth Guggenheim, Santa Barbara, CA

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cindy and Richard Benson

Can A Person Know For Sure?
...that he is going directly TO HEAVEN WHEN HE DIES? Do you mean, "Take one breath on earth an the next one in the presence of God in Heaven?"
I am sure that if you could really know for sure, you would want to know. Wouldn't you? You would want your little children, who trust you and look up to you, to know. Or your mother or grandmother, who are getting older.
Here is a story of a sixth generation Mormon, a young lady who chronicles her struggle with this very question...
Can I Know For Sure?
You will sense her happiness and pride in her early life of religion. Later you will sense her pain as she struggles to obtain peace with God.
We present this story so you can see the difference between RELIGION AND REAL PEACE WITH GOD.

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Tony Foglio

The purpose of this simple devotional is found it its title. It is to help you find success in your everyday world and that you might enjoy a peaceful night of rest.
I have divided the daily Bible readings into two sections. I recommend that you read the New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs in the morning and the Old Testament portion in the evening. I have likewise chosen two verses o scripture for each day’s devotional: one to be read in the morning along with your Bible reading and the other to be read in the evening.
The daily devotionals were written to be read aloud. I highly recommend that you do so.
Also, let me encourage you to look for nuggets of gold-lies or sayings that my make a difference in your day. You may wish to write them on a card for reference or to memorize.
Furthermore, allow me to encourage you to write your own devotional. I promise that it will be very rewarding and a wonderful legacy to leave to your children and your children’s children.
Remain faithful to a daily devotional time. It will serve you well.
Tony Foglio

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Greg Davis

The Lord has heard the cry of His people! God has impregnated His Church, and His people, with a divine destiny! Now is God's time to birth a new financial release, new jobs, and a new freedom from bondage and addictions for His people! Our fruit will spring forth and cover the earth.
God's people have a divine destiny and a new song! Now is your time to leave behind the hindrances of your past and move into new territory where our tents are large. Whatever the devil has thrown at you, you will throw back. Everything he took you will regain. Do not fear or be dismayed -- God goes before you and follows behind. Stop scraping by...God want you to live in overflow!

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Monday, February 9, 2009

TD Saunders

Our Heavenly father would have you choose life over sickness, life over sorrow, life over deep distress, so much so that He sent His Son so you might have that life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). However, this life is not without responsibilities. In "Take Up Your Bed and Be Healed", Dr. T. Darnell Saunders clearly explains the responsibilities that Christians and non-Christians must play in the healing process. This powerful book will help motivate and inspire you to bloom in God's desire to heal you. "Take Up Your Bed and Be Healed" will exhort you to:
-Understand that sickness has not control over your life.
-Learn how to use the authority within.
-Learn why it is important to forgive yourself.
-Learn how to live by the characteristics of Job.
-Learn how important it is to declare your healing.
-Learn how to avoid moving in you emotions over God's motions.
-Reveal the manifestations of your healing.

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Charlene Bridges

Reverend John Booko, Sr. is an American born Assyrian whose parents were born in Lower Tiari area in Norther Iraq. His grandfather was a priest of the Assyrian Makes the Word of God Fun to Learn!
Every parent has a burning desire to help their children know the Word of God, and grow effective in their prayers. Tell Me a Story helps young children, through interesting stories, to learn the truth of Scriptures, and teaches them how to pray! In a fun way, your children will learn about God's protection and love.
Tell Me a Story was created to help your children experience God's Word living in their hearts as they explore the exciting world of Benjamin Bunny, Wrinkles, Joshi, Jim Bear and Benji. This is a must read!

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

John Booko

Reverend John Booko, Sr. is an American born Assyrian whose parents were born in Lower Tiari area in Norther Iraq. His grandfather was a priest of the Assyrian Church of the East in Asheta, Turkey. His parents were married in Chicago in 1921 and John was born November 29, 1922.
Reverend Booko holds a Bachelor of Theology degree from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois, in 1950, and a Master of Arts degree from Northwestern Universtiy Graduate School in Evanston IIllinois , 1951.
John Booko served in the United States Navy from February 1943 to December 1945.
He is an ordained Baptist Minister and served as Pastor in Baptist churches for over 24 years. In 1975 he founded an interdenominational church, now called the Riverside Church, where he serves the Lord with his son, Paul, who became the senior Pastor.
John and his wife, Burnell, have resided in Three Rivers, Michigan since 1963. They have four children and fifteen grandchildren.
John also serves as a representative for "Intercessors For America," a ministry that encourages effective prayer and fasting for the Church, nation, and leaders.
In 1992 he published his book "Assyiria- The Forgotten Nation In Prophecy", which has sold over 10,000 copies. 2,000 copes of his book were also printed in the "Malalayam" language of Kerala, India, and were distributed there.
Since the publication of his book, he has made numerous speaking engagements on the topic of his book throughout the United States and around the world.
Reverend Booko not only delivers the message of God about Assyria but also the Good News of Christ's salvation and God's grace to all.

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Discipline of Writing

“I have an incredible story; I just need help writing it.” Is this you? You feel overwhelmed thinking about how to get you story into book form. The best thing to do is just to start writing. An experienced editor or ghostwriter can take what you have written and create a high quality book without taking away from your personality or changing the foundation of your message.
You need to establish a specific time schedule and place that is devoted only to getting your story down in writing. This should be a minimum of two hours at a time with no interruptions. With the help of a good computer many of your grammatical and spelling errors can be corrected for you. When you have everything down an experienced editor and writer can make adjustments to improve the flow of your book and the quality of your writing. An experienced typesetter can than work on making your book look professional with creative graphics and font styles appropriate to your personal style. You will also need a gifted graphic designer to create a cover for your book that will draw your reader’s attention.
It does take discipline to create a high quality book but it also takes a professional team that is willing to work with you to not only produce your book but also make it available to the marketplace.

Lynora Bayless

The Devoted Bodies study will provide an opportunity to join with other believers to thoroughly examine health from a stewardship perspective. We will look at the food culture we live in, and how, without even realizing it, believers have been conformed to the pattern of this world which has hampered the cause of Christ in some very specific ways. Our health often holds us back from the ministry we desire. Our prayer life is consumed with requests for sick believers.
God is always calling us to be the salt and light. In the area of health this starts with spurring one another on toward obedience and righteousness. If you would like to look better, feel better, have more energy or reduce your dependence on medications, you owe it to yourself to explore God’s Divine Design for your body. This study will help you break free from any unhealthy relationships with food and to see your body as the most significant resource God has entrusted to you. In fact, your body is the only constant throughout your life—from which time, talent and treasure are generated for Kingdom purposes. Join us for the discovery of God’s amazing provision for your healing and health!

You need to read this book by it’s current publisher CSN!

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Carl D. Smith

After high school graduation, Carl enlisted in the U.S. Navy, was assigned to Guam and there in a dorm found himself being offered heroin for the first time. After multiple refusals to get high, he gave in once, which launched a 15-year downward spiral in his life. Carl became entrenched in the drug world as a heroin and cocaine user, smuggling drugs and living only for his next fix.
Personal experiences are brought to life from inside his maximum-security prison. “Drugs took me where I did not want to go, made me stay there longer than I wanted to stay, demanding more of me than I wanted to give.” He communicates what it felt like to be homeless, hopeless and a convict lost on the very streets he grew up on. He did not care whether he lived or died…but a much higher power did.
When all hope was lost and it looked as if he would die a dope fiend, an old friend wrote him in a letter while in prison about a Christian program called Teen Challenge. Here he would be loved, taught the Bible, and how to live a life free from drugs and the horrible life he knew.
This poignant, true-life story will grip your heart as you journey with a man on The Ultimate Pursuit.

You need to read this book by it’s current publisher CSN!

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Rev. Diane Crawford

The Giftless Church brings to the reader a prophetic awakening that is speaking to us that there is so much more available to those who are prepared. There is a move of God revealing again as Pentecost did, an empowering experience that is available for every believer—miracles, signs and wonders working through lives to bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Church today is in desperate need of the “falling upon of the Holy Spirit.” Crawford speaks of the “falling upon” as a preternatural superimposition (the supernatural coming upon the natural. The Giftless Church gives the secret of empowerment to live a holy, consecrated life and to accomplish the greater things our Lord spoke of in John 14:12: “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”

You need to read this book by it’s current publisher CSN!

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Barbara Haglund

The testimony of what I was like as an ugly caterpillar, how God came to me when I was homeless, how I accepted Him as my Savior and how He wrapped me in a spiritual cocoon and finally, how I’m coming out, finally, as a beautiful butterfly-well that’s exactly what salvation is!!! It’s like magic and it’s actually a miracle!

I’ve been learning to live God’s way! I’ve been learning I have a choice and I sure don’t want to miss out! I’ve been learning how important my faith and learning to obey and trust God is too!

Now I understand that God wants to bring each and everyone into a completely new dimension where we can totally abandon ourselves to Him 100%. This doesn’t mean we will from problems or that all our prayers will be answered when and in the manner we desire!!!

My hope and prayer is that “Birth of the Butterfly” will encourage one and all! I’ve wanted to quit and give up more times than I can remember and so many times when there just didn’t see any hope, but somehow thank God, I hung in there! It’s so much more worth it and I’ve only scratched the surface. For me the best yet is to come!!!

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Jerry Paulson

Are you experiencing an intimate and passionate “first love” relationship with your heavenly Bridegroom? Do you long to be held in His arms of love? Maybe you have experienced this kind of relationship with Him in the past, but now it has cooled to mediocrity and complacency. Maybe you are like I once was, never having experienced this “first love” intimacy with the Beloved.

He longs to take you into His private chambers, to love you and receive your love.

I found it! You can too!

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Ray Hallenbeck

An exposition of the pre and post raptured bride by Raymond L. Hallenbeck, the Lord's scribe.
About the author as a scribe- My heavenly father said to me, "I want to help you produce a book for My people. It will be a SPIRITUAL BANQUET on a SPIRITUAL PLAIN of understanding.
"First Course- Hors d'oevres (Post Rapture)- to catch their interest
"Main Course- Mentoring Time (Pre Rapture)- full of spiritual substance
"Third Course- A prophetic word (Post Rapture)- information about their relationship with Me in My kingdom of Heaven."
By faith I listened and wrote what He said.

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Bette Hammang

Blaming God for the premature death of her mother, at the age of 16, Bette Hammang turned her back on Him as ran as far as she could run. Nursing resentment led her into a life of desperation for a yearning she could not name. She became pregnant, experimented with drugs and at the young age of 21 was a full-blown heroin addict. She spent the next 30 years convinced that it was only a matter of time until the drugs did what she never had the guts to do—kill her.
In 1976, she attended a church service that introduced her to the Savior, but it would take her 20 more years to understand that He was unable to be her Savior until she made Him the Lord of her life. She stumbled through another marriage, losing custody of her child and frequently cheating death. In 1999, she turned herself into the court after a lengthy run from the law, and Jesus had her right where He wanted her—in jail as His captive audience.
This is the story of Bette and her love letter to the unbeliever. To those who think they have no hope and are beyond redemption, this book is for you. God does exist, He has a plan for your life and He is still in the business of doing miracles—Bette knows…she is one. With God, all things are possible!

You need to read The book and Bunk 51 by it’s current publisher CSN!

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Al Houghton

God has promised end-time protections for His people as we navigate perilous times to accomplish a great end-time harvest. The prophetic tragedy of the last leadership generation is they equipped the church to recognize the mark of the counterfeit christ. The Bible promises nine real marks from the true Christ, each available for a specific end-time purpose. Almost every believer knows the counterfeit 666 but how many of us can name one of God’s nine real marks enabling us to finish our call. Some of the questions answered are:
If we gain God’s marks, are we protected from premature death till we finish our heavenly assignments?
Should we expect the Christians who finish the age to pay less of a price than those who began it?
Will Jesus come to the Church before He comes for it and if so, for what purpose?
If the cup has to be full before we get a new heavens and earth, doesn’t this make the pre-trib, mid and post arguments inconsequential?
Are we preparing our children for the wrong rapture? How should we be training them for the future?
How does the principle of fullness impact the church? Does fullness of iniquity demand fullness of Christ?
If in the end people must acquiesce to buy or sell, what must we do to achieve God’s promised protection now?

You need to read Marked Men by it’s current publisher CSN!

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dominic Contreras

Someone is killing female agents. Do we have a serial killer on the loose, or a diabolic scheme to cover up something more sinister?

Only a tenacious patriot and FBI agent who loves his country; who stands up for right and wrong, has the courage to seek out the killer and bring him to justice.

Who is this secret organization of the “The Brotherhood”? Are they part of a group who wants to overthrow our way of government? What are the motives of the man they call “The Preacher”?

Dr. Dom Contreras has written a great novel, full of intrigue and mystery. While it is fiction, it could happen!

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

William Hunter

"I am the God of your fathers" is a phrase the Lord repeatedly uses in scripture. Though each generation must have its own relational connection with God, the importance of past covenants and connections with Him cannot be overemphasized. In fact, connecting with our God-given past is a part of empowering us for our God-ordained future. It is little wonder that in our day when America has strayed so far from the original intent of our founders and the "ancient paths" prepared for us by God, that the Holy Spirit is leading men like Bill Hunter to awaken us to our roots. The Dawn of a New Day is a masterful look at our past, present and future, not simply for the sake of historical analysis, but for the purpose of present day action. What a great book it is!

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

David Adkins

The Disabled Church is a long awaited piece of material developed to give the Church world a bird's eye view of the condition of the Church, which is currently not flowing in the state or condition best suited for the Kingdom or the Body of Christ. Therefore, through the eye of the crippled man at the gate called beautiful, I have revealed the true condition of the Church from a prophetic eye so as to speak stability and resurrective motivation to rise up and walk. This is a "must have" book to the entire Body of Christ. The revelation is simple: Rise up I say, and walk in the potential first recieved by Adam!

You need to read this book by it's current publisher CSN !

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.
Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Regina Kinney

Regina Kinney got out of bed like every other Saturday morning, her feet hit the floor and before she knew what happened, her legs had done an open-wide split and she tumbled to the floor. The pain was so excruciating that her screams awakened her husband. This “open book wound” as they call it in the medical field, led Regina to begin her life journal—journal became this book—as a heartfelt tribute to the Lord and to the variety of people He brought into her life during this time. Through months of pain, an arduous recovery and two hospitals later, Regina learned the true value of living and was brought to a saving knowledge of her Savior through a friend.
Regina believes God used her “open book wound” to open His book of love letters to her—the Bible—in a way like never before. Journey with her as she battles obesity, depression, a damaged pelvis and news that she would never walk again. Like many of us, Regina didn’t appreciate what she had until she ran the risk of losing it all. You will be encouraged through her story, told with wit and charm, along with encouraging poems and prose as she gives all the glory to God, for surely she has found, It’s a Wonderful Life, Again!

You need to read this book by it’s current publisher CSN!

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.

Joseph Asciutto

The American Christian Church has become mentally drunk with what is called End Times Prophecy and its deceptive lies, and as with all spiritual lies, the ramifications of it are very serious. Too many Christians are living this end-time deception instead of confronting the satanic influence that is sweeping our nation. America has been steadily declining as the Church dwells on this foolishness; if the Christian Church does not wake up and start fighting America’s spiritual battles we are headed for very serious problems regarding our religious freedom.
The anti-God, anti-Christian movement in America is rapidly progressing. God is no longer welcome in our schools and the latest minting of the United States one-dollar coin is a perfect example. Its long-standing words, “In God We Trust” observed for years on the back of the coin has now been moved in small print to the edge. Laws directly opposing Christians, the Bible, and God’s moral standards are not far behind. When lies, such as those in dispensational eschatology permeate the Church, the Church then follows Satan, the father of lies, instead of God’s Truth.
Israel, Oh, Israel, Where Art Thou? is a book that will open the Church’s eyes and free our spiritual leaders from focusing and teaching this deception. Let us pray that this awakening occurs before it is too late and we, along with future generations, pay the price for allowing Satan’s lies to guide the Church’s thoughts and actions of today.

You need to read this book by it’s current publisher CSN!

CSN books offers all publishing services including proofing, editing, and cover design.Our printing is high quality, and we offer marketing and distribution.